Spiritual Healing/Reiki
Body Confidence & Wellbeing Coaching
Baby Massage Classes
Coisceim (meaning 'footstep') Natural Therapy Centre was established in 1998 as a place of peace, quiet and relaxation to enable people to take steps towards restoring balance and harmony in their lives.
Therapists: Anne O'Donnell is a member of The Irish Reflexologists' Ltd, Irish Massage Therapists' Association and Baby Massage Ireland & Juliana Murphy
is a member of the Irish Massage Therapists' Association and a Licensed Louise Hay Workshop/Seminar Leader.
Therapies available at the centre include:
• Energetic Massage Therapy
• Reflexology
• Polarity Therapy
• Reiki
• Bach Flower Remedies
• Natural Approach To Fertility
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facebook.comCreate Your Own Vision Board for 2018. Join us for this Up-lifting, Positive & Fun Hands-on Workshop where you have the opportunity to create a Vision Board to help you clarify and maintain focus on specific Life Goals & Dreams for 2018 (What we focus on expands) Cost €35.00 includes All Materials, Tea/Coffee & lots of Giveaways To Book a place on this Powerful Workshop Call Anne or Juliana Today on 066-7181855 or 087-2915343
I took my Christmas Tree down this morning and decided to take it back to The Marahees as they are looking for Christmas Trees to help with Costal Erosion. Not that I ever need an excuse to visit this beautiful spot, a place that can be visited at any time of the year, but I have to admit I love it at this time because of the peace and quiet Photos show skies over Brandon Bay, Geese and Seagulls enjoying the water and a Robin saying Hello at Killahannig
Create Your Own Vision Board for 2018. Join us for this Fun, Up-Lifting & Positive Hands-on Workshop where you get the opportunity to create a Vision Board of all the goals and dreams you would like to attract into your life for 2018. All the materials you need will be supplied. We will share a cuppa and we will have lots of giveaways. Cost €35 . To book call Anne or Juliana today on 066-7181855 or 087-2915343
"New Year's bountiful blessing: three hundred sixty-five bright mornings and starlit evenings; fifty-two promising weeks; twelve transformng months full of beautiful possibilities; and four splendid seasons. A simply abundant year to be savoured" Sarah Ban Breathnach - Simple Abundance A Daybook of Comfort and Joy
Our wish for you is that your year is filled with many blessings of Joy, Love, Peace, Fun, Good Health & Abundance
5 Week Baby Massage Course starting on Thursday 11th January 2.30 to 3.30 at St. Brendan's Pastoral Centre, Tralee. Learn to massage your baby in weekly group classes: Meet other Parents: Opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences: Reap the Benefits -*Boost Immunity: *Improve Sleep Patterns: *Enhances Development and much more. Cost €120 includes oils and handouts and a portion of the cost may be reclaimable on selected policies with your Health Insurer. To book a place for you and your baby Call Anne today at 066-7181855 or 087-2915343
Wishing you all a very Happy & Holy Christmas and Good Health and Prosperity for the New Year. With much love from Anne & Juliana
This is a Fun Hands-On Workshop where you get the opportunity to create a Vision Board of all the things you would like to attract into your life for 2018. All the materials you need to do this will be supplied. Enjoy a cuppa and there will be lots of giveaways on the day. Tickets €35 available now by calling Anne or Juliana on 066-7181855 or 087-2915343
GIFT VOUCHERS available for Reflexology, Reiki, Spiritual Healing & Baby Massage - If you can't get into Town, don't worry - We will organise to get the Voucher to you. We have been posting & delivering Vouchers for the last 19 years. PM us or phone us on 066-7181855 or 087-2915343 to arrange your Voucher. Let us take the STRESS out of your Christmas Shopping
Gift Vouchers now available for Reflexology: Reiki: Spiritual Healing: Numerology Readings: Baby Massage. Ideal Gift for someone you know who will appreciate some ME TIME in the New Year after the Hustle & Bustle of Christmas. Call us Today on 066-7181855 or 087-2915343 to organise your Voucher
All set up for our POP-UP Gift Shop. Call in from 9am to 5pm to pick up a unique Stocking Filler or a Kris Kringle
More of the beautiful gifts which will be available on Saturday 9th *Positive Affirmation Stones & Gratitude Stones infused with the energy of the Wild Atlantic Ocean in presentation boxes and pouches: * Handmade with love Positive Affirmation Cards & Landscape Cards of the Beautiful Kingdom of Kerry: