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New Nigeria College - NNC

P.O. Box 73, Umuogbo-Agu, Enugu-Ezike, Enugu State, Nsukka, Nigeria



NNC is a revolutionary match against the hurricane of troubles and stigmatization facing Nigeria due to her fallen standard of education.
Path to restoring FOUNDING IDEOLOGY
“The standard of education has fallen” is a direct consequence of our “I don’t care” attitude towards state matters. Nigerians have stood hands akimbo and watched our generation fall into the black hole of sub-standard of living, poverty and illiteracy – a repercussion for our failure to rebrand our collapsed systems. Following this, there is an indisputable need to raise New Nigeria generation, who of course with no doubt, will be a panacea to this “Nigerian system menace”.
   To combat against this ugly scenario, educational stakeholders in public and private sectors must be in the battle fronts. It goes without saying that education begets knowledge, and knowledge is power. To have given a child sound education is a strategic attempt to building a solid nation. Yet, any knowledge impacted on the platform of moral decadence is dangerous to any human race. Thus, knowledge is power but misapplied knowledge is powerfully dangerous. Cultured, well disciplined and godly mind is the only fertile ground upon which “true” knowledge is cultivated.
   New Nigeria College (NNC) is a revolutionary match against this hurricane of troubles, fear, and stigmatization facing Nigeria from other parts of the global village.

The Dream of the College
1.   Raising God fearing Nigerians.

2.   Restoring the standard of education to its status quo ante.
It is our dream that many Nigerians who have sent their wards abroad due to bastardized entire systems will in no distant time fly them back to our home and our ever green country. Our European brothers who took us for granted will soon return to Nigeria not again for slave trade nor for neo colonialism but to witness, to benefit from, and to learn from the dividends of revolutionary match against our rotten systems – a celebration of giants, leaders and global heroes in our modern Nigeria.
The cost of our dream: Parents, sponsors, and teachers in different categories should support this revolutionary match by enrolling their wards into NNC, a citadel of learning, grooming and reformation. We have restricted ourselves to employing only seasoned wizards of knowledge and God-fearing staff whose loyalty and sincerity to duties is a surety.

Programme offered in the school
The school incorporated other field courses to boost academic erudition of the growing intellects of the students. Such include.
-   practical computer studies   
-   further mathematics
-   French language
-   Introtech workshop
-   And skill acquisition programmes.  

Other classical subjects include
-   English language
-   Mathematics
-   Igbo-language

