Centre for Crisis Prevention and Peace Advocacy (CCPPA)
The Centre for Crisis Prevention and Peace Advocacy is a non-governmental,non-profit and non-political voluntary organization composed of professional conflict management practitioners who have come together to promote peaceful co-existence among people. CCPPA was registered in April 2012 as the Centre for Crisis Prevention and Peace Advocacy (CCPPA). The founders of CCPPA believed that a strong and organized platform would help support collaborative peace building for conflict transformation, create a civilization of peace and promote the development of conflict management education in Nigeria and beyond. CCPPA plays a major role in developing and disseminating innovative approaches to negotiation and conflict management, including collaboration between conflict resolution organizations and organizations in the field of democratization, human rights, security and economic reconstruction.
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facebook.comGET CERTIFIED IN CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND BE INDUCTED AS A MEMBER OF THE CENTRE FOR CRISIS PREVENTION & PEACE ADVOCACY(CCPPA). APPLY THROUGH OUR DIRECT MEMBERSHIP SCHEME WITH YOUR DEGREE OR HND IN ANY DISCIPLINE. EMAIL US ON centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com OR CALL ANY OF OUR HOTLINES 08092227911,07083886662 FOR MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION. START A DYNAMIC CAREER IN CONFLICT RESOLUTION TODAY. APPLY NOW! MEMBERSHIP OVERVIEW The Centre for Crisis Prevention and Peace Advocacy (CCPPA) as a professional membership body with members across the country is open to all as well as been authorized by the membership grades. Members also receive a journal (The Peace Advocate), with up-to-date conflict management news, information and issues from across the globe. There are six membership grades which are granted according to applicant’s qualifications. For graduates who have completed a HND, Bachelor, Masters or PHD Programme in Peace and Conflict studies and other social science courses are eligible for professional membership based on related work experience. Mature graduates with a degree or HND in any other disciplines are eligible for membership based on relevant work experience. MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES. - Fellow (FCPPA) Minimum of Degree/HND with at least 18 years work experience or fellowship certificate obtained from recognized professional body and must be confirmed by the governing council of CCPPA. - Senior Member (SCPPA) Minimum of Degree/HND with at least 14 years work experience or a 2nd degree with at least 10 years work experience or an equivalent certificate from another recognized professional body. - Full Member (MCPPA) Minimum of Degree/HND with at least 10 years work experience or a 2nd degree with at least 8 years work experience or an equivalent certificate from another recognized professional body. - Associate Member(ACPPA) Minimum of Degree/HND with at least 5 years work experience or a 2nd degree with at least 3 years work experience or an equivalent certificate from another recognized professional body. - Graduate Member (GCPPA) - Minimum of Degree/HND with at least 1 years work experience or a 2nd degree with at least 1 year work experience or an equivalent certificate from another recognized professional body. - Corporate Membership Interested organization desirous of collaborating with the Centre or improving their employees career in Peace and Conflict Resolution practice will also benefit from various capacity building programs at a discount. The recommended qualifying scheme for CCPPA membership is the CCPPA qualifying scheme. Membership is gained by completing a recognized programme of study approved by the council such as Bsc, BA, LLB, MBBS, HND, PGD, MBA, MPA, Msc, PHD in Peace and Conflict Studies, or mediation & Negotiation, Social Sciences OR professional qualifications from accredited bodies. Graduates in other disciplines other the ones mentioned above can also be considered based on relevant years of working experience. The membership grades are open to: Diplomats, Military Personnel, Lawyers, Human Resource Officers/Directors, Executives Officers, Judges/Magistrates, Traditional/Religions/Political leaders, company secretaries/legal advisers, chief registrars, law makers, council managers, NGO/IGO Officials, law enforcement officers, special Advisers, conflict management consultants, labour union executives, opinion leaders, entrepreneurs, pastors, imams, Arbitrators & conciliators, Para-military officers, Mediators & Negotiators, Medical Professionals, Stress managers, proprietors, CSO officials, ADR Experts, Entreprenuers, opinion leaders, and interested members of other segments of the society. Membership application forms can be obtained upon payment of a non-refundable fee of N3000 at any of our offices or through any of our state coordinators or through our website at www.ccppa.org.ng For further details