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Success Gate Mission Int'l.

1,Ibode Aseyori crescent,old custom building,ondo road., Akure, Nigeria
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This is Success Gate (C&S) Christ's Church Int'l Inc(aka,Ibode Aseyori),the page is set up to propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ on earth.


UNRAVELING THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS DEC. 25 MONDAY, 2017 THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: ZEPH 1, 2, 3; REVELATION 16 TOPIC: MAKING A DIFFERENCE TEXT: 2 KINGS 18: 1-8 Although Hezekiah was the son of one of Judah’s worst kings, he grew up to be one of the very best (2 Kings 18:8). Hezekiah set about righting the wrongs that his father had committed. E did so by cleansing the temple, atoning for the people’s sin, and destroying pagan idols in a vigorous and far-reaching campaign (2 Chronicles 29: 1-11; 18-24; 31:1). When he faced daunting challenges, such as the threat attack on Jerusalem by the Assyrian King Senacherib, but Hezekiah showed profound courage and faith. He relied on God for salvation and strengthened his people by word and his example (2 Chronicles 32: 7-8) later, when Hezekiah needed correction for showing a haughty attitude. He humbled himself and repented (2 Chronicles 32: 24-26). Clearly Hezekiah did not let his past ruin his present or deprive him of a future. Rather, he showed that he was God’s friend and a fine example to imitate. Golden verse: Read 2 Kings 18:5 SOURCE:

UNRAVELING THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS DEC. 24 SUNDAY, 2017 THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: HAB. 1, 2, 3; REVELATION 15 TOPIC: AVOID EVIL ACTIVITY TEXT: JUDGES 9:1-15 Abimelech took advantage of his mother’s brother (tribal sentiment) for his political benefits. This great tragedy in Gideon’s family was a result of Gideon polygamous life (8:30-31).Gideon had a commendable leadership ability in the battle field but not in his family life. His concubine/s son Abimelech killed seventy of his half-brothers. Abimelech’s murderous acts are condemned unreservedly. Tribal, religious and political, associations play a very critical part in elections in Africa. Note v.4 that religious was used for money generation/business, hence the seventy shekels of silver from the temple of Baal-berith. Note also the kind of person hired by Abimelech for his wicked Act(vs.4b-5) and the outcome of their evil association according to Jotham’s prediction in vs.7-15.Be careful not to be used by the politicians to achieve their selfish interest .Avoid evil association see also 1cor. 15:33. Golden verse: Read Judges 9:5 SOURCE:

UNRAVELING THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS DEC 23 SATURDAY, 2017 THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: NAHUM 1, 2, 3; REVELATION 14 TOPIC: DWELLING IN THE SECRET OF THE MOST HIGH TEXT: PSALM 91:1-16 The whole world is experiencing a global violence and people all over the nations of the world are living in constant fear .There is virtually nothing that can be trusted, except God. The Secret place of the most high is a place of trust where God’s care and provision for our daily needs are assured. The benefit of the secret place of God can be summarized as follow 1. Deliverance from all forms of evil. 2. Protection from any fear of any terror by night or day 3. Safely from any sort of evil 4. Helpful intervention and ministry angels. 5. Dominion over all dangerous animals. 6. Access to good things of life and salvation from the Lord. How often do you meet God in place of prayer? Personal intimacy is very important if we must enjoy his presence. Golden verse: Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty Psalm 91:1 SOURCE:

DEC. 22 FRIDAY, 2017 THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: MICAH 6, 7; REVELATION 13 TOPIC: ASK QUESTIONS TEXT: ACT 25:13-22 Preaching the Gospel attracts two responses. Some accept it with gladness and repentance while some respond with rejection. In today’s passage, why did Festus lay Paul case before King Agrippa and his wife? When you are confused to whom do you go? Or who advises and counsels you? Young Person should learn how to ask questions from the right people (parents, pastors, teacher etc). Do not keep your confusions, worries or questions to yourself. Learn to ask from the proper sources. Today, also we saw that the Jews’ accusation against Paul were baseless and have no weight note vs19 &20. Governor Felix did not understand the doctrinal issues involved because spiritual things are foolish to those that are not Christians. Golden verse: So I was at a loss to know how to investigate these things, so I ask him whether he would be willing to stand trial on these charges in Jerusalem. Act 25: 20 SOURCE:

UNRAVELING THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS DEC 21 THURSDAY, 2017 THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: MICAH 4, 5; REVELATION 12 TOPIC: BE A PROFESSIONAL Text: Colossians 3:23-25 The Bible encourages us today to do whatever we do with our whole heart. This means we should put in our best in whatever we do: academics apprenticeship, house chores, service in the church and fellowship etc. When we regard our work as an act of service to God, we do it enthusiastically and unreservedly. The world needs professional today and not mediocre. Don’t settle for haphazard service, be the best both to God and mankind. Golden verse: Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Col. 3:23 SOURCE:

UNRAVELING THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS DEC. 20 WEDNESDAY, 2017 THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: MICAH, 1, 2, 3; REVELATION 11 TOPIC: WHEN NO ONE CARES TEXT: PSALM 142:1-7 Was there a time in your life you felt abandoned? Was there a time when you looked for someone you could share your feelings with and there was none? The writer today found himself in a similar situation. He looked for help but no one was available for him. But he did something we must emulate. What did he do (v.5)? He cried to the Lord. God should not be our last option when all others have failed .God should be our first and only option. Man can fail us but God is an ever present help. (Ps. 46:1) Golden verse: I look for someone to come and help me, but no one gives me a passing thought! No one will help me, no one cares a bit what happens to me Psalm 142:4 SOURCE:

