Paintball Head to Head
"Head To Head" Indoor Paintball Gaming Center, në Pallatin e Rinisë dhe Sporteve në Prishtinë, (Youth and Sports Center, Pristina)
"Head To Head" Paintball Gaming Center është e vetmja arenë e mbyllur (indoor) e Paintball-it në Kosovë, me një sipërefaqe mbi 1 km2 si dhe një plan strategjik enkas për luftë. Në Pallatin e Rinisë dhe Sporteve.
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facebook.comMere shoqnin' e hajdeni knaquni !! Adrenalina n'Qiell 💥💥🔫🔫 +8 Persona: 💥100Paintballs💥 //⏳1h⏳// 6.99€ (per person) 💥200Paintballs💥 //⏳2h⏳// 9.99€ (per person) Contact: +377 44 13 13 34 // Message Facebook #Paintball #Indoor #PallatiiRinisedheSporteve #Prishtinë #FullAdrenaline 👌👌
Mere shoqnin' e hajdeni knaquni !! Adrenalina n'Qiell 💥💥🔫🔫 +8 Persona: 💥100Paintballs💥 //⏳1h⏳// 6.99€ (per person) 💥200Paintballs💥 //⏳2h⏳// 9.99€ (per person) Contact: +377 44 13 13 34 // Message Facebook #Paintball #Indoor #PallatiiRinisedheSporteve #Prishtinë #FullAdrenaline 👌👌
***Oferte Qershor*** Shoot Paint and Free Your Spirit +8 Persona: 💥100Paintballs💥 //⏳1h⏳// 6.99€ (per person) 💥200Paintballs💥 //⏳2h⏳// 9.99€ (per person) Paguaj 200Paintballs (9.99€) dhe merni 👌+100Paintballs falas 👌 #Paintball #Indoor #Prishtinë #PallatiiRinisedheSporteve #Adrenaline
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Cmimorja H2H Paintball
A jeni per ni CS live? 💥💥💥🔫🔫 Mere Shoqnin e hajdeni knaquni!! +8 Persona: 💥100Paintballs💥 //⏳1h⏳// 6.99€ (per person) 💥200Paintballs💥 //⏳2h⏳// 9.99€ (per person) Contact: +377 44 13 13 34, Message Facebook #Paintball #Indoor #PallatiiRinisedheSporteve #Prishtinë #FullAdrenaline 👌👌
Mere Shoqnin e hajdeni knaquni!! 💥💥🔫🔫 Full Adrenaline!! +8 Persona: 💥100Paintballs💥 //⏳1h⏳// 6.99€ (per person) 💥200Paintballs💥 //⏳2h⏳// 9.99€ (per person) Contact: +377 44 13 13 34 #Paintball #Indoor #PallatiiRinisedheSporteve #Prishtinë #FullAdrenaline 👌👌
Shoot Paint 💥💥💥💥💥💥🔫🔫 +8 Persona: 💥100Paintballs💥 //⏳1h⏳// 6.99€ (per person) 💥200Paintballs💥 //⏳2h⏳// 9.99€ (per person) Contact: +377 44 13 13 34 , Message Facebook #Paintball #Indoor #PallatiiRinisedheSporteve #Prishtinë #FullAdrenaline 👌👌
Shoot Paint 💥💥💥💥💥💥🔫🔫 +8 Persona: 💥100Paintballs💥 //⏳1h⏳// 6.99€ (per person) 💥200Paintballs💥 //⏳2h⏳// 9.99€ (per person) Contact: +377 44 13 13 34 #Paintball #Indoor #PallatiiRinisedheSporteve #Prishtinë #FullAdrenaline 👌👌
30% Zbritje Paintball
Shoot Paint 💥💥🔫🔫 Zbritje 30% +8 PERSONA: [100Paintballs // 1h // 4.99€ (per person)] [200Paintballs // 2h // 8.50€ (per person)] Contact: +377 44 13 13 34 #Paintball #Indoor #Prishtinë #FullAdrenaline
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Nr. 1 edhe n'paintball, jo veq real life. #USArmy, Our Pride. Rezervo +377 44 13 13 34. #Headtohead #Paintball #PallatiRinise
Team 😂💪🏻💪🏻 @_r.gashi_
🔫🛡 #paintball #team #nr1
Bersembunyi bukan berarti penakut, Tetapi bersembunyi lah cara yang paling tepat untuk mengelabui lawan
Special Forces 🇺🇸🇦🇱 #paintball #HeadToHead #thespecialunit #specialforces #theunit #war #night #NATO #UÇK #KFOR #USA #KOSOVA
Cover Me :P
Your natural power within will outlast anything artificial. ⚙️🛠💣 #soldier #navyseals #gun #eod #flag #operator #troops #paratrooper #brotherhood #patriot #usmc #usa #america #82ndairborne #militarylife #ingodwetrust #texaswho #paintballgun #gtek #planeteclipse #160r #playpaintball #paintballer #paintballin #paintball4life #paintballgear #ansgear #ansgearpaintball #extreme #paintballing