Neurofeedback-Ireland. offer NeurOptimal ® Neurofeedback Brain Training, System Sales and Neurofeedback Trainer Certification Neurofeedback-Ireland. offer: NeurOptimal ® Neurofeedback Brain Training, System Sales and
Neurofeedback Trainer Certification. NeurOptimal is said by many to be the most advanced form of neurofeedback. It can effortlessly enable the brain to self regulate with many benefits including better psychological health, better cognitive function - e.g. focus and concentration, better creativity, better sleep and much more. The technology runs on auto mode and new trainers can attend a three day training course and be ready to use the system with clients.
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Physical Changes Through Neurofeedback - Part of the Process of Inner Transformation NeurOptimal enables the brain to self regulate and in so doing there are often benefits way beyond what a client might conceive of being possible. Some seem to have a mind component and some are purely physical. Two examples spring to mind: 1. A man who could not walk more than 100m without pain following a motorbike accident 20 years ago discovered after just 4 sessions that all of his pain disappeared and he was able to walk 10km again! 2. A man who had a hunched back, had never been able to take a deep breath in his life and never felt relaxed, found after just one session of NeurOptimal that his back straightened. He was able to breathe deeply, and years of stress and anxiety fell away. Of course, the brain regulates the whole body, and when dysfunctional neural circuitry is interrupted, sometimes apparently miraculous changes can take place. And the amazing thing with this technology is that the client does nothing other than sit peacefully for 30 minutes. It seems too good to be true, but now that neuroscience is understanding more about how the brain works, these things have a genuine neurological base.
The Neuroscience of Singing
Neurofeedback brainwave training for Chinese Special Ed students | Elyn MacInnis | TEDxHultShanghai
The below Ted talk is a presentation about how neurofeedback helps with special education children. The results are impressive. And this is old fashioned classical neurofeedback getting those results. NeurOptimal, which is next generation neurofeedback, and way easier to provide, goes even further:
Le bonheur est dans les neurones : film sur le NeurOptimal
French Psychotherapist and Film maker Michel Meignant made a great little documentary about NeurOptimal neurofeedback.. It is in French with subtitles - the following video is an extract (copyright Michel Meignant - the full DVD can by purchased from Watch Extract:
A Landmark Study Has Found Self-Control to be One of the Most Important Predictors of Success – Here's How to Increase Self-Control In Children - Hey Sigmund - Karen Young
I train a lot of children with NeurOptimal Neurofeedback, and I notice that they improve their emotional intelligence. The following article shows the huge importance of "self control" in children as a predictor of adult success. Self control and emotional intelligence go hand in hand:
Top 5 Ways Biofeedback Can Change Your Life
Back from the Brink of TBI
Traumatic Brain Injury (TMI) significantly helped with NeurOptimal Neurofeedback When a young man has an accident and ends up unconscious and with traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the ICU, he is fortunate to have a mother who is a PhD nurse and NeurOptimal neurofeedback trainer. She trains his brain whilst unconscious and has the foresight to document the whole process in a scientific manner. The young man makes a significant recovery, and the mother is able to categorically state that his recovery is a consequence of NeurOptimal brain training. See the video for the full story
Struggle to sleep in a strange bed? Scientists have uncovered why
New study reveals why many people sleep poorly in a new environment such as a hotel: Note: NeurOptimal brain training has helped many people with a range of sleep problems.
Your Brain: The New User's Manual
Since the discovery of neuro-plasticity scientists are really starting to take notice of the brain and how to make it function highly. Of course, that is what NeurOptimal is about. The following article is well worth reading:
Neuroplasticity – help your flexible brain create positive neural pathways everyday | A Lust For...
One of the key discoveries of Neuroscience is how we can reshape our brain through positive focus of thoughts, perceptions and feelings. NeurOptimal can do this without conscious effort. The following article though briefly explores how to consciously accomplish the same.
How to Calm Anxiety and Depression - The Easy Way to Restore Vital Neurochemicals - Hey Sigmund...
Interesting article on how exercise increases key neurotransmitters (glutamate and GABA). Some neurofeedback trainers have concluded that NeurOptimal accomplishes similar:
Neurofeedback Ireland: NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Brain Training Ireland
Train as a NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Trainer: Three Day Training - Tullamore - Ireland 3rd - 5th March Official Zengar Basic Certification Learn everything you need to know to run NeurOptimal sessions with clients for a huge range of issues as well as discovering the underlying principles behind the world's most advanced Neurofeedback system. More details: see website: