Liten kennel som driver hundeaktivitet og oppdrett etter Norsk Kennelklubb sine regler, med fokus på å avle friske rasetypiske chihuahuaer. My goal is to breed healthy and beautiful dogs with a good temperament. Dogs will be patella and eye-checked before breeding,and all dogs included in our breeding are rewarded at dogshows.
We are part of a chihuahua-group here in Narvik where we every week goes for walks, and trains toghether - as well as attending dogshows and exchange experiences aboout the breed.
Member of Royal Canin Breeder Club, Norsk Kennelkubb, Svensk Kennelklubb, Norsk Chihuahuklubb, Chihuahuacirkeln og Narvik trekk- og brukshundklubb.
Lena Hope
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We are so happy to announce that we are expecting puppies in the middle of March..! 😍 Miller (The Small One's Touch on Fire) & Lita (The Small Ones's Once and Again) Thanks to Pernilla Kling, trusting us by letting Miller live with us for a long period😘 And thanks to Camilla Nilsson - breeder of both dogs ❤️
Photos from Small Hopes's post
Søndagstur med Kirsti og hundene ☺️
Photos from Small Hopes's post
Winter in the north ☺️
Photos from Small Hopes's post
Good night...🌜
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Thanks a lot Angela Shingela for this drawing of my Kira & Lita...! 😍
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Good night ☺️ From Kira, Lita and our guest Miller.