please contact: centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com or info@ccppa.org.ng Call: +2347083886662, +2348092227911, +2348051342652, MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS - Continuous Membership Education Training (COMET): Opportunity to take part and acquire up-to-date skills in all CCPPA seminars and workshops on Peace & Conflict Resolution Practice. - Opportunity to access broad-based resources on conflict management and peace building information including upcoming events, reports, researchers with latest innovations in the practice of the profession. - Opportunity to use the Centre’s membership prefix after your name e.g Fellow(FCPPA) - A platform for Networking with members across the country and overseas - Opportunity to become a Certified Conflict Management Practitioner - Opportunity to feature your professional articles/publications on the centre’s journals and website - Membership exposure to existing and future job opportunities, consultancy, research, grant and contract opportunities in the profession. - Membership recognition as “Peace Advocate of the Year GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE awards at the CCPPA annual conference TRAINING COURSES CCPPA provides practitioner-oriented education, training, and resources on Conflict management.These functional training courses are designed to meet high international standards and created for practitioners in governments, international organizations, non-profit organizations, and the private sector, build and strengthen the skills required for managing conflict in all its phases, from preventing conflict to post-conflict peace building. Interested individuals and organizations can consult us for individual one-on-one training, group training, executive staff training and professional membership atcentreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com or 08092227911, 07083886662. AVAILABLE SHORT COURSES • Negotiation & Conflict Resolution • Mediation Training Certificate Programme • Conflict Transformation & Peace Building • Certified Mediation Training Course • Alternative Dispute Resolution & Restorative Justice • Conflict Management, Prevention & Resolution • Conflict Resolution & Confrontation Management • Conflict Resolution Training for Managers • Conflict Mediation & Negotiation Skills • Crisis Management Training for Managers • Workplace Conflict Resolution CONSULTANCY SERVICES The Centre for Crisis Prevention and Peace Advocacy (CCPPA) offers consulting services to governments, NGOs, International humanitarian foundations, corporations, religious organizations, universities e.t.c. through which organization’s training needs can be determined and followed with tailor-made training solutions developed with assistance from associations with leading consultants overseas. For more info: centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com Website: www.ccppa.org.ng Blog: www.ccppa.blogspot.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/ccppa Twitter: www.twitter.com/peace_advocate Instagram: @conflictmanager INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATIONS • The University for Peace, Costa Rica • Mahatma Ghandi Institute for Non Violence • New York Peace Institute, U.S.A • Insitute for Cultural Diplomacy, Germany • Bancaja International Centre for Peace and Development, Spain Administrative Head Office: 26A Ahmadu Bello Way, C.S.S Bookshop Building, Kaduna. Tel: +2348092227911, +2348051342652 Email: centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com www.ccppa.org.ng Abuja Office Suite TF 315, M.K.K Plaza, I.T Igbani Street, Beside Vinee Gas, Jabi District, Abuja. Tel: +2347083886662, +2347037736911 Email:centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com www.ccppa.org.ng
OVERVIEW Research has shown that Crisis Management is based on knowledge, skills and attitude that can be learned. A good crisis management process will help identify threats to an organisation, its stakeholders and customers as well as providing structure to deal with a crisis when it does occur. Managing a crisis effectively will help ensure that any damage to an organisation is limited and that in post-crisis, the business can develop and grow. A crisis is defined as any situation that threatens to harm a person or property, disrupt business, negatively impact an organisation or damage its reputation. The role of crisis management is to help manage these situations when they occur, or where possible, avoid them happening altogether. The credibility and reputation of organizations is heavily influenced by the perception of their responses during crisis situations. The organization and communication involved in responding to a crisis in a timely fashion makes for a challenge in businesses. There must be open and consistent communication throughout the hierarchy to contribute to a successful crisis-communication process. This seminar is designed to help participants develop the skills and knowledge needed to deal with crisis when they occur so that teams can collaborate easily on solutions not problems. Participants in this seminar will learn new methods of planning for crisis management; anticipating and avoiding crisis wherever possible and walk away with a tool-kit of security awareness strategies to use in the workplace or at home. It will also help employees and employers manage the organization’s reputation both online and in the more traditional sense. This is an essential component of every successful organization’s human resource development and organizational development strategic effort. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Following the seminar, the participants would: • Learn how to identify the crisis vulnerability of your organisation. • Learn how to put measures in place to limit the chance of a crisis occurring. • Learn how to create a clear strategy for dealing with crisis when it happens. • Learn how to improve their understanding of the impact of a crisis and how to mitigate it. • Learn how to manage the relationship with customers and the media effectively. • Learn how to apply principled workplace security essentials. • Learn how to assess proper methods of physical security. • Develop practical skills and techniques to protect networks, computers, applications, and data from attacks (Cyber security) • Get tools to manage general security constructively in the workplace and at home. PERFORMANCE GOALS As a result of the employee/participants’ achievement of the above learning objectives • The financial cost of Crisis will decline by 60%. • The frequency of crisis and security challenges in the organization will decline by 65%. • Crisis and security issues that do occur will be satisfactorily resolved 80% of the time without any involvement by a superior. • Employee satisfaction with the workplace will increase by 30%. TOPIC OUTLINE Module One: Crisis Management: An Overview Definitions of Crisis Management Types of Crisis including Stakeholder Identification and Analysis Crisis Prevention and Planning Crisis Management Models (Crisis strategy Checklist and Crisis Response) o Dealing with the media and creating crisis message o Internal communication and crisis recovery Public Sector Crisis Management o Schools and crisis management o Government and crisis management o Elected officials and crisis management Crisis Practice—Case Study Module Two: Security Awareness What is Security Awareness Essentials of Workplace Security Computer/Cyber Security Fundamentals Physical Security( Proper Methods) Emerging Realities in Security Management Employee and Contractor Responsibilities in Security Awareness TARGET Executives, Permanent Secretaries & Directors ,Negotiators, Managers, HR professionals, Government employees/employers, Diplomats, Business people, Labour Union and management representatives, Consultants, team leaders, educators, health care professionals, lawyers, accountants, potential professional mediators, law enforcement officers, traditional/religious/political leaders, opinion leaders, pastors, diplomats, legal advisers, company secretaries, Military personnel, NGO officials, civil society leaders, entrepreneurs, Conflict management experts, Para-military, stress managers, Imams, opinion leaders, mediators & negotiators, medical professionals, arbitrators and conciliators, proprietors, CSOs, ADR professionals, interested members of the public. BENEFITS At the end of the seminar, participants would be able to: • Plan, anticipate and avoid crisis where possible • Manage the reputation of your organization when crisis occurs • Respond appropriately to crisis • Address issues of online reputation • Develop tools that will help support your crisis management plan • Prevent unauthorized disclosure of information • Prevent unauthorized modification of files • Ensure timely access to resources SEMINAR MATERIALS Every seminar participants receives: • Seminar material • Seminar folder • Flash drive containing soft copy of seminar power point presentation material FACILITATORS Our facilitators are certified by: • Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators of Nigeria • United States Institute of Peace • Peace Operation straining Institute • CCPPA FEES: (N20, 000 For Members) (N25,000 for Non-Members) (covers seminar handout, folder, Lunch, group photograph and certificate). Payment deadline is 9th March, 2018. Rebate is available for organizations sending six or more candidates NOTE: This seminar is compulsory for all CCPPA members and would be considered for membership upgrade. DATE: 10th March, 2018. BOOKING INFORMATION Venue: Midax Training Hall, Suite TF 315, M.K.K Plaza, I.T Igbani Street, Beside Vinee Gas, Jabi District, Abuja. Time: 10: 00 Am Account Details: ECOBANK PLC Acct Name: Centre for Crisis Prevention & Peace Advocacy Acct Number: 0313003522 Sort Code: 050080368 For more information and to register, please call 08092227911, 07083886662 or send email to: centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com .
CONFLICT ANALYSIS & EARLY RESPONSE SKILLS SEMINAR INTRODUCTION Conflict management practitioners, academics, leaders at all levels face extraordinary challenges dealing with the various phases of conflict, whether rebuilding in the aftermath, stopping conflict in progress or preventing conflict before it begins. In this effort, successful educators and practitioners follow a simple precept ‘’Effective action depends upon insightful analysis’’. This course presents an introduction to the subject of conflict analysis, illustrating analytical tools with reference to two extended cases, the conflict of Kosovo and the genocide in Rwanda, thereby enabling us to adequately analyze the Nigerian situation. LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, participants would be able to: • Apply the most effective global principles of classifying phases of conflict using the curve of conflict in ways that yield measurable results. • Generate a thorough set of characteristics for describing conflict using an analytical framework. • Understand and identify interventions appropriate to different phases of conflict. • Master and analyze the conflict of Kosovo and the genocide in Rwanda using terms and concepts from the curve of conflict. • Sharpen their conflict analysis techniques special to conflict resolution. • Explore and analyze unfamiliar conflicts using terms and concepts from the curve and framework. • Monitor conflict management policy implementation and review COURSE OUTLINE • Intensity of conflict after the cold war Ethnic Violence Civil Violence Religious Violence Shifting trends in conflict after the cold war Inter-state vs. intra-state violence Professional Armies vs. Militias Territorial aims vs. Ethnicity/identity Military casualties vs. civilian casualties Tools of conflict Analysis Introduction to the curve of conflict Introduction to Analytical framework The curve of conflict applied to the genocide in Rwanda Analytical framework applied to the conflict of Kosovo Case Studies o The genocide in Rwanda o The conflict of Kosovo o Terms and concepts from the curve of conflict and analytical framework Analysis of the Nigerian Situation • Pre-independence Period • Post-independence period • Colonial Legacies • The Way Forward Certificate Exam and award of Certificates TARGET Negotiators (those who negotiate or need to resolve issues), Managers, HR professionals, Government employees/employers, Business people, Labour Union and management representatives, Consultants, team leaders, educators, health care professionals, lawyers, accountants, potential professional mediators, law enforcement officers, traditional/religious/political leaders, opinion leaders, pastors, Imams, Diplomats, security officers, Mediators, Entreprenuers, diplomats, legal advisers, company secretaries, Military personnel, NGO officials, Executives, Directors, potential Conflict managers, para-military, those with passion for conflict resolution, civil society leaders and CCPPA members. SEMINAR MATERIALS Every seminar participants receives: • Seminar material • Seminar folder PROPOSED DURATION: One (1) Day Training TRAINING METHODOLOGY This training combines the following: • Lectures with PowerPoint presentation • Extended and industry-oriented case studies • Practical hands-on classes • Participative exercise and discussions • Module assessment and discussion • End of training practice questions and answers FACILITATORS Our facilitators are certified by: • Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators of Nigeria • United States Institute of Peace • Peace Operation straining Institute • CCPPA FEES: The cost per person is as follows: Registration: (CCPPA Members: N20, 000) Non-CCPPA Members: N25,000 (Covers: Tuition, Training materials, seminar folder, Lunch, Group photograph and Certificates ( Issued by the United States Institute of Peace)USIP). Reservation to this seminar is on a first-confirmed-first-served basis. Please call any of our hotlines 08092227911, 07037736911 for a confirmed reservation. Early registration is encouraged. Payment deadline is 8th March, 2018. NOTE: Please note that this course is affiliated to the UNITED STATES INSTITUTE OF PEACE and certificates would be issued by the institute based in Washington DC. DATE: 9th March, 2018. BOOKING INFORMATION Payment should be in cash payable directly to: Centre for Crisis Prevention & Peace Advocacy bank account: ECOBANK A/C No: 0313003522. Sort Code: 050080368 Rebate is available for organizations sending six or more candidates (Payment deadline is 8th March, 2018). VENUE: Midax Training Hall, Suite TF 315, M.K.K Plaza, I.T Igbani Street, Beside Vinee Gas, Jabi District, Abuja. Time: 10: 00 am For more information and to register, please call 08092227911, 07083886662 or send email to: centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com
