Here to help and fix people from all sporting backgrounds with all sporting injuries. Also a running & technique coach.
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facebook.comTwo Clonmel ac athletes into me back to back this week, Siobhan McHugh who ran fantastic 3 hour 20 min in Rotterdam Marathon last weekend, was in for repairs 🙂💪🏻and William Maunsell , who was in for pre race stripping of all muscles before great Ireland run on sunday in the Phoenix park, expecting him to do well, well done Siobhan and good luck William on Sunday 🙂👍🏻
This is our ladies walking group tonight . It consists of dietary advice, showing how to walk proberly, training program and optional weigh in each week. We meet at the Junction Bar 6pm every Monday, all are welcome , we cater for all levels and ages, so come along and join us, good way to meet people and get fit. 👍🏻.call for information 086 3977522
Wish all my customers a happy Easter , enjoy the weekend's restbite 😁🇮🇪👍🏻
On the climb😤😤
Great refreshing run this morning 😁with the Carrick AC crew, in tuff conditions😤⛄❄🌬 well done men.
Up the road to Sayed💈 to get cleaned up for paddy's day😅😅, i wish all my customers a great St. Patricks day🙂🥂🇨🇮
View from run today 😂😂☃❄🌬
Making the most of my time off😄 got long slow run in, beautiful along the clonmel river bank❄❄⛄☃
Look at these two guys who were into me yesteday back to back, both need to be kept mobile. Tomas Barr who was in for repairs after his fantastic Irish record Sunday 👍 well done man , and Joe Hegarty ex fisherman and now a boat engine Mechanic ,some character😆 , who was in for fine tuning on a bad hip 😁. Joe is big fan of Tomas, used to drink in Tommy Barrs pub 😂😂
Kevin Maunsell in for serious ironing out , after his great win in Dungarvan yesterday 🙂😄💪🏻
Kevin looking good in the breakaway group, early on in Dungarvan today 🙂
Kevin Maunsell just after finishing first in the Dungarvan 10 miler this afternoon . Our target was sub 5 minute miles today , job well done, was only cruising , when i saw him in the last mile. Well done young felow 🙂👍🏻