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Kaduna Youth Observatory

Kaduna State, Kaduna, Nigeria
Community organization



This page serve as our own voice on how we view the perspective and development of Kaduna State  


KAYO na tunatar da kai general meeting dinta yau lahadi 15/4/18 a kofar gidan zamzam da missalin karfe 7:50 bayan sallar isha'i. Bashir Haruna Ag. PRO KAYO 15/4/2018

Photo news: In line with Kaduna Youth Observatory mandates (KAYO). It Chairman, Zamzam Musa presented school uniforms, pear of shoes each & writing materials to 12 pupils (orphans) under it watch after successful enrolled into Primary & Islamic schools. Standing by the right is KAYO Secretary Kalusha & lift BoT mmber Umar.

I am deeply delighted to be in midst of stakeholders @ the regional Consultative meeting on review of Nigerian Youth employment Action plan (NIYEAP 2009-2011). I wish to use dis medium to thank Kaduna Youth Observatory (KAYO) who provided technical & other support 4 the review of the NIYEAP document which has been long overdue 4 review, to become a reality. I will not 4get to recognize the effort of our Chairman (KAYO) Zamzam Musa & all other mmbers, Kaduna state ministry of youth, sports & culture as well as all stakeholders 4 taking tym off ur busy schedule to attend dis review meeting. 👉Thank U all🙋🙋🙋 Assist. Welfare KAYO Muhammad Isah Ahmad

Kaduna Youth Observatory (KAYO) inputs on the review Consultative meeting of the Nigerian Youth employment Action plan (NIYEAP 2009-2011) which held @ Shere Hills Jos, today 1/03/18 includes the following: 👉Enhance Youth Employment. 👉Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship. 👉Promoting Youth Employment creation 👉Promoting Equal opportunities for youth.

Jumma'at Greetings from all of us wishing you a splendid weekend and holiday.

As we celebrate #Eid_Al_Adha today let us not forget what the holy day symbolizes. It is about sacrifice, dedication, Service, Humility, Obedience, Charity and Family. Let us spend the days in contemplation of our relationship with God. Let us make out time for old friends and new. Let us mend family ties broken. Reach out to your neighbors with kindness and love. Forgive those who have wronged you. Give as much as u can to those in need. Show kindness to children. Open your hands to strangers. Share whatever little you may have with as many as possible. Give thanks to God Almighty for His Mercy, Compassion and Love. Reflect on the teachings of Prophet Ibraham Alaihis Salam and learn from his humility and obedience to God Almighty. Finally, pray to Allah The Majestic to usher in peace, tolerance, patience, understanding and justice into our land. #Eid Mubarak.

Photos from the meeting between Management of National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) led by its DG, @DrIsaPantami ably represented by his S.A Engineer Ibrahim Nguru and representatives of KAYO led by its Ag.Chairman Zamzam Musa

KADUNA YOUTH OBSERVATORY (KAYO) pleased to invite all of it's member to the today's meeting schedule to take place @zamzam Residence by 8pm. Pls Endeavour to attend. Sign Bashir Haruna Ag.Publicity Secretary 19/3 /2017 It's an empowerment for young persons, women in Agric n trade n artisans. Please encourage our people to apply it's for both sex. Open the link n fill the form it's urgent . Its from Bank of industry Application closes next wk Wednesday. Take note. Pls spread

Fellow Compatriot, KAYO still alive not dead!


NEAR Kaduna Youth Observatory

Kabir Gym

Kaduna, Nigeria