"...Raising a Holy, Healthy & Highly Successful People" III John 2
Introduction/Historical Background
The church, THE SHEPHERD’S FLOCK is the church arm of HAVILAH International Ministries. A ministry that was commissioned of God, by God and for God; full of grace, and anointed for the lifting of every one that comes in contact, or is associated with it.
HAVILAH International Ministries is committed to taking the Word of the Living God to a world that is wallowing in poverty, disease, hopelessness, and unrighteousness. The church arm is to provide a platform of support (prayer, manpower, and funding) for the outreach ministry.
This is an apostolic ministry and we are therefore raising an apostolic team to administer a truly New Testament Church that has room for the 5-fold ministry and other support ministries. The Shepherd’s Flock is set to exemplify a model New Testament Church for the end-time harvest.
God gave the name, “The Shepherd’s Flock,” to the set man (Rev. Tony Akinyemi) in the year 1997. The Shepherd’s Flock stands for PURITY, POWER, and PROSPERITY.
TSF held her first service on Sunday, February 1, 2004 at the Sparkle Multi-Purpose Hall at 118, Joel Ogunnaike Street, Ikeja GRA, Lagos, Nigeria. The church spent only 6 months in this facility before she was served a quit notice for no apparent reason.
The church then relocated by faith to the larger Multipurpose Hall on the 2nd Floor of ETIEBET'S PLACE on Mobolaji Bank-Anthony Way, Ikeja, where we were for 20 months.
God finally provided our own landed property for us during the last week of March, 2006. The church held her first service at her own facility during the first Sunday of April, 2006.
The church was commissioned by God to raise a HOLY, HEALTHY and HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL People for God (see 3 John 2).
We realize that without HOLINESS, no man shall SEE God (Hebrew 12:14); without health, no man can SERVE God effectively or be productive in life (Lazarus was an example); and without HIGH SUCCESS, no man can have a SAY in the affairs of men (Ecclesiastes 9:14-16).
We need success to have a VOICE. Putting it all together, we have P in 3 places (Purity, Power, Prosperity), H in three places (Holiness, Health, High Success), and S in 3 places (See, Serve, Say).
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