Creativity Camps Wexford
Hello all, welcome to our page for all the best Wexford summer camps for the young people. Arts, Music and Drama.
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facebook.comHello everyone who has young budding musicians in your fold. This is an excellent summer camp for parents and 0-5 year olds (and their older siblings). Book now to avoid disappointment. NEXT WEEK 1030 EACH MORNING.
Well hello everybody. Only a few places left for the best summer camp this side of the Atlantic! Starts Monday. All week 10-2 each day. Coolcotts school. Call us to book. 085 280 1566.
Okay everyone. There are still a few places available for next weeks Creativty camp. €60.00. 10-2 each day. Ages 5-10. Fun packed week of music, drama, art, Games and loads more. FB Message us or call 0852801566 to book.
Camp Number 2. Places still available.
Hi all. If you are still looking for somthing for the young ones to do. Check us out. Places still available. Contact us ASAP. Pete and Lou.