OVERVIEW Research has shown that Crisis Management is based on knowledge, skills and attitude that can be learned. A good crisis management process will help identify threats to an organisation, its stakeholders and customers as well as providing structure to deal with a crisis when it does occur. Managing a crisis effectively will help ensure that any damage to an organisation is limited and that in post-crisis, the business can develop and grow. A crisis is defined as any situation that threatens to harm a person or property, disrupt business, negatively impact an organisation or damage its reputation. The role of crisis management is to help manage these situations when they occur, or where possible, avoid them happening altogether. The credibility and reputation of organizations is heavily influenced by the perception of their responses during crisis situations. The organization and communication involved in responding to a crisis in a timely fashion makes for a challenge in businesses. There must be open and consistent communication throughout the hierarchy to contribute to a successful crisis-communication process. This seminar is designed to help participants develop the skills and knowledge needed to deal with crisis when they occur so that teams can collaborate easily on solutions not problems. Participants in this seminar will learn new methods of planning for crisis management; anticipating and avoiding crisis wherever possible and walk away with a tool-kit of security awareness strategies to use in the workplace or at home. It will also help employees and employers manage the organization’s reputation both online and in the more traditional sense. This is an essential component of every successful organization’s human resource development and organizational development strategic effort. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Following the seminar, the participants would: • Learn how to identify the crisis vulnerability of your organisation. • Learn how to put measures in place to limit the chance of a crisis occurring. • Learn how to create a clear strategy for dealing with crisis when it happens. • Learn how to improve their understanding of the impact of a crisis and how to mitigate it. • Learn how to manage the relationship with customers and the media effectively. • Learn how to apply principled workplace security essentials. • Learn how to assess proper methods of physical security. • Develop practical skills and techniques to protect networks, computers, applications, and data from attacks (Cyber security) • Get tools to manage general security constructively in the workplace and at home. PERFORMANCE GOALS As a result of the employee/participants’ achievement of the above learning objectives • The financial cost of Crisis will decline by 60%. • The frequency of crisis and security challenges in the organization will decline by 65%. • Crisis and security issues that do occur will be satisfactorily resolved 80% of the time without any involvement by a superior. • Employee satisfaction with the workplace will increase by 30%. TOPIC OUTLINE Module One: Crisis Management: An Overview Definitions of Crisis Management Types of Crisis including Stakeholder Identification and Analysis Crisis Prevention and Planning Crisis Management Models (Crisis strategy Checklist and Crisis Response) o Dealing with the media and creating crisis message o Internal communication and crisis recovery Public Sector Crisis Management o Schools and crisis management o Government and crisis management o Elected officials and crisis management Crisis Practice—Case Study Module Two: Security Awareness What is Security Awareness Essentials of Workplace Security Computer/Cyber Security Fundamentals Physical Security( Proper Methods) Emerging Realities in Security Management Employee and Contractor Responsibilities in Security Awareness TARGET Executives, Permanent Secretaries & Directors ,Negotiators, Managers, HR professionals, Government employees/employers, Diplomats, Business people, Labour Union and management representatives, Consultants, team leaders, educators, health care professionals, lawyers, accountants, potential professional mediators, law enforcement officers, traditional/religious/political leaders, opinion leaders, pastors, diplomats, legal advisers, company secretaries, Military personnel, NGO officials, civil society leaders, entrepreneurs, Conflict management experts, Para-military, Imams, proprietors,military, diplomats, CSOs, opinion leaders, medical professionals,arbitrators and concliators, stress managers,ADR professionals, e.t.c BENEFITS At the end of the seminar, participants would be able to: • Plan, anticipate and avoid crisis where possible • Manage the reputation of your organization when crisis occurs • Respond appropriately to crisis • Address issues of online reputation • Develop tools that will help support your crisis management plan • Prevent unauthorized disclosure of information • Prevent unauthorized modification of files • Ensure timely access to resources SEMINAR MATERIALS Every seminar participants receives: • Seminar material • Seminar folder • Flash drive containing soft copy of seminar power point presentation material FACILITATORS Our facilitators are certified by: • Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators of Nigeria • United States Institute of Peace • Peace Operation straining Institute • CCPPA FEES: (N20, 000 For Members) (N25,000 for Non-Members) (covers seminar handout, folder, Lunch, group photograph and certificate). Payment deadline is 9th March, 2018. Rebate is available for organizations sending six or more candidates NOTE: This seminar is compulsory for all CCPPA members and would be considered for membership upgrade. DATE: 10th March, 2018. BOOKING INFORMATION Venue: Midax Training Hall, Suite TF 315, M.K.K Plaza, I.T Igbani Street, Beside Vinee Gas, Jabi District, Abuja. Time: 10: 00 Am Account Details: ECOBANK PLC Acct Name: Centre for Crisis Prevention & Peace Advocacy Acct Number: 0313003522 Sort Code: 050080368 For more information and to register, please call 08092227911, 07083886662 or send email to: centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com .
