Wageningen University
Welcome to the official Facebook page of Wageningen University. This page is for current and future students, alumni, staff and those interested in Wageningen University. Wageningen University: For Quality of Life!
Wageningen University is one of the leading international universities with courses in the field of healthy food and living environment. It aims to improve the quality of life by focusing on three main themes: Health, Lifestyle & Livelihood; Food & Food Production and Living Environment.
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facebook.comJoris from the WURporter team is on the Master open day interviewing different people! Post your own questions so we can ask them for you!
5-11 April the One World Week took place at Wageningen University & Research. To celebrate diversity and our international focus, many activities were organised ranging from a fashion show to the Olympics!
Tomorrow evening the WUR Master Open Day will take place. Are you still wavering between two programmes? Read the story of Rianne, who decided to take on two Master programmes!
The shortlist candidates for Teacher of the Year 2018 have been announced. All five teachers were surprised during their lecture, practical or meeting. On the 24th of April the Teacher of the Year 2018 will be awarded! Register at the website to make sure that you won't miss the event! https://bit.ly/2qnBPid
Check out this video of 21 students who climbed the former Bijlmer prison and visited food and sustainability innovations this weekend.
“Even if you’re insecure and you don’t have the guts to do something, close your eyes, take a step forward and trust that everything will work out.” Bringing people together has been the common theme in my life. I have a dream to connect people, but also a dream to show that it is definitely possible to make a change in society. THUIS is the place where this dream comes true. It’s a community of do-ers, of people who believe in a more positive, more fair, more sustainable and more social world and who want to make an impact on Wageningen and the world around us. We believe that every action, however small it may be, has an impact on our surroundings and that big changes start with small actions. THUIS is for everyone, we all live together in Wageningen, 38.000 people. Some people have only lived here for 3 months and others their entire lives, but right now we are all here and together we have to make sure that everyone feels THUIS. (Tutku Yuksel, former BSc student and cofounder of THUIS Wageningen)
How are we going to save the bees? And what can you do to help? 🐝
Are you planning to start with a study in September? Do the study compatibility test, to check if you have chosen the right study programme!
Will you be joining the Argo Lustrum symposium on brain gymnastics on April 11?
The BBQ contest is in full swing and we can already announce the first winner: Ivan Bedetti congratulations on winning the first limited edition 100 years WUR BBQ! If you also want to be part of this competition and have a chance of winning a limited edition BBQ, come pick up a poster at the promotion team office (Forum 118) and put it on your windows. The contest lasts till November and every month the 100 years promotion team will announce two winners, so maybe you are the next winner...
Study delay can mess with your planning, but doesn't have to be a waste of time. Read here how Annika Kloos dealt with her delay!
How can animal breeders contribute to food security in a changing world? Learn about it in the summer school animal breeding and genetics for third year Bachelor and Master students!