UNRAVELING THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS DEC 19 TUESDAY, 2017 THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: JONAH, 1, 2, 3, 4; REVELATION 10 Topic: LIVE WISELY Text: Ecclesiastes 11: 9-10 The most Challenging and dedicating stage of life is when one is young. Many things seek young people’s attention and careless one go for everything and anything because they want to have a taste of life. Ask any aged person around you when he made the most regrettable mistakes in his life, they would tell you it was when they were young. Those old men and women who ended up in misery today never planned to be so but they were careless in their choices in life. Your future starts now. You will become old one day and reflect on your past life and thank God for wise choices you made or regret not having made wise choices. Golden verse: Young people it is wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minutes of it. Do everything you want to do, take it all in. But remember you must give an account to God for everything you do. SOURCE:

UNRAVELING THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS DEC. 18 MONDAY, 2017 THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: OBADIAH; REVELATION 9 TOPIC: PERSISTENT PRAYER TEXT: LUKE 18:1-8 Prayer is the pathway to justice for the faithful. Persistence proves the reality of faith. Note v.8 We are not to grow weary in waiting for the second coming of our Lord but to persevere in faith. God knows our Challenges and sufferings and hears our cries for intervention. He has the solutions and answers for our problems and will definitely help us. Prayer can protect us from Satan and all his agents. Many people today have ceased having a persistent prayer life because of the pleasure of the world. See Matthew 24:12. Our Lord Jesus is concerned that we should continue in prayer in all matters until he comes. Therefore pray without ceasing. Golden verse: Jesus told his disciples story to show that they should always pray and never give up. Luke 18:1 SOURCE:

UNRAVELING THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS DEC 17 SUNDAY, 2017 THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: AMOS 7, 8, 9; REVELATION 8 TOPIC: YOUR RELATIONSHIP AS A CITIZEN TEXT: ROM 13:1-10 Many people are ignorant in this direction expect you intend to travel outside Nigeria, the consciousness of being as a citizen you have some responsibilities to the state that the Bible supports. You must report all criminal activity to the police. You must pay your taxes, when aggrieved you must seek redress in a court of law. National symbols like the flag or coat of arms must be respected. You must not engage in any activity that will endanger the lives of others. In obeying the law, you are actually obeying God in your relationship as a citizen. Never use your relationship as a citizen for the purpose of evil. Golden verse: Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. Rom. 13:1 SOURCE:

UNRAVELING THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS DEC. 16 SATURDAY, 2017 THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: AMOS 4, 5, 6; REVELATION 7 TOPIC: DO NOT BE IDOLATROUS TEXT: 1 COR.10:7-11, MARK 8:34-38 An idol is an image that represents a god that is worshiped, Idols are made of wood, stone or metal. Idol can also mean a person or thing that is loved and seriously admired. It can be self, money, beauty fashion, etc. Anything you love more than Christ is your idol. Some have sold their souls to the devil because of their love for material things. Life is all about Loving and pleasing God and not about acquiring one status or another. Do not make yourself an object of worship because God alone deserves to be worshiped and adored. True life is found only in Jesus Christ. Golden verse: or worship idols as some of them did. As the scriptures say, the people celebrated with feasting and drinking and they indulged in pagan revelry. 1 Cor. 10:7 SOURCE:

UNRAVELING THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS DEC 15 FRIDAY, 2017 THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: AMOS 1, 2, 3; REVELATION 6 TOPIC: YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH EMPLOYEES TEXT: 1 PETER 2: 14 – 18 It is one thing to employ people. It is another to be just and fair to all the people you have employed. If you are in the habit of owing salaries, sacking without offence, sanctioning at the slightest opportunity, then you are a bad employer. God has made you an employer to better the lives of others abundantly. Do not be self-centered in your planning. Always put the interest of your employees at heart and God will surely bless you, honour and respect all your employees. Col. 4:1, 1 Tim.5:18 Golden verse: live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover up for evil, live as servants of God. 1 Peter 2:16 SOURCE:

UNRAVELING THE SECRETS OF SUCCESS DEC. 14 THURSDAY, 2017 THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: JOEL 1, 2, 3; REVELATION 5 TOPIC: COMPASSION Text: Matthew 14: 14 John 15: 12-13 Compassion leads to providing solution to alleviate the sufferings of others. It also leads us to satisfying the needs of others. The greatest compassion ever shown to mankind by God was to allow Jesus to come to suffer and die for the salvation of mankind. In His earthly ministry Jesus did not just preach repentance from sins but healed the sick and cast out demons from the possessed. Read Luke 10:30-35 and point out the act of compassion. Compassion is at the centre of any soul winning. If you do not have love for the perishing sinners, you may not meet their spiritual and physical needs. God’s compassion and love for us motivated him to do all that he did for us so we should follow His example. Golden Verse: Jesus saw the huge crowd, He had compassion on them and healed their sick, Matthew 14:14 SOURCE:


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