I have vast experience in communications, psychic / clairvoyant / medium
animal communicator ,living or passed
guidance and advice in all areas i have been doing reading for many years now from card to photo readings,mediumship and general guidance readings and as above animal communication which basically means communication with your animal friends either living or passed making that connection between you and them same as mediumship,,i love my work and love all communication with spirit on all levels and feel so honoured to be able to do this ..
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Hi everyone just to let you all know I will be doing MEDIUMSHIP Readings every Wednesdays in clonmel with the renowned Rory Bates under mentorship and further development of connecting with our loved ones who have passed over ..this will be from 3pm to 6 pm on the Wednesday and is mediumship only so anyone who would love to connect with someone who passed over to spirit can private message me here on this page and I ll get back to you with an appointment ..All readings / connections are requiring just a donation at this moment in time ...Looking forward ..blessing 's and love and light to you all xxxxx..............just to add for a short time... Michelle Denise Kessna-Slattery will be doing a few mini readings for free which will be by privacy , until she has closed the post so leave your names in the comments and please feel free to leave feedback also if u wish as it means a lot for every reader/ psychic / medium always ...thank you xx💓💓
Change a Situation From Bad to Good Burn 7 white candles at 7pm on a Friday evening. Place another shorter candle into a pot of soil. After 10 minutes, blow out the white candles in turn and allow the shorter candle to extinguish itself in the soil.
Hello my lovelies Would anyone like a mini tester card reading xxx
Dream of a deceased person You need: 1 white candle A picture of the deceased A pentagram Bag of lavender in natural bag (cotton, muslin) Light the white candle and stare at the flame for a few minutes. Then put the picture at eye level and say: "You are gone forever; But through this spell, My dreams to which You will come." Place the picture under your pillow. Let the candle burn to a stub, extinguish and place it in the bag of lavender. Sleep with these items under your pillow for three nights to receive the dream you want.
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For this weekend £15 and £20 hexagon card readings
Card reading £15 for Angel and £20 for hexagon for one day only
Would like to welcome Michelle Denise Kessna-Slattery to this page as admin and a most wonderful medium, reader, cards, runes, photo reads ,empath , and hexagon readings and angel card readings ,,her experience is mind blowing and i am honoured to have her here as a reader ,,i would recommend her highly ,michelle is based in uk and s available for online readings her response is quick and unique in so many ways , as well as home if ur in the uk welcome michelle xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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