Taiheizan Dojo is operated by Sandaikichu Shihan Joseph Miller. Its location is in Hachioji City Tokyo Japan. What is Hakkoryu Ju Jutsu.
Introduction from the Founder
"The techniques of Hakkoryu are nothing but the pure self-protection instinct that prepares your spirit to face urgent matters of life and death. That is, when one encounters violence, it can be said that Hakkoryu provides natural, simple, and practical methods that enable one to calmly face imminent peril and move on without hesitation to capture and punish assailants reasonably and easily in an instant.
Hakkoryu Ju Jutsu has two phase relationship they are
1. Dojo Wazas are shown in basic application so students won’t get hurt in the Dojo, but yet they will feel the effects of Wazas application.
2. Now the Shihan prepares the Monjin (student) to apply those Wazas shown into a basic self defense mode to prevent injury to them-selves from an attack.
3. These Goshin Ju Jutsu Wazas instill the applications of meridian lines that Hakkoryu uses in the application of Koho Shiatsu Igaku, call finger pressure therapy (Shiatsu).
4. The application of meridian line application and pressure point application call Tsubo application are design to immobilize an attacker paralyze him or her until the defender can get away. Some of these applications are lethal and can cause bodily injury and sometimes death if applied in the wrong way.
Hakkoryu was created by Shodai Okuyama Ryuho so one could defend themselves without injury to themselves, and yet apply Those techniques to the attacker without causing bodily death to the attacker.
There is much to say about Martial Artist who apply to much technique to an attacker without weapons and then cause death or serious injury. We must remember especially that once a Martial Artist of higher rank causes more injury then suppose to an attacker then he or she leaves them-selves to be prosecuted by the law. The law said that a Martial Artist hands are like a gun, used in the wrong manner that person is held liable for prosecution and liable financially to the attacker if an act of self defense can be proven to be more than intended to be. Although an attacker who attacks with a weapon is now put themselves beyond that law where now the Martial Artist has the right to protect them-selves and the outcome can become very serious with consequences
Japanese Translation
八光流柔術 創始者 奥山龍峰
三代基柱師範 ジョー ミラー
米国 ニューヨーク出身
11歳の時にニューヨークで護身術に出会いました。最初の師はマイケル ディパスコア(ニューヨークの刑事であり元大統領レーガンとブッシュのボディガードでした)ジョー ミラーが18歳の時米国空軍に入隊し、20歳で日本へ駐留することになり師であるマイケル ディパスコアの紹介で第二の師である八光流柔術 創始者 奥山龍峰と出会いました。彼のもとで12年間学び、64歳である現在も八光流を愛し続けています。
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Hakkoryu Shiatsu - Entrevista com Jesus Bonilla
Photos from Hakkoryu Taiheizan Dojo's post
Today we at Hakkoryu Honbu dojo and the Okuyama family celebrate the opening of the Hakkoryu Honbu on the first week of the new year 2016 January 10