The Fitness Dock, Wicklow Strength and Fitness
The Fitness Dock has the biggest range of state of the art plate loading machines in Wicklow,along with the most energetic, client focused fitness classes We have top of the rage, plate loading machines, fitness classes, barbell club and run along side a CrossFit gym. Come and go as you please in our free weights area and become part of an amazingly positive, progressive and top class facility!
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS***Fiver Friday*** Reminder to everyone that drop ins are discounted to an amazing €5 this Friday! #thefitnessdock #wsf #fiverfriday
** 5ER Friday ** All Drop Ins discounted to €5 this coming Friday as part of the nationwide 5er Friday initiative! Fantastic idea and we’re delighted to get involved! #TheFitnessDock #WSF #fiverfriday #allday
***Congratulations*** Our winner for yesterday’s Women’s Day competition was Lisa Bolger! Congratulations!!! 1 free month of unlimited gym and fitness classes. Also we were so inspired with peoples motivation to get in we’ve decided to offer 10% off for all entrants to the competition, for our Unlimited Gym and Fitness Classes membership if you sign up before this coming Monday!! Get in here 😜 #TheFitnessDock #WSF #Congratulations #winnerwinnerchickendinner
**Win a free month** Happy International Women’s day ladies! To celebrate we’re giving one lucky lady a free months membership for unlimited gym and fitness classes! All you have to do is like this post (our page too) and comment why you deserve this awesome prize. Guys can get involved too by nominating a special lady in their life 😜 Best of Luck! #TheFitnessDock #WSF #HIIT #Gym #fitgirls #internationalwomensday
From as little as €37per month. Top quality value Top quality gym The Fitness Dock #thefitnessdock #gym #unlimited #fitness #wsf
OPEN ALL DAY (Saturday) TILL 5PM !! Get in!!
We are opening from now until 12 o clock ! We will reassess then. For those within walking distance!
We are opening from now until 12 o clock ! We will reassess then. For those within walking distance!
Due to the status red warning we will be closed at 1pm.Keep an eye on here for more updates! Enjoy the snow guys and be safe..
It might be snowing but we know one place you can get a good sweat on 💪🏼🔥❄️ #TheFitnessDock #asongoficeandfire #wsf #stormemma #windrainandsnow
It’s “almost” the weekend. Just got to get through one more day. Start your weekend right with our High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Saturday morning at 10am! #TheFitnessDock #WSF #HIIT #Fitness #gym
***CONGRATULATIONS*** Big shout out to the graduates of of inaugural Fitness Kickstart. These guys did 6 weeks of group training with coach Teresa and have now gone on to become full fledged members. Great bunch to work with and we couldn’t be prouder! Well done!! #TheFitnessDock #Wsf #fitness #beginners #itsforeveryone