PROCESSING OF APPLICATIONS TO BE INDUCTED AS A MEMBER OF THE CENTRE FOR CRISIS PREVENTION & PEACE ADVOCACY(CCPPA) FOR FIRST QUARTER 2018 DIRECT MEMBERSHIP SCHEME IN PROGRESS. 1. QUALIFY AS A CERTIFIED CONFLICT MANAGER With your Degree or HND in any Discipline 2. ACHIEVE A DYNAMIC CAREER As a Versatile Professional Conflict Management Practitioner MEMBERSHIP The Centre for Crisis Prevention and Peace Advocacy (CCPPA) as a professional membership body with members across the country is open to all as well as been authorized by the membership grades. Members also receive a journal (The Peace Advocate), with up-to-date conflict management news, information and issues from across the globe. There are six membership grades which are granted according to applicant’s qualifications. For graduates who have completed a HND, Bachelor, Masters or PHD Programme in Peace and Conflict studies and other social science courses are eligible for professional membership based on related work experience. Mature graduates from other disciplines not mentioned above can also apply for membership based on relevant work experience. MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES. - Fellow (FCPPA) Minimum of Degree/HND with at least 18 years work experience or fellowship certificate obtained from recognized professional body and must be confirmed by the governing council of CCPPA. - Senior Member (SCPPA) Minimum of Degree/HND with at least 14 years work experience or a 2nd degree with at least 10 years work experience or an equivalent certificate from another recognized professional body. - Full Member (MCPPA) Minimum of Degree/HND with at least 10 years work experience or a 2nd degree with at least 8 years work experience or an equivalent certificate from another recognized professional body. - Associate Member(ACPPA) Minimum of Degree/HND with at least 5 years work experience or a 2nd degree with at least 3 years work experience or an equivalent certificate from another recognized professional body. - Graduate Member (GCPPA) - Minimum of Degree/HND with at least 1 years work experience or a 2nd degree with at least 1 year work experience or an equivalent certificate from another recognized professional body. - Corporate Membership Interested organization desirous of collaborating with the Centre or improving their employees career in Peace and Conflict Resolution practice will also benefit from various capacity building programs at a discount. The recommended qualifying scheme for CCPPA membership is the CCPPA qualifying scheme. Membership is gained by completing a recognized programme of study approved by the council such as Bsc, BA, LLB, MBBS, HND, PGD, MBA, MPA, Msc, PHD in Peace and Conflict Studies, or mediation & Negotiation, Social Sciences OR professional qualifications from accredited bodies. Graduates in other disciplines other the ones mentioned above can also be considered based on relevant years of working experience. The membership grades are open to: Diplomats, Military Personnel, Lawyers, Human Resource Officers/Directors, Executives Officers, Judges/Magistrates, Traditional/Religions/Political leaders, company secretaries/legal advisers, chief registrars, law makers, council managers, NGO/IGO Officials, law enforcement officers, special Advisers, conflict management consultants, labour union executives, opinion leaders, entrepreneurs, pastors, proprietors, and members of other segments of the society. Membership application forms can be obtained upon payment of a non-refundable fee of N3000 at any of our offices or through any of our state coordinators or through our website at www.ccppa.org.ng For further details please contact: centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com or info@ccppa.org.ng Call: +2347083886662, +2348092227911, +2348051342652, MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS - Continuous Membership Education Training (COMET): Opportunity to take part and acquire up-to-date skills in all CCPPA seminars and workshops on Peace & Conflict Resolution Practice. - Opportunity to access broad-based resources on conflict management and peace building information including upcoming events, reports, researchers with latest innovations in the practice of the profession. - Opportunity to use the Centre’s membership prefix after your name e.g Fellow(FCPPA) - A platform for Networking with members across the country and overseas - Opportunity to become a Certified Conflict Management Practitioner - Opportunity to feature your professional articles/publications on the centre’s journals and website - Membership exposure to existing and future job opportunities, consultancy, research, grant and contract opportunities in the profession. - Membership