CTA - Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
CTA develops and provides services that improve access to information for agricultural and rural development, and strengthens capacities of ACP countries to produce, acquire, exchange and utilise information in this area. It is an ACP-EU organisation 2014 marks CTA’s 30th anniversary. It’s an important milestone that allows us to recognise the contribution of our numerous national, regional and international partners. By working together, we’ve given agricultural and rural communities across African, Caribbean and Pacific countries the vital skills they need for improving agricultural productivity, sustainability and access to markets. This anniversary also lets us recognise the generous support of our sponsors – the European Union and the ACP Group – over the last three decades.
We’ve come a long way as an organisation. In fact, helping transform smallholder agriculture into a profitable and sustainable business in the ACP countries has never been as exciting. CTA is working with its partners on a host of issues ranging from getting young people interested in farming to improving access to markets and finance, developing inclusive value chains, enhancing food and nutrition security policies, building resilient agriculture, and harnessing information and communication technologies (ICTs) for the benefit of smallholders.
This is why we’ve chosen our anniversary theme to be, ‘Knowledge is…Transformation, competitiveness, prosperity, resilience and food’ – a positive message about sharing and creating access to research and training. As part of our 2014 celebrations, we have also just published our Stories for Change book. Containing three decades of inspirational tales from around ACP, it demonstrates how the pure power of knowledge changes lives for the better.
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facebook.comCTA is launching at #YALESI2016 "Innovate for Agriculture” Report
Are you interested in venturing into the #ICT4Ag innovation and entrepreneurship in agriculture ? Don’t miss today 14:30–16:00 – Breakout Room 1 (Dakar), CTA Ardyis project - Agriculture Rural Development Youth ICT's session at #YALESI2016 summit to launch its new publication "Innovate for Agriculture: Young ICT Entrepreneurs Overcoming Challenges and Transforming Agriculture". The book, produced in collaboration with Ashoka Youth Venture, features 30 ICT for agriculture services by 30 innovators from African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Learn more : http://bit.ly/YALESI-en and follow @ardyis_cta.
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Etes-vous intéréssé(e) par l'Innovation et l'entrepreneuriat numérique dans le secteur agricole? Voulez-vous découvrir la nouvelle publication du CTA sur ce sujet? Ne manquez pas alors nos activités au #YALESI2016 à Dakar la semaine prochaine (29-31 Mars 2016) ! Participez aux discussions sur place ou en ligne: http://bit.ly/YALESI-fr
CTA - Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation's cover photo
CTA Ardyis project - Agriculture Rural Development Youth ICT
A must follow event next week: #YALESI2016! Hot topics planned by CTA at the second " Youth Agribusiness, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship Summit on Innovation" (YALESI 2016) from 29 to 31 March in Dakar. Join activities organised by CTA Ardyis project - Agriculture Rural Development Youth ICT, on site or remotely, discover our new publication on ICT and youth entrepreneurship in agriculture! More information: http://bit.ly/YALESI-en
Promoting sustainable Agriculture through private-public partnerships…
Did you know? Small Island Developing States (#SIDS) in the Caribbean, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean face many challenges when it comes to sustainable agriculture. However, they have a great opportunity to transform their agriculture to achieve food security, better nutrition, resilience, youth employment and reduce their large food import bills through smart partnerships, in particular PPPs. Check out CTA's director, Michael Hailu presentation on "Promoting sustainable agriculture through private-public partnerships in SIDS"? at the P3a Conference. http://ow.ly/ZSLhk #P3a
Photos from CTA - Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation's post
CTA is at the P3a Conference 2016 The three day (22-24 March) conference will be bringing 37 Small Island Developing States (#SIDS) together with world Public-Private Partnership (PPP) leaders and provide an international platform to strengthen international cooperation, mobilizing efforts in the pursuit of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. " Through support to sustainable value chains, CTA is closely collaborating with farmers groups, private sector actors, knowledge institutions and policy makers across several SIDS targeting the domestic tourism industry, export markets and offsetting of the large food import bills in these countries.", says Michael Hailu, CTA Director. Follow live : http://ow.ly/ZRsiR and join #P3a
Agriculture, nutrition and health in the Solomon Islands
Building the evidence base for the Agriculture-Nutrition nexus Did you know? In the Solomon Islands “People sell fruits to buy noodles and rice”. The rapid scan commissioned by CTA has identified some challenges including sustaining community engagement, better targeting of agricultural interventions, excess consumption of ‘empty-calorie’ foods leading to obesity (33%) and increased diabetes (13.5%) in the population. Learn more in this report: http://ow.ly/ZQEed #CTAnutrition
CTA Publishing
Un producteur peut-il faire confiance à son téléphone ? Serge Kedja, ingénieur en systèmes d'informations avancés à RONGEAD tente de répondre à cette question dans la présente publication où il expose l’évolution du service d’information et de conseil sur le marché de la noix de cajou, en Côte d’Ivoire. Téléchargez le document : http://bit.ly/1UIP2vo
Timeline Photos
Cartographier dans la jungle : l'expérience chez les Saramaca « L'exercice de #MP3D exigeait le dévouement des participants et a constitué une entreprise particulièrement ambitieuse. La construction de la maquette 3D est aussi passionnante qu'intensive, et je suis certain que les jeunes de l'école du village qui ont participé au processus seront d'accord sur ce point ! », raconte l'un des formateurs soutenu par le CTA. En savoir plus ici: http://ow.ly/ZNcIT
Mapping deep in the jungle: our experience among Saramaccan Peoples
How effective #P3DM is when it comes to bottom-up and inclusive landscape planning? The mapping process supported by CTA in Suriname provided participants with a detailed understanding of the landscape, its interlocked ecosystems, and potential impacts of road development and related extractive activities. "our participation in the exercise helped us to understand and appreciate the P3DM process and now enables us to replicate it within our own projects in the Caribbean region." Check out: http://ow.ly/ZNaMf
Nutrition et santé
L’enrichissement alimentaire contre la faim cachée dans les pays ACP. Le saviez-vous? Les carences en vitamine A sont à l’origine d’un décès d’enfant sur 10, tandis que l’anémie est responsable d’un décès maternel sur cinq durant la grossesse. L’une des solutions contre la faim consiste à enrichir les aliments de base, comme le maïs, le riz et le lait pour mener une vie saine et productive. En savoir plus ici: http://ow.ly/ZKmm1 #ctaSPORE
CTA - Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
Did you know the most cost-effective solutions to address hidden hunger? One tool in the fight against hunger is the fortification of staple foods like maize, rice and milk in ACP countries, where many people do not get the essential vitamins and minerals they need to lead healthy and productive lives. Learn more in #ctaSPORE: http://ow.ly/ZKiwe