My Yoga Waterford
Top Floor,
Deltona House,
Unit 7B2,
Six Cross Roads Business Park,
Waterford. Dedicated yoga studio.
Contact us for more information
Michael: 086 - 833 5425
Lisa: 086 - 890 7937
Seamus: 086 - 210 7471
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facebook.comHappy Easter Everyone😊
Happy Monday everyone😄 Monday’s aren’t the easiest day to love but it’s an opportunity to start fresh and set the tone for the week ahead here’s to an amazing day.😄💪🏼#yoga #mindfulness #waterford #myyogawaterford #getitdone
This ain’t perfect by any means, still a lot to work on but it’s a start😂 these kind of poses are only a small part of what Yoga is really about the rest is about lying back and going asleep😂😂. #splits #yogateacher #myyogawaterford #inbedforaweekafterthis #nojoke #imjoking #hanumanasana #yoga
Thank you to Adrienne for another relaxed Saturday morning. If you’re a cancer survivor and looking for something social or gentle exercise to participate in, contact us on (083) 050 4265 or message us on Facebook. #cancersurvivors #cancerfree #saturday #yoga #walk #breastcancer #survivors #deisebuddies #dragonboating #myyoga #group #facebook #deisebuddies #support #sharing #together
Yoga was amazing this morning. Two lovely new ladies joined us. ☯️ #myyoga #yoga #survivors #deisebuddies #cancersurvivors #support #doyogabehappy #enjoylife #positive
#handstand #ardomukavrksasana #practicemakesprogress #backbend #yoga #asana
I lost count of how many times I failed to get this before this happened. You don’t tend to see that on Insta though😂😂😂 #flyingpigeon #yoga #yogateacher #ekapadagalavasana #swearididntslap #youjusthavetotakemywordforit #happyfriday
#supersoldierpose #yoga #asana #meditation #feelgood #practicedaily #cyberyoga
Saying your not flexible enough for yoga is like saying your too dirty to take a shower. ❤️ yoga finds that balance between building strength and creating flexibility (in mind and in body) finding the perfect balance. ❤️ balance is key in life (thanks to my dear friend @eprockett for taking the photos) #Astavakrasana #8limbpose #eightanglepose #8anglepose #balancepose #balance #strength #yoga #waterford #asana #practicedaily #practice
Thinking about trying yoga?? It's not too late! Absolute Beginners Wednesday morning 9.15 am and Active Retirement 10.30 am. Everyone can do yoga 💜🌈 You won't regret it 😊 See you tomorrow morning 🙏🏻
Meditation Wednesday from 8.30 @ My yoga waterford. Drop in and enjoy the benefits of time out for you. 💜#yoganidra #relax #unwind #meditation
The more I practice the more I open and strengthen my body for new or stronger poses. #Hanumanasana #monkeypose #splits #yoga #pracricedaily #asana #meditation
"One day or day decide." Happy Wednesday💪🏼 #madforagoodquote #utthitavasisthasana #extendedsideplank #yoga #yogateacher #myyogawaterford
#Vasisthasana #sideplank #armbalance #strength #yoga #asana #practicedaily
#shoulderstand #Sarvangasana #ploughpose #Halasana #candlepose #yoga #asana #pracricedaily #meditation #behappy
I was wheeled off in a stretcher after this...😂😂 #Sundial #yogateacher #Shtateofyerman #parivrttasuryayantrasana #wha? #yoga #stillnotperfect