Oak Metal Club of Norway The club was founded in 2012 by the three members Jostein Sandaker, Jan Kåre Bergo and Terje Johansen. Under some pints of cold Heineken in Amsterdam, they decided to start their own club of metalfans in their local society in Aurskog-Høland, Norway.
Since 2012 the time has gone into creating and decorating the headquarters of the club. In Jostein private houses, the entire basement has been converted into a private metal pub for the members only. The latest addition which was completed in April 2014, is a small intimate stage for live bands and artists.
From what was initially supposed to be a boys room where he would gather all his music and merchendise from the early 80 `s, he decided to use the whole basement. It has now became a 54m² of metal history.
The club now consists of almost 50 main members connected directly to the headquarter and nearly 200 support members so far.
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Official Blaze Bayley
SCARS - Heart Of Emptiness [Official Video]
Ny video spilt inn her oppe på OAK med et av våre egne club band SCARS ;) og med denne ønkser vi alle METALHEADS som følger oss og også dere NORMALE en riktig God Påske :)
Oak Metal Club Of Norway
For dere som følger med på hva vi i Oak Metal Club gjør og driver med er nå vårt nye Club Scene lokale Oak GARAGE ferdig oppdatert med NYE bilder . Oak drives som Lag og Forening og er i Frivillighets Registeret . Oak jobber for Metalheads IN generel og for at vi mener det TRENGS ei Metal Scene i club format også utenfor storby området .
Ashes In The Wind
Det skjer ting ute i Oak Garage også på hvile dagen ;) Oak Metal Clubs siste innskudd . Ashes In The Wind er 3 ungdommer som spiller Tungrock . Er du eller vet du om en BASSIST i alderen 13-16 år så ta gjerne kontakt :)