Lucia Cullinane Garcia Artist
Spanish - Irish woman living in Ireland who loves to paint since she can remember.
All works for sale. Affordable Art as my
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS"tut tut, a forbidden passion"
You know, you are already Picasso, Dali and all others that made it in life, you get really old and you know you are going to pack up soon. Why in the name of Jesús wouldn't you do a marathon of paintings and left them in your will to be shared to thousands of kids and families.
Irish travellers wedding
Love for sale.
If hurling was a girl
Photos from Lucia Cullinane Garcia Artist's post
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz -AKA PICASSO.
Your majesty. Salvador Dali.
"I am the type of woman that if I want the moon, I'll take it down myself " Frida Kahlo. Portrait. My Frida.
Untitled Freshly finished 100×80cm Message me if interested