The mission of Student Life & Learning is to promote the academic success and holistic experience of students, especially undergraduates, while reinforcing the core values of WIT by providing support in an accessible and understanding environment.
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Mature Student Dinner
Attention students: The WIT Mature Student Society is having a social dinner in Season Restaurant next Tuesday, 28th of March (5.30pm). Please see more information below. The night promises to be a great social evening and the Society is always welcoming new members . :-) For more information you can call into WIT Clubs and Societies or email :-)
Mature Student Taster day
Details regarding upcoming WIT Mature Student Taster Day :-)
WIT Students' Union
ATTENTION WIT STUDENTS: The Students' Union needs your help to fill out the student survey. Please do it TODAY before it closes!!!!! The data collected from this survey will be invaluable for WIT to gauge what kind of experience students are having here in WIT and help the college make things better. If you are in first year, an award year or taught postgraduate study, you can apply and have your say! If you complete the Student Survey, you will be entered into a draw to win a Samsung Galaxy tablet. As well as that, for every survey completed €1 will be donated to the Emergency Welfare Fund.
Mature Student Taster day
Details regarding upcoming WIT Mature Student Taster Day :-)
Mature Student Taster day
Free one-day college taster offers potential mature students chance to try college life Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) is offering adults considering third level education the chance to sample college life on Wednesday, 12 April 2017. A limited number of spaces are available and the event is free of charge for adults over 22 interested in one of WIT’s 70 CAO courses which start at two-year level 6 Higher Certs and are available full-time and part-time. “We have moved our traditional two-day summer school event to the week before Easter to give prospective mature students time to apply to the CAO before 1 May,” says Conor Phelan, Student Life and Learning Department at WIT. “It’s now run as a one-day event so it’s not too time consuming, while also giving people a realistic taste of college life and an insight to the commitment level required to attend college.” “Mature students can face obstacles, especially if re-entering the system after a prolonged absence from formal education many students studying at the Institute have shown that these can be overcome,” Phelan adds. The one-day event follows a CAO Open evening planned for Tuesday, 4 April, meaning intending mature students have the opportunity to talk to lecturers and students, as well as familiarise themselves with the campus. In addition to a Mature Student Society, a network has also been established for students who are parents. “The return to education can be an intimidating prospect for adults. During the taster session we set out to reassure the participants that their goals are achievable and that there is the support in place to make the transition to higher education as easy as possible” says Phelan. So if you are thinking about returning to education and would like more information on the Mature Student Taster Day please contact us on 051-845513 or e-mail
Timeline Photos
Full house here in the Auditoruim celebrating 40 years of WIT John Moore Award with a talk from the CEO of Pieta House, Brian Higgins and live music from Waterford High Hopes Choir
Attention Students: A message from the Institute Chaplin, Fr. David Keating regarding a event to celebrate 40 years of the WIT Fr. John Moore Community Award. Live a BETTER Life A talk by Brian Higgins, CEO, Pieta House. “ On creating a world where suicide, self-harm and stigma are replaced by Hope, Self-Care and Acceptance” THURSDAY 9TH MARCH 3.15 PM AUDITORIUM ALL WELCOME Those familiar with Brian Higgins recommend this talk for students, young people, staff, parents with children of late adolescent/early adult age. Also the High Hopes Homeless Choir will be singing and telling their story. This event is to celebrate 40 years of the WIT Fr. John Moore Community Award.
Table Quiz in aid of the Solas Centre
Table Quiz in aid of the SOLAS Centre is running TONIGHT in the Dome Bar at 6.30pm. Cash Prize for the winning team and lots of great prizes to be won. Please spread the word and everyone is welcome to attend :-)
WIT Students' Union
The ISSE Survey is currently open in Waterford Institute of Technology for First Year, Final Year and Taught Post-grad students. Please considering filling in this very quick survey so WIT Institute can get some very valuable feedback :-)
WIT Students' Union
Are you a first Year, final Year or Taught Post-grad student? Can you spare a couple of minutes?? Please fill in the survey below and be in with a chance to win a Samsung Galaxy tablet.
Vibe Radio | Waterford Institute of Technology
See the link below to Vibe radio, WIT's own radio station. The line up today includes: 10am: Pajo’s Jukebox: 90s music mix with IT technician Pat Brennan 11-11:30: The Naked Chefs: Michael Quinn & Culinary Arts students discuss eating healthily on a budget and offer top tips for foodie hangover cures 11:30-12:30: Student Nigel Byrne plays an electric music mix 12:30-1pm: The Heaven Help Us Panel Show: Lecturers Jonathan Culleton, Niamh Maguire, Jennifer Kavanagh & Gerard Arthurs discuss topical events of the day. 1-2pm: The House Of The Rising Sun: Architect Garry Miley carefully constructs 60 minutes of music