Lighthouse Baptist Church Almere
Bible Believing Independent Baptist Church near Amsterdam, the Netherlands
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facebook.comPlease pray for those that received a gospel witness in Amsterdam today. Both Jew and Gentile alike. Met many Israeli’s again today including these two girls on vacation here. Was also interviewed by a Tunisian TV station. Several Iranians also showed support.
Come join us at 9:30 am Sunday morning for our first Sunday service of 2018 as we unveil our new theme!
Pray for those that received a gospel witness in Amsterdam today. Jew and Gentile alike. Met a good number of Israeli’s again today!
Come join us at 9:30 am Sunday morning as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus! Food and fellowship to follow!
Pray for those that received a gospel witness in Amsterdam. Met about a dozen Israelis as well that are thankful for our support and prayers!
Pray for our outreach and open air preaching on the street in Amsterdam tomorrow. Join us in front of Central Station at 12:30 pm!
Do you want to hear some good news? Come join us at LBC Almere tomorrow morning at 9:30 am!
Thank you for praying! Had some great opportunities and many listened to the open air preaching. Pray for Josh from Wales, John from Colorado, and Abraham from Eritrea! Spoke at length with these three.
Please pray for those we will meet on the street in Amsterdam today as we preach the good news of Jesus Christ and warn people of the judgement to come. Please join us if you can, 12:30 in front of Central Station.
Join us tonight for midweek service at 19:00!