Church Hill, Wicklow This is a page set up to advise members of the public of church services, forthcoming events within the parish.
Rector: Canon John Clarke
Wicklow Services:
10am every Sunday
1st and 3rd Sunday of the month 8am Holy Communion
Killiskey services:
11:30 am every Sunday
2nd and 4th Sunday of the month 8am Holy Communion
Every 5th Sunday is a combined family service alternating between Wicklow and Killiskey.
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Killiskey Parish September 2016 Announcements Date of Issue: 28th August 2016 _ “SEEK THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND. CALL UPON HIM WHILE HE IS NEAR” (Isaiah 55: 6). CHURCH SERVICES Sun 11th 08.00am Holy Communion — Rev Ken Rue 11.00am Animal Blessing Service - Rev Ken Rue Bible Readings: Jeremiah 22: 13-16; Psalm 148; Galatians 6: 14—18; Matthew 11: 25-30 Sun 18th 11.00am Holy Communion—Canon Peter Norton Bible Readings: Genesis 2: 18-25; Psalm 148; Revelation 5: 11-14; Matthew 6: 25-29 Sun 25th 08.00am Holy Communion — Rev Jack Kinkead 11.00am Morning Prayer — Mr Derek Singleton Bible Readings: Amos 6: la, 4-7; Psalm 146; 1 Timothy 6: 6-19; Luke 16: 19-31 _ 07.00pm Gospel Service — Rev Ken Rue With Unity Gospel Choir Green, chaste and Foolish. This comedy in 3 acts, compiled and performed by Paul Sharkey, will be played on Friday September 9th at 8pm at the Community & Heritage Centre, Ashford. It will be repeated on 16th September- The admission price is €10 with proceeds in aid of the Centre. GIRLS ’ BRIGADE Girls' Brigade starts up on Saturday 24th September. Registration takes place in East Glendalough School on Saturday 10th September between 11am and 12.30pm. For further details, please contact Lesley Shepherd (087-9646763) or Amanda Spencer (087-6792243). ANIMAL SERVICE This year's animal blessing service takes place on Sunday 11th September All are encouraged to bring your dogs, cats, sheep, cows or other animals (but they should be controlled by a leash or other restraint!). HOSPICE COFFEE MORNING A coffee morning will be held in The Hub from 9.30am to 1pm on Thursday 15th September in aid of Blackrock Hospice. Please come and support this worthy cause if you can. CULTURE NIGHT Friday 16th September is the date for Culture Night 2016. Alchemy has arranged a free concert in the church that evening. The artists performing will be: Vyvienne Long (singer/songwriter and cellist); Marta Nielsen (accordion) and Teach a'tSIeibhe - Paul Bradley (fiddle), Ger Fitzgerald (voice) , Joe McKenna (uilleann pipes) and Mark Kelly (piano and guitar). BBQ A BBQ has been organised by Wicklow Parish for Sunday 18th September, at Kilmullen House, Moneystown, beginning at 2pm. Tickets will cost €20 (adult), €8 (children aged 5-13), €50 (family, 2 Children under 5 go free. Price includes a glass of wine/ soft drink. Pork and lamb will be roasted, burgers and sausages barbequed, and homemade nutroast will be available too! Additional drinks will be available to purchase, or you can BYOB. There will be a bouncy castle and welly-throwing, and a treasure hunt for family entertainment. For further information, please contact Brian O’Rorke or Jim Costello. HARVEST The joint Wicklow & Killiskey Harvest Service takes place in Nun's Cross church on Sunday 2nd October at 7pm. Our guest speaker will be Fr Joseph Apust (“Fr Joe”). He is a Nigerian priest whose main role is as Rector of a Seminary. He ministers in Ashford & Glenealy churches out of term time when he comes each summer to assist Fr Eamonn Crosson. UNITY GOSPEL CHOIR The Unity Gospel Choir meets for rehearsals in Nun's Cross church on Mondays at 7.30pm. New members welcome! We hope to have a Gospel Eucharist in Nun's Cross on the last Sunday in September, October and November. KEVIN CONROY’S ORDINATION Kevin is to be ordained Priest by Archbishop Michael Jackson on 25th September 2016 in Christ Church Cathedral at 3.30pm. Kevin will serve as Curate in Dalkey