recognition as “Peace Advocate of the Year GOLD, SILVER and BRONZE awards at the CCPPA annual conference TRAINING COURSES CCPPA provides practitioner-oriented education, training, and resources on Conflict management.These functional training courses are designed to meet high international standards and created for practitioners in governments, international organizations, non-profit organizations, and the private sector, build and strengthen the skills required for managing conflict in all its phases, from preventing conflict to post-conflict peace building. Interested individuals and organizations can consult us for individual one-on-one training, group training, executive staff training and professional membership atcentreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com or 08092227911, 07083886662. AVAILABLE SHORT COURSES • Negotiation & Conflict Resolution • Mediation Training Certificate Programme • Conflict Transformation & Peace Building • Certified Mediation Training Course • Alternative Dispute Resolution & Restorative Justice • Conflict Management, Prevention & Resolution • Conflict Resolution & Confrontation Management • Conflict Resolution Training for Managers • Conflict Mediation & Negotiation Skills • Crisis Management Training for Managers • Workplace Conflict Resolution CONSULTANCY SERVICES The Centre for Crisis Prevention and Peace Advocacy (CCPPA) offers consulting services to governments, NGOs, International humanitarian foundations, corporations, religious organizations, universities e.t.c. through which organization’s training needs can be determined and followed with tailor-made training solutions developed with assistance from associations with leading consultants overseas. For more info: centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com Website: www.ccppa.org.ng Blog: www.ccppa.blogspot.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/ccppa Twitter: www.twitter.com/peace_advocate Instagram: @conflictmanager INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATIONS • The University for Peace, Costa Rica • Mahatma Ghandi Institute for Non Violence • New York Peace Institute, U.S.A • Insitute for Cultural Diplomacy, Germany • Bancaja International Centre for Peace and Development, Spain Administrative Head Office: 26A Ahmadu Bello Way, C.S.S Bookshop Building, Kaduna. Tel: +2348092227911, +2348051342652 Email: centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com www.ccppa.org.ng Abuja Office Suite TF 315, M.K.K Plaza, I.T Igbani Street, Beside Vinee Gas, Jabi District, Abuja. Tel: +2347083886662, +2347037736911 Email:centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com www.ccppa.org.ng -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CRISIS MANAGEMENT AND SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING INTRODUCTION Research has shown that Crisis Management is based on knowledge, skills and attitude that can be learned. A good crisis management process will help identify threats to an organization, its stakeholders and customers as well as providing structure to deal with a crisis when it does occur. Managing a crisis effectively will help ensure that any damage to an organization is limited and that in post-crisis, the business can develop and grow. A crisis is defined as any situation that threatens to harm a person or property, disrupt business, negatively impact an organization or damage its reputation. The role of crisis management is to help manage these situations when they occur, or where possible, avoid them happening altogether. The credibility and reputation of organizations is heavily influenced by the perception of their responses during crisis situations. The organization and communication involved in responding to a crisis in a timely fashion makes for a challenge in businesses. There must be open and consistent communication throughout the hierarchy to contribute to a successful crisis-communication process. This seminar is designed to help participants develop the skills and knowledge needed to deal with crisis when they occur so that teams can collaborate easily on solutions not problems. Participants in this seminar will learn new methods of planning for crisis management; anticipating and avoiding crisis wherever possible and walk away with a tool-kit of security awareness strategies to use in the workplace or at home. It will also help employees and employers manage the organization’s reputation both online and in the more traditional sense. This is an essential component of every successful organization’s human resource development and organizational development strategic effort. