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LeStudio Thurles

Bohernanave Thurles, Thurles, Ireland
Personal Trainer



One to one personal training packages, group TRX classes and nutrition packages provided by fully certified professionals. Online packages also available.


I was going to write a fairly lengthy post about this but I think this picture really does speak a thousand words. This is definitely when calories in vs calories out fails miserably. The bottom day of eating for me will always be the winner - highly nutritious, balanced meals and snacks frequently throughout the day. I'm 100% in favour of treat yoself ✌ and balance but should this happen at the expense of nourishing your body? No, I think not. Aside from this the guilt of eating the crappy food followed by the self hatred for not losing weight of looking well far outweighs any pleasure that this food might provide (for 3 mins max) Tag a friend who would appreciate this advice.... ❤ #nutrition #piccollage #2000calories #cico #eatsmarter #eatcleangetlean #fuelforfitness #tagafriend #loveyourbody #nourishnotpunish

*** Eat Clean Get Lean - the smart way! *** People compliment my will power when it comes to food choices and also question how I keep it up. But to many people's surprise, the majority of the time I just prefer the healthier option. Am I a freak of nature? Am I bullshitting? What's my secret? Small steps. I've never really been one for the crash diets or the detoxes- I just never had the will power. The only thing I've gone cold turkey with is gluten free and before I did I sat down and polished off a packet of chocolate digestives. I 100% contribute my current eating habits to smart swaps. I'm living my best life and I never feel deprived because along the years I have made small adjustments to what I eat and drink. So now both my body and soul get what they need! Some examples of the smart swaps I've implemented: Fruit yoghurt ➡️ 0% fat Greek yoghurt . Milk chocolate/choc shot ➡️ dark chocolate. Pizzas ➡️ wrap pizzas. Pasta ➡️ spirallised veg. Rice ➡️ quinoa. Full milk ➡️ protein/low fat milk. Honey ➡️ Berries/grated apple Beef mince ➡️Turkey mince Fizzy drinks ➡️ Sparkling water (could add a bit of barley water too). Crisps ➡️ Popcorn Haribo ➡️Chivers 9kcal jelly Bread ➡️ Corn cakes. Buns/cakes ➡️ Homemade treats Chocolate peanuts ➡️ unsalted nuts with dark choc chips. ✔I have never been a big drinker but I always order a pint of water with each glass of wine. ✔Due to health reasons I have to follow a low fat diet so chipper food is out but I do love a Thai or Indian takeaway and where possible get a half portion (Stars of India Thurles) ✔Every Saturday myself and Declan go for coffee and a bun and ill order a skinny flat white/latte/cappucino (LF milk also has slightly higher protein) and the biggest chocolate bun I can find. ✔ When cooking classic dishes I try to find healthier alternatives where possible e.g. Sheppards pie with Turkey mince. ✔I find tracking my food either on paper or with my fitness pal has worked best for me and my clients. So, sustainable and enjoyable clean eating doesn't happen overnight. Yes you need to make changes to see changes but don't deprive yourself of everything. Make substitutes little by little.

TRX availability this week.... 🔥🔥🔥👙👙👙

Happy to be back lifting heavy and running longer miles ❤ When injured, people are often told to "shy away from the table" or eat less. And whilst this is true to a certain extent, what nutrient you choose to cut down is imperative. Carbohydrates are our bodies preferred source of energy, so if we are moving around less (due to injury) it's acceptable to eat less carbohydrates (not cut them out completely). Protein, on the other hand, arguably more important than ever. Our muscles suffer microtrauma through exercise and need protein for repair, so when this trauma is amplified through injury the repair process is even more important! So bottom line if you're injured: slightly increase/maintain your protein and decrease your carbs a little! *** I only look like this in the morning/post workout, right now I've more rolls than the Town House Deli 😂😂😂 *** #repair #recovery #liftheavy #runningseasonishere #milesmilesmiles #limerickhalfmarathon #killarneyhalfmarathon #weddingprep #strongnotskinny #