Parish. Please pray for Kevin, Olive & family, the Revd Bruce Hayes and the people of Dalkey. CONFIRMATION This year's Confirmation Service takes place in Wicklow Parish church at 3pm on Sunday 9th October. There are 13 candidates, including (now former) pupils of Nun's Cross school Zoe Herman, Jake Law and Marcus von Teichmann. Archbishop Michael Jackson will preside at the Confirmation Service. BOOK LAUNCH “Nun's Cross Church and its Treasures 1817-2017” is the title of Patricia Butler's outstanding book on the history of our parish church. It will be launched by Archbishop Michael Jackson in Clermont Campus, Rathnew, on Friday 14th October at 7.30pm. SONGS OF PRAISE A “Songs of Praise” service is planned for 7pm on Sunday 16th October. This is an opportunity to choose and sing your favourite hymns. WICKLOW CANCER SUPPORT Wicklow Cancer Support was set up as a Voluntary Organisation to help cancer patients and their families in Wicklow. Rathnew, Britta: Bay. Ashford and surrounding areas. Services include: Transport to and from Hospital Appointments Counselling & Complimentary Treatments Drop in Centre A Men's Support Group meets on Monday at 11am and a Women’s Support Group on Tuesday at 11am for coffee and chat. The address is Unit 2 First Floor, rear of Butlers Medical Hall, Pharmacy, Abbey Street, Wicklow town. Tel: 0404 32696. Email: PRAYER God of all seasons, we thank you for Autumn. Me thank you for the touch of coolness in the air that gives us a new burst of energy, or the colouring of trees that shows the creativity of the Divine Artist. for the falling leaves that reveal the strength of the branches. for the hues of fields that bring peace to our souls. for the smiles on pumpkins that bring joy to children. for the harvest which brings us gratitude for the bounty of our land. for this change of seasons that reveals the circle of life. God of all seasons, as you transform the earth, transform us by your Spirit. Amen. FACEBOOK You may find the latest parish news and some great photographs on the Nun's Cross Facebook page at: CLERGY CONTACT DETAILS Rev Jack Kinkead — mobile: 086-1727654; e-mall: Rev Ken Rue — mobile: 087—2766590; e-mail: Please note that Ken and Lesley will be on holidays from 12 to 22 September inclusive. Ken is in Malahide Parish in the morning on Sunday 24th September as the preacher at their harvest.
Killiskey Parish announcements are to be found on Nun's Cross Church, Killiskey Parish Facebook page.
Nun's Cross Church, Killiskey Parish
Killiskey Parish Announcements Date of Issue: 24th April 2016 “GOD'S LOVE HAS BEEN POURED INTO OUR HEARTS THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT HE HAS GIVEN US” (Romans 5: 5) CHURCH SERVICES Sun 8th 08.00am Holy Communion 11.00am Morning Prayer Bible Readings: Acts 16: 16-34; Psalm 97; Revelation 22: 12-14, 16-17, 20-21; John 17: 20-26 Fri 13th 10.00 am Nun's Cross School service Sun 15th 11.00am Pentecost Holy Communion Bible Readings: Acts 2: 1-21; Psalm 104: 26-36, 37b; Romans 8: 14-17; John 14: 8-17, 25-27 Sun 22nd 08.00am Holy Communion 11.00am Family Service Bible Readings: Proverbs 8: 1-4, 22-31; Psalm 8; Romans 5: 1-5; John 16: 12-15 Sun 29th 11.00am Joint Parishes Service Bible Readings: 1 Kings 8: 22-23, 41-43; Psalm 96: 1-9; Galatians 1: 1-12; Luke 7: 1-10 07.00pm Gospel Service REGULAR WEEKDAY DIARY The Unity Gospel Choir meets for rehearsals in Nun's Cross church on Mondays at 7-30pm. New members welcome! FRIDAY CLUB, which caters for young children aged 2 to 6 years old: is held from 2.00pm to 2.45pm during term time. COFFEE MORNING The April coffee morning in aid of the Children of Chernobyl Foundation raised €1,152. Thanks to all who supported this event. THE HUB is open Tuesday to Friday mornings from 10am to 1.30pm and on Saturdays from 11am to 3pm (subject to availability of volunteers). Lesley Rue would be interested in hearing from any potential new volunteers. On Thursday mornings from 10.30am LET'S