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Following the seminar, the participants would: • Learn how to identify the crisis vulnerability of your organization. • Learn how to put measures in place to limit the chance of a crisis occurring. • Learn how to create a clear strategy for dealing with crisis when it happens. • Learn how to improve their understanding of the impact of a crisis and how to mitigate it. • Learn how to manage the relationship with customers and the media effectively. • Learn how to apply principled workplace security essentials. • Learn how to assess proper methods of physical security. • Develop practical skills and techniques to protect networks, computers, applications, and data from attacks (Cyber security) • Get tools to manage general security constructively in the workplace and at home. PERFORMANCE GOALS As a result of the employee/participants’ achievement of the above learning objectives • The financial cost of Crisis will decline by 60%. • The frequency of crisis and security challenges in the organization will decline by 65%. • Crisis and security issues that do occur will be satisfactorily resolved 80% of the time without any involvement by a superior. • Employee satisfaction with the workplace will increase by 30%. TOPIC OUTLINE Module One: Crisis Management: An Overview Definitions of Crisis Management Types of Crisis including Stakeholder Identification and Analysis Crisis Prevention and Planning Crisis Management Models (Crisis strategy Checklist and Crisis Response) o Dealing with the media and creating crisis message o Internal communication and crisis recovery Public Sector Crisis Management o Schools and crisis management o Government and crisis management o Elected officials and crisis management Crisis Practice—Case Study Module Two: Security Awareness What is Security Awareness Essentials of Workplace Security Computer/Cyber Security Fundamentals Physical Security( Proper Methods) Emerging Realities in Security Management Employee and Contractor Responsibilities in Security Awareness TARGET Executives, Permanent Secretaries & Directors ,Negotiators, Managers, HR professionals, Government employees/employers, Diplomats, Business people, Labour Union and management representatives, Consultants, team leaders, educators, health care professionals, lawyers, accountants, potential professional mediators, law enforcement officers, traditional/religious/political leaders, opinion leaders, pastors, diplomats, legal advisers, company secretaries, Military personnel, NGO officials, civil society leaders, entrepreneurs, Conflict management experts, Para-military, security officers, Business Negotiators and members of the public with passion for crisis and security management. BENEFITS At the end of the seminar, participants would be able to: • Plan, anticipate and avoid crisis where possible • Manage the reputation of your organization when crisis occurs • Respond appropriately to crisis • Address issues of online reputation • Develop tools that will help support your crisis management plan • Prevent unauthorized disclosure of information • Prevent unauthorized modification of files • Ensure timely access to resources SEMINAR MATERIALS Every seminar participants receives: • Seminar material • Seminar folder • Flash drive containing soft copy of seminar power point presentation material FACILITATORS Our facilitators are certified by: • Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators of Nigeria • United States Institute of Peace • Peace Operation straining Institute • CCPPA FEES: (N20, 000 For Members) (N25,000 for Non-Members) (covers seminar handout, folder, Lunch, group photograph and certificate). Payment deadline is 8th February, 2018. Rebate is available for organizations sending six or more candidates NOTE: This seminar is compulsory for all CCPPA members and would be considered for membership upgrade. DATE: 10th February, 2018. BOOKING INFORMATION Venue: Midax Training Hall, Suite TF 315, M.K.K Plaza, I.T Igbani Street, Beside Vinee Gas, Jabi District, Abuja. Time: 10: 00 Am Account Details: ECOBANK PLC Acct Name: Centre for Crisis Prevention & Peace Advocacy Acct Number: 0313003522 Sort Code: 050080368 For more information and to register, please call 08092227911, 07083886662 or send email to: centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com .
CCPPA fully reperesented at the National Workshop on WAR AGAINST ABUSE IN NIGERIA organized by the office of the Wife of the President of the Federeal Republic of Nigeria, Mrs. Aisha M. Buhari held at the Banquet Hall, Presidential Villa, Abuja. 16/12/2017
Pics from the CRISIS MANAGEMENT & SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING held on the 15th of December, 2017 in Abuja. Second Batch of same training coming soon..