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First Cut Youth Film Festival

The Mall Arts Centre, Youghal, Ireland
Non-Profit Organization



First Cut! Youth Film Festival First Cut! Youth Film Project & Festival comprises of a rolling programme of workshops, summer schools and film screening events for young people and sets out to involve young people enjoyably in the arts; build their confidence and skills, enhance their personal development and promote their social inclusion in the wider community.

A Filmmaking Workshop Programme has been developed with 1, 2 day and week-long workshops in both digital film making and animation. Summer Film Weeks have been run since 2008, with two taking place, in Midleton & Carrigaline, in 2009.
Two day Easter Workshops have taken place in 5 centres since 2011. Through the First Draft annual Short Story/Script Competition First Cut! young writers to submit their short stories to be adapted for the screen at the First Cut! Summer Film Week.

In 2012 we can see clearly the benefits of introducing a planned progression route for young filmmakers, from a variety of backgrounds and with differing abilities. The introduction of Animation training, also at this new level, taking place in central locations, brings young people on another journey, away from their original groups of friends and together in new groups of young filmmakers from a broader geographical area.

The annual First Cut! Summer Film Week, a 5 day programme for 20 young people, aged 13-20, is designed to provide a progression route for aspiring young filmmakers giving them access to professional filmmakers &equipment otherwise not available to them, bringing them together to work in teams, develop skills and confidence. In weeks prior to the Summer Week we make contact with youth projects, clubs, Youthreach etc, who are given priority information and access to places on the programme. The programme includes the following: introduction, ice breaking, story/script analysis, art direction, pre-production, roles, camerawork, acting for film, directing, lighting, shooting & editing. All programmes are evaluated.

Some feedback from participants:
“I had so much fun this week… was inspiring for me; meeting people, camera work, being in the actor business and editing... having the trust of the instructors and use of equipment was brilliant. It was a great week….Amazing...would do it again in a heartbeat”


First Cut! Youth Film Fest 2017 Open Call Deadline Reminder

Thats It! The Call for Entries to the 8th Annual First Cut Youth Film Festival and entry for #YMVC 2017with Feel Good Lost are both now closed. We have received 100s of entries and are absolutely delighted with your response. We know that with these amazing films we now have the foundations of a brilliant festival programme- thank you all for entering your short films! Our selection panel have the very difficult task ahead but we will be in touch with everyone shortly again. And ..if you didn't make the deadline this year come along to First Cut Youth Film Festival 2017 anyway, 27-29 April Mall Arts Centre Youghal Cork - see some great films, attend workshops and Q&A's- all Free! A very big Thank you to Max at Cork Film Centre and Tara Leigh Matthews for this great deadline reminder video-

Give yourself a boost! 'Seeing your work screened in a cinema or in any sort of public setting is a huge confidence boost, its confirmation that what you are doing is worthwhile. Not only that but bringing together groups of young filmmakers so they can see each other’s films, make connections, and realise what an interesting and incredible young filmmaking scene we have in Ireland' Daragh Goan 2015 winner with 'Wasted'

Timeline Photos

'Seeing your work screened in a cinema or in any sort of public setting is a huge confidence boost, its confirmation that what you are doing is worthwhile. Not only that but bringing together groups of young filmmakers so they can see each other’s films, make connections, and realise what an interesting and incredible young filmmaking scene we have in Ireland' wise words from Daragh Goan who won a prize for 'Wasted' at First Cut 2015! SUBMIT NOW!

Timeline Photos

First Cut! Youth Film Fest 2017 Open Call Deadline Reminder

Here is a great promo & reminder to submit your shorts from the talented Tara Leigh Matthews. Deadline for submissions is fast approaching. We have a line up of Festival Screenings, Panels & Workshops, and Award Ceremonies planned for April 27-29, 2017. Amazing films arriving in here and we are excited to be planning the screenings, looking forward to welcoming you all to Youghal and some BRILLIANT surprise guests for our Q&A's and Discussion Panels- Keep submitting until the deadline- Tuesday 28th Feb. Thank you Tara!

Calling all Kerry, Ireland young filmmakers! We want your shorts! Radio KerryKDYS TraleeKDYS KillarneyKDYS CastleislandKdys Listowel Kdys Killorglin Donal Walsh #livelife Kerry Film Festival Dingle Film Festival Animation Dingle Film Festival Institute of Technology Tralee

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"I’m currently working in the pre-production stages on a Music Video for a group called Booka Brass Band, which I hope to shoot early next month. The First Cut Film Festival helped me understand the process of making your ideas a reality, as well as introducing me to a bunch of like - minded people, and (hopefully) future collaborators." - Brendan Corcoran, joint winner of YMVC 2016,(see winning music video- Meltybrains? below), Enter #YMVC 2017, ( for the full quote from Brendan Corcoran) and YOU could be this year's winner!

The Academic - Northern Boy (Official Music Video)

"I got commissioned by a record label to make a different music video a couple of months later and seeing the video from the competition was a big factor in their decision.." - Christian Tierney , joint winner of YMVC 2016 #YMVC 2017 with Feel Good Lost - Now it's your chance! Submit Now! Deadline Tues 28 Feb. See details here:

First Cut! Youth Film Festival 2017 seeks submissions by 28th Feb

Thank you Film Mayo for getting the word out to County Mayo filmmakers! GMIT Students' Union, GMIT Mayo Foróige, Mayo Arts Office, Ballina Arts Centre,

First Cut! Youth Film Festival 2017 OPEN CALL! | Culturefox Find out what's on.. an online guide to Irish cultural events, brought to you by the Arts Council Ireland. Some reminders of Fest 2016!

Bri Bri Film

We remember this one Bri Bri Film!

Donal Walsh #livelife

Huge Congratulations to Nathan on this wonderful film! We are looking forward to screening this and the other brilliant winning films at the Mall Arts Centre #Youghal April 27-29, First Cut! 2017-Well done to all involved!

IMRO | RTÉ Scoring For Film Program 2017 | Seeks Film Submissions

This great initiative with IMRO Ireland Filmbase RTÉ Concert Orchestra Screen Training Ireland and The Contemporary Music Centre will provide emerging filmmakers and composers with a valuable opportunity to enhance their skills with hands-on experience in a vital aspect of film post-production. It is also a rare opportunity to have a score composed for full orchestra, all info. here.


NEAR First Cut Youth Film Festival

Supermac's Youghal

Youghal, Ireland
Fast Food Restaurant