The Forge holds a rich history of blacksmiths' labour and is now a Seisiun venue in the traditional style with music, song, storytelling & craic! Community Music Venue - The Forge has been lovingly restored to create a warm and friendly Seisiun venue that oozes character. Monthly Seisiuns are held - usually 9.30pm on the last saturday of the month (check facebook events for details) and all are welcome.
Bring a bottle or enjoy a tea/coffee and the craic. Singers, musicians (all styles), storytellers and poets welcome - contact the music co-ordinator
*** Google Maps link***
DIRECTIONS (heading out of Wexford towards Duncannon/Adamstown)
- go through roundabout (Whitford hotel is on right) on to the R733 towards Duncannon
- after approx 12 kilometres The Forge in just on right at small crossroads , turn right in front of Forge - parking is at rear.
- if you get to Ballymitty crossroads or Wellington Bridge - you have gone too far!
Tell your friends
Rathangan Variety Show's new masterpiece - featuring Forge All Stars - Steve, Willie and Siobhan among others 22nd to 25th Feb

Sat 18th Feb Seisiún Round The Fire at the Forge
**Note change of date** - next Forge Seisiun sat 18th Feb (moved forward from 25th Feb)

Sat 18th Feb Seisiún Round The Fire at the Forge

Jan Forge Seisiun

Trad at Ballymitty Forge
Trad at Ballymitty Forge - video courtesy of Tom Harpur.

21st Jan Seisiún Round The Fire at the Forge
looking forward to a fab seisiun this sat 9.30pm

This wed (18th Jan) Piano Sing-a-long with Declan Cosgrove and Friends at Mary Barry's Bar, Kilmore 9.30pm - everyone welcome
21st Jan Seisiún Round The Fire at the Forge

**change to date** next Forge seisiún Saturday 21st Jan 2017 - 9.30pm (NOT 28th) - please spread the word to anyone not on Facebook.
Forge regular Ian Cleary is playing at the Rathangan Inn (formerly Temple Bar Pub) sunday 15th Jan - 6 to 8pm - don't miss it! Free admission.