American School of The Hague Alumni Association
Welcome to the American School of The Hague official Alumni Association page! Its a great way to keep in touch with us, and to connect with your old ASH classmates and teachers. Whether you are an ASH graduate, former student, faculty member, family or friend, we welcome you to the ASH Alumni Association. We value every person who has shared in our school and community life, and want to continue that feeling of family once you have moved on to your next adventure.
To help you connect to your friends, colleagues and teachers, keep us up to date with your happenings by emailing our Alumni Association.
We hope you will visit us when you have the chance, to see what’s happening at the school you once called home. The current Alumni Association coordinators will be here to welcome you with smiles! Come check out a home sports game, visit with past teachers, participate in reunions, or meet our Director when he travels to the United States at different times of the year. No matter who you want to see or meet, we encourage you to drop by when you can – even if it is a surprise visit.
Be sure it stay in touch with us and get involved in this great part of the ASH community. You may have graduated long ago, but you are never, ever forgotten.
Tell your friends
facebook.comFor those of you who remember the cornerstone of the "new" campus being laid in July 1989 by Former First Lady Bush, and the visit by Former President Bush Sr. and Former First Lady Bush to the ASH Campus in 1990, please share in our sympathies in her recent passing.
The Alumni Association is deeply saddened to share the news of the passing of Sarah Fouad, Class of 2017, who died on March 31st, 2018. A tragic loss of such a young life, our hearts and love go out to her friends and loved ones around the world. Thank you to Sarah DeGoes, ASH Alumni Class of 2017, for helping write the online tribute.
Thanks from the Yarnell Family Trust: Many thanks to all of you who were involved in and supported the Hidden Talent Show, which raised €2,700 for the medical care of Jim Yarnell's daughter, Steph, the Trust extends a huge thank you. It took a lot of volunteers--both on stage and off--to make this evening such a success. If you are interested in learning more about Steph Yarnell's story, check out the Yarnell Family Trust's webpage or GoFundMe site. If you would like to have a DVD of the evening's many memorable performances in exchange for a small donation to the Trust, please email Mark Pilk at
Longevity at its best! Thanks to all the Alumni who wrote in memories for the staff longevity recognition, held yesterday. Was enjoyed by all, even those not in attendance! (Eileen Ferreira and Victor Ferreira, photographed together later). Congratulations once again to all who made the 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 year mark!
ASH Recognizes Staff Longevity Next Week: On Wednesday, March 21st, we will be honoring the longevity milestones of several staff members. Reaching the 10-year mark at ASH are Todd Bouchard, Carla Bruzual, Sophie Campbell, Hailian Dundas, Erin Findlay, Gera Klijnsma, Carol Neeland, Mike Neeland, Laurie Mackaill and Paul Mackaill. Completing 15 years are Rob Boersma, Tricia Claassen, Kim Marantos, Marjolein Siemens and Steef Verhart. Reaching 20 years is Jasper Kalkman, with Elieen Ferreira reaching the quarter-century (25 years) mark. Victor Ferreira celebrates 30 years, along side Jim Yarnell and Smitty Eggelson who both will be recognized for 35 years of service. The recognition will happen during our staff meeting, around 15:30, and is followed by a reception in the HS Library. Students and parents who would like to express their appreciation to these fine staff members are welcome to come by the Theater at 15:30 or the High School Library after 16:00 to join in the celebration. Alumni in the area are welcome to come as well, and if you cannot attend, please send your words of congratulations to by Tuesday, March 20th.
Local alumni might want to check out two great musical events this weekend - The Hidden Talent Show and Combined ASH and Excelsior Community Concert. Saturday evening check out our very talent staff and parents at the Hidden Talent Show, with an amazing line up including Acrid (Mark Pilk, Class of 1994), Peter Loy, Trudi van der Tak, Cheryl de Vries, Richard Spradling and Roberta Enschede. Sunday catch the ASH High School Concert Band performing with local music society Excelsior, in their annual community concert. Something for everyone, so come and enjoy!
Throwback Thursday! Check out Alumni Mark Pilk Class of 1994 in the band Acrid, a photo of their first line up from 1994, including fellow guitarist & ASH alumni Itay Zafrir. They are still going strong today with their newest YouTube video release, Afterburner. If you want to see more, catch them live in a performance next Saturday, March 17th at ASH's Hidden Talent Show!
Passing of Karin Kunori, Class of 2006: Dear Alumni, we are saddened to share the passing of Karin, who attended ASH from Grades 8 - 12. She was a bright and happy student, and we send our thoughts and love to her friends and family during this difficult time.
Anna Trombetta (ASH Alumni), Emma Roijackers, Koenraad Spijker Present “Debussy: A Century After his death”, Sunday, March 11th, 15:00 - 17:00, Amsterdam: Join ASH Alumni Anna Trombetta, Class of 2012, a budding opera singer, alongside a pianist and violinist for a special concert open for everyone of all ages. The concert will is a homage to the 20th century composer Claude Debussy, a century after his death. Open for all who love classical music, and want to support an Alumni (who is still very active at ASH, recently acting as a judge in this year’s AMIS Solo and Ensemble Festival). Location: Amstelkerk Amstelveld 10, 1017 LN, Amsterdam. For more information and tickets please visit the event website.
Alumni - Flip back in time and enjoy this comedic performance of our ES students and their take on ASH Core Values.
Calling all local alumni!
The registration for the Spring Courses from Adult Education is now open. If you're a local alumni and you're looking to improve some of your skills or just to have a good time, don't miss the chance to sign up!
I'm pretty sure you can't see Mars from here
