St Jarlath's Credit Union has its Head Office in Tuam& branch offices in Headford, Dunmore, Turloughmore, Corrandulla, Abbeyknockmoy, Mountbellew&Moylough Borrowing is relatively easy once you have an income and your current repayments on loans is not beyond a prudent level. This is what the Credit Union refers to as your disposable income and indicates your repayment capacity.
Over 42,000 Members
Total Assets of €150 million
A Board of 13 Directors and 3 Supervisors
A Chief Executive – Mr Mick Culkeen
35 employees
It is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. It is affiliated to the Irish League of Credit Unions, which is the representative body for the vast majority of Credit Unions in Ireland.
The Credit Union offers the following services:
Share accounts: this is the core savings account
Loan account: any Credit Union Member may apply for a Credit Union loan. Please ask for details.
These services are offered on a fee free basis, no charges apply, no arrangement fees, no excess interest fees, no early settlement fees, no transaction charges. However we can seek to recover legal and other costs incurred in the recovering overdue loan. Other than this, no charges of any nature apply to Share or Loan services.
At St Jarlaths Credit Union, we do not monitor this page 24/7 so we would be grateful if you could comply with the following: We welcome your feedback, including your comments, questions, and conversation. We comply with Facebook's Terms and Conditions and we ask that and expect you to do the same. Accordingly, please do not post anything that would violate any of those Terms and Conditions, including any material that may be spam, abusive, profane, hurtful, or defamatory toward a person, entity, belief, or symbol. We reserve the right to delete comments at our discretion and if behavior inconsistent with our standards continues, block you from posting on our page. We ask that all material, including uploaded images be both relevant and respectful. We thank you for your enthusiasm for St Jarlaths Credit Union and your compliance with the foregoing.
Terms and conditions apply.
St. Jarlath’s Credit Union Ltd. Is regulated
by the Central Bank of Ireland.
Tell your friends
facebook.comHuge congrats to our April Cash Draw Winners! * Please note that Shane from SJCU was representing one of our members - Seamus Tierney on the day and is representing him in this photo.
#Giveaway Happy Friday! To celebrate the lovely weather and SJCU being finalists in the Best of Galway awards yesterday we have €50 up for grabs. Entering is easy- 1) Comment below with the name of your favourite Credit Union...ahem... 😘 2) Tag a friend Comp closes at 4pm today, Friday 20th April. Good luck!
We were delighted to have these two gorgeous members in to visit us today- Elena and Frankie Mangan- definite contenders for cutest members ever! #sjcucommunity Sign your little junior saver up today!
Such a lovely afternoon at the Best of Galway awards this afternoon in the The g Hotel Galway! Well done to the winners Concordi and our fellow runners up our friends St. Anthony's & Claddagh Credit Union. We are so grateful for all the support. Go team! Thanks to the The Galway Advertiser and Ireland West Airport Knock for the lovely afternoon.
Wishing our friends in Killererin GAA CLUB the very best of luck this weekend with the launch of their brand new clubhouse. They have a huge weekend of entertainment planned so make sure to check it out!
Great to read about Tuam-man Dr Tom Acton who is leading an important study on #Blockchain You may not have heard that word before, but it is fast becoming a significant game changer across a wide range of industries and will transform the way we can trust data in the future. Congratulations Dr Acton and your colleagues involved in this work. Tuam Herald article below
A great week for Coláiste Bhaile Chláir! Congrats lads!
Huge congrats to the Coláiste Bhaile Chláir Senior girls who had a great win last weekend! Best of luck to their Junior B ladies this weekend!
Huge congrats to the Abbey lads!
Timely article in the Sunday Indo. We are now offering funding up to €50,000 for members to improve their own home. Record numbers of people have decided to upgrade their home with an extension or a modernised kitchen. And don’t forget the grants for heating and Insulation. Talk to us if you are thinking of a home renovation project. #Renovate360
Delighted to welcome the Tuam Stars and local legends to SJCU this morning. A big night out for Galway football supporters coming up on Saturday 28th April in Ard Ri Hotel, when the magic of the '98 football final will be revived for all who attend. MC on the night will be Michael Lyster, and he will be talking to management and players alike about that magical year for Galway football and asking is it possible to dream big again after the fantastic performance of our county team in the recent league. Ticket details available on the poster below!
#Renovate360 We popped out to visit our friends in N17 Superstores on Friday and caught up with Karen who was one of our Renovate360 Stakeholders. Interested in finding out more about our property renovation loans- contact us today: