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UCD Library

University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
College & University


ad UCD Library supports the learning, teaching and research needs of over 24,000 students and academic staff in a wide range of disciplines -  including agriculture, architecture, arts and humanities, business studies, engineering, law, medicine, science, social sciences and veterinary medicine.

UCD Library is located across 5 centres: the James Joyce Library at Belfield is the administrative centre of the library system, and accommodates the central services and 85% of the stock; the Health Sciences Library (for medicine, nursing and physiotherapy) is located in the UCD Health Sciences Centre at Belfield,  the Richview Library (for architecture, landscape and planning) is located in the Richview/Newstead precinct at Belfield; the Veterinary Medicine is located in the Veterinary Sciences Centre at Belfield; UCD Michael Smurfit School of Business library at the Blackrock Campus.  A library store is located in refurbished buildings in the Richview/Newstead precinct at Belfield.

Accommodation for readers consists of c. 3,100 reading and study places, including some single, group, and PBL study rooms.  

The collections in UCD Library comprise of c. 1,300,000 print volumes; substantial collections of microforms and smaller collections in other print and non-print formats, including 650,000 e-books. Almost 80% of stock is on open access.  Approximately 15,000 purchased monographs, and 2,500 donations or legal deposit items are added to stock each year, and 32,000 current journal titles and databases are available, the vast majority of which are e-journals.

The Library is a European Documentation Centre, and a legal deposit library for Irish publications and US Government documents  A small but significant holding of c.30,000 early printed books and special collections, with independent environmental control, is housed in the Special Collections Library (located within the James Joyce Library)


UCD Library, along with the rest of UCD campus, will be closed tomorrow Monday, October 16. Stay safe and indoors!

See all our online self-service options - check your library account, renew and reserve books, book a study room, pay fines, and more! See

Check out our spooky new Spotlight display in the James Joyce Library...we're highlighting books on horror from our collection. Perfect for Friday the 13th and Halloween! See our guide for more....

We are open this weekend! For our current opening hours check our website, as Google sometimes gets them wrong. See for the latest. Have a good one!

October 23-29 is International Open Access Week! We will be hosting a series of free OA talks for UCD researchers to celebrate. See details and register at

Want to know more about fake news and how to spot it? See our new guide, which explains what it is, tips for spotting it online, with some examples and also features an interactive quiz you can take to test your knowledge! Check it out at

Remember to check our training calendar for all upcoming free library workshops. We have a large range of training sessions for UCD students, staff and researchers. See to register.

The James Joyce Library will close at 7.45pm tonight. All our locations are open tomorrow as normal, and only the James Joyce Library is open on Sunday. See our opening hours information at Have a great weekend!

The UCD Archives Reading Room will be closed tomorrow, Friday, October 6, and the James Joyce Library will be closing early at 7.45pm. We apologise for this inconvenience to our users.

The James Joyce Library will close early at 7.45pm this Friday, October 6. All other locations are open as normal. See our opening hours information at We apologise for any inconvenience to our users!

The James Joyce Library will close early at 7.45pm this Friday, October 6. All other locations are open as normal. See our opening hours information at We apologise for any inconvenience to our users!


NEAR UCD Library