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Youghal Little Theatre

Main Street, Youghal, Ireland
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Youghal Little Theatre is synonymous with drama in East Cork and West Waterford.  


A reminder that Youghal Little Theatre will hold its AGM on Wednesday, 8th February next upstairs in The Red Store at 8.00pm. All are welcome. Our next production will be revealed at our AGM! We are always looking for new members to help out with all aspects of our future productions.

Youghal Little Theatre is pleased to announce that it will hold its AGM on Wednesday, 8th February next upstairs in The Red Store at 8.00pm. All are welcome. Our next production will be revealed at our AGM!

REMINDER: Youghal Little Theatre will hold an end of year celebration at Youghal Golf Club tonight starting at 8.30pm. All our friends and supporters are welcome to attend this free night of entertainment. See you all later for a great night!

Youghal Golf Club

Youghal Golf Club

Youghal Little Theatre will hold an end of year celebration at Youghal Golf Club next Saturday night, 17th December starting at 8.30pm. All our friends and supporters are welcome to attend this free night of entertainment. Looking forward to seeing one and all. It promises to be a great night!

COMPETITION WINNER: We are pleased to announce that Karen Gallogley has won two tickets to our variety show tomorrow night in the Community Centre, Youghal, at 8.00pm. The tickets can be collected at the door. Enjoy the show!

Just a quick reminder that we will hold our fantastic variety show in the Community Centre, Youghal, tomorrow night at 8.00pm. It promises to be a great show! Tickets can be purchased at Cree's Card shop or at the door. Price €12.

COMPETITION. To win two tickets to our Variety Concert on Friday, 18th November please like and share our page and tag two friends! Winner will be announced on Thursday evening 17th November.

Don't forget to purchase your tickets for our Variety Concert which will take place in the Community Centre, Youghal, next Friday 18th November at 8.00pm. Tickets €12 each and can be purchased at Cree's Card Shop, Youghal. A great night's entertainment is assured.

COMPETITION. To win two tickets to our Variety Concert on Friday, 18th November please like and share our page and make sure to tell your friends! Winner will be announced on Thursday evening 17th November.

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Youghal Little Theatre Variety Concert

Youghal Little Theatre Variety Concert


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