CRAFT! meets in The Hub. SUNDAY CLUB If you would be in a position to help with a monthly Sunday Club for primary school children, please let Rev Ken Rue know. SELECT VESTRY Congratulations and thanks to all who were appointed/elected at the Easter Vestry: Rector’s Churchwarden: Jane Hammond People's Churchwarden: Dan Healy Rector’s Glebewarden: Michael Norman People's Glebewarden: Ivan Sheane Other Select Vestry Members: Stephanie McDonald (Hon Secretary), Amanda Mooney, Hazel Bayley, Juliet Belton, Patricia Butler, Bernadette Glover, Richard Henderson, Albert Mahon (Hon Treasurer), Anne Newton, Lesley Rue and John Smyth. Amanda Mooney has retired as Hon Treasurer after twelve years of faithful service. Thankfully, she is remaining on the select vestry. We are also very grateful to Lucy Tottenham and John Lankester for serving on the outgoing select vestry. GARDEN DAY Nun's Cross School hosts its garden day on Friday 20th May from 11am to 2.50pm. This is always well worth a visit! IRISH CHAMBER ORCHESTRA IN NUN’S CROSS The Irish chamber Orchestra (ICO) comprised of 18 string instruments will perform in Nun's Cross church on Friday 20th May 2016 @ 8pm. The programme is The Magic of the Movies : featuring stunning works from Schindlers List, Cinema Paradiso and much more, The ticket price will be €20/€18 Concession. ASHFORD COUNTRY FAIR The 4th annual Ashford Country Fair was a wonderful success once again, raising more than €10,500. Many thanks to William Freeman. FACEBOOK You may find the latest Parish news and some great photographs on the Nun’s Cross Facebook page at ECUMENICAL BIBLE WEEK Sunday May 15th - Sunday May 22nd 2016 (Pentecost to Trinity Sunday Follow the links – for more information or join in the conversation on CLERGY CONTACT DETAILS Rev Jack Kinkead — mobile: 086-1727654; e-mail: Rev Ken Rue — mobile: 087-2766590; e-mail:
Killiskey Parish April 2016 Announcements Sun 24th 8am Holy Communion 11am Family Service Bible Readings: Acts 11: 1-18; Psalm 148 21: 1-6; John 13: 31-35 7pm Gospel Service Regular Weekday diary The Unity Gospel Choir meets for rehearsals in Nun’s Cross church on Mondays at 7.30pm. New members welcome! Friday Club, which caters for young children aged 2 to 6 years, is held from 2pm to 2.45pm during term time. The March coffee morning in aid of the Irish Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day raised over €300, the Coffee Morning on 15th April for Chernobyl raised €1,192.Thank you to all who supported these worthy charities. The Hub The Hub is open Tues to Fri mornings from 10am to 1.30pm and on Saturdays from 11am to 3pm (subject to availability of volunteers.) Lesley Rue would be interested in hearing from potential new volunteers. On Thursday mornings from 10.30am LET’S CRAFT meet in the Hub.. Youth Activities Junior youth club (4th-6th classes) if anyone is interested in helping please contact Jack by phone or email. 086 1727654 / Sunday Club If you would be in a position to help with a monthly Sunday Club for primary schoolchildren, please let Rev Ken Rue know. Ashford Country Fair The 4th annual Ashford Country Fair will take place in the grounds of the Bel-Air Hotel on Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May from 11am to 4pm. This year’s Fair will feature a dog show, artisan stalls, vintage carousel, barbecue, barista coffee, duck-herding, tractors, books, clothes, cakes and much much more. Come along and support a very enjoyable and popular event.if you can help in any way contact Tony Dunne, Anne Newton or Lesley Rue. 199 years…and counting! Nun’s Cross Church was built in 1817. A bi-centenary committee under the able chairmanship of Richard Henderson is busy preparing for next year’s celebration. Among the highlights for the year will be the launch of a history of the church by historian and vestry member, Patricia Butler; a flower festival; a concert; and a Holy Week service with Bishop Patrick Rooke. More details to follow.
Church of Ireland - A Member of the Anglican Communion
Killiskey Parish February 2016 Announcements Date of Issue: 31st January 2016 JESUS SAID: ‘COME TO ME, ALL WHO ARE WEARY AND BURDENED,AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST’ (Matthew 11:28 CHURCH SERVICES Wed 10th 07.00pm Ash Wednesday service (Wicklow) Sun 14th 08.00am Holy Communion -Rev. Jack Kinkead 11.00am Morning Prayer — to arranged Bible Readings: Deuteronomy 26: 1-11; Psalm 91: 1-2, 9-16 Romans 10: 8b—13; Luke 4: 1-13 Sun 21st 11.00am Holy Communion -Rev. Ken Rue Bible Readings: Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18; Psalm 27; Philippians 3: 17—4: 1; Luke 13: 31-35 Sun 28th 08.00am Holy Communion -Rev. Ken Rue 11.00am Holy Baptism and Family Service -Rev. Ken Rue Bible Readings: Isaiah 55: 1-9; Psalm 63: 1-9; 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13; Luke 13: 1-9 07.00pm Gospel Service LENT There will be an opening service for Lent in Wicklow Church on Ash Wednesday, 10th February, at 7.00pm and a series of weekly Lenten Bible Studies will begin the following Tuesday. In a time that often sees people becoming entrenched in their own worldview, we want to consider Reconciliation. The Church of Ireland Biblical Association has offered discussion material, to enable parish groups to study this concept. We will meet on Tuesday evenings during Lent at 7.30pm, for around an hour. The aim is to meet informally but intentionally, to speak or to listen, to be challenged and comforted, to enjoy fellowship. Dirk and Ollie Van de Flier have kindly agreed to open their home, where there is a large comfortable space in which to meet. Their address is: Seaview, Church Hill -just a few doors away from Wicklow church. Just after the entrance to Brickfield Lane (at the top of Church Hill), on the left hand side, there is an entrance to the Van de Fliers’ house. Parking is available outside the Glebe National School. We are very hopeful that as many as possible will join with us for one or more of the sessions, which promise to be extremely fulfilling. Anyone is welcome to turn up to any meeting, but to gauge numbers, please let Jack” or Ken know if you are interested in attending. The dates and titles of each meeting will be: Tuesday 16th February — Power and Service Tuesday 23rd February — Transcending boundaries Tuesday lst March — Reaching out to the other Tuesday 8th March — Taking down the walls Tuesday 15th March — Do as you would be done by REGULAR WEEKDAY DIARY The Unity Gospel Choir meets for rehearsals in Nun's Cross church on Mondays at 7.30pm. New members welcome! Friday Club, which caters for young children aged 2 to 6 years old, is held from 2.00pm to 2.45pm during term time. THE HUB The Hub is open Tuesday to Friday mornings from 10am to 1.30pm and on Saturdays from 11am to 3pm (subject to availability of volunteers). Lesley Rue would be interested in hearing from any new potential volunteers. On Thursday mornings from 10.30am LET'S CRAFT! meets in The Hub. YOUTH ACTIVITIES The next meeting of the Junior youth club (4th-6th class) will be on Saturday 6th Feb. It will meet in East Glendalough School, from 6-7.30pm. There is a nominal charge of €5, to cover costs. If anyone is interested in helping with the youth club, please contact Jack by 'phone or email: 086 1727654 / The senior Youth Club (for secondary pupils) met on January 30th. Details of the next gathering will follow via text to parents. SUNDAY CLUB If you wooiuld be in a position to help with a monthly Sunday Club for primary school children, please let Rev Ken Rue know. 'A STATE OF CHASSIS’ -Ordinary People in Extraordinary Circumstances in Dublin in 1916 This historical seminar will feature keynote speakers Professor Keith Jeffery and Dr Fearghal McGarry. Taking place in the Music Room of Christ Church Cathedral on Wednesday 17th February 2016 the evening will be chaired by John Bowman, historian and broadcaster. This event will provide an opportunity to consider the lives of the ‘ordinary’ people of Dublin at the time of the Easter Rising, living at a time when, as Sean O’Casey put it, many felt they were living through a confusing ‘state of chassis’. The keynote speakers are both highly engaging and respected speakers in this field, based in the School of History at Queen's University, Belfast. There will also be a special contribution from Dr Jason McElligott describing the impact of the Easter Rising on the famous Marsh's Library, Dublin. Admission will be free and refreshments provided. Further information WIll follow closer to the time of the event. See: DUBLIN & GLENDALOUGH MOTHERS’ UNION On Saturday 27th February from 9.30am to 11.30am, Dublin & Glendalough Mothers’ Union are hosting their 2nd Women's Breakfast in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip. The speaker will be Stella O'Mally and her topic is “Raising Happy Children in an Anxious World”. Stella is a psychotherapist, author and public speaker. Her articles are regularly published in the Irish Independent newspaper. Bookings and payments to Mrs. Jean Denner, 19 Ferrycarrig Park, Coolock Dublin 17 together with a crossed cheque, made payable to Mothers' Union Dublin & Glendalough which must be received no later than Friday 19th February so that catering may be confirmed with the hotel. The commissioning service for Dublin & Glendalough Mothers' Union Diocesan President, Karen Nelson, will take place on Tuesday, 15th March, 2016 in Holmpatrick Church, Skerries at 8pm. The preacher will be Canon Cecil Hyland. PRAYER POINTS Please pray for: * Personal Relationships in the home and children deprived of home * Friends and neighbours and relationships in daily life and work * Those who are estranged or who feel unloved * All ministries of care—physical, mental and spiritual * A reflective Lent * The children and youth of the parish Please also remember and give thanks for the faithful departed FACEBOOK You may find the latest parish news and some great photographs on the Nun's Cross Facebook page at: CLERGY CONTACT DETAILS Rev. Jack Kinkead — mobile: 086—1727654; e-mail: Rev. Ken Rue — mobile: 087-2766590; e-mail:
