Chocolate Brown "Coffee from Heaven" Chocolate Brown is a chain of Gourmet Coffee Bars specializing in high quality Hot Beverages and Delicacies.
Below is a poem written by Kenneth Hume and inspired by his many trips to Chocolate Brown Coffee Bar, Tullamore
The coffee shop and me
Met some years ago
When I was walking
It's portal to another world
The sweet smelling aroma
Grabbed me by the nose
And dragged me inside
To sample it's caffiene delights
And now, we're best of friends
The coffee shop and me
We meet together anytime
To conspire, to commune
In reflective caffeinated bliss
With my notepad and pen
People come and people go
We listen and observe
With outstretched senses
In this coffee shop of ideas
The coffee shop and me
We get together any day
That I am looking for
My wardrobe to poetic Narnia
Will my cup fill me with
The lyrical courage of Aslan
Or the cold; wordless touch
Of the wily White Witch
Where will this cup of coffee end?
Kenneth Hume
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facebook.comWe're through to the final folks. Please take the time to vote again for us. Voting closes Friday 28th July.
A new study shows coffee drinkers live longer. AWESOME! I'm gonna be immortal 😃
My week just got off to a great start, I hope your does too .....
Spilling the of the most expensive coffee's in the world is made from Thai elephant dung called Black Ivory coffee and costs around €50 per cup. The most expensive comes from the feces of a Sumatran wild cat. The animal — called a Luwak — is unable to digest coffee beans. In the process of digesting the beans, they are fermented in the stomach. When the beans are excreted, they will produce a smooth, chocolaty coffee. The beans will set you back €550 per pound!!
Spilling the Beans.......studies have shown that drinking caffeine can increase your metabolism 3 to 11%. It’s one of the few chemicals that can actually help with fat burning, so you might as well drink up!
Spilling the Beans......During World War II, employers noticed their employees would work longer and harder if they had a supply of coffee to drink during the day. This was the beginning of the coffee break, which we now schedule into our day.
We know that feeling Cathy
Spilling the beans.....In England, 1674, women were originally banned from coffeehouses. Men thought they had found a new freedom and a safe haven away from their womenfolk. In protest, women published a petition in which they complained coffee houses were tempting men away from their homes and responsibilities. The women also attested to "the fact" that coffee made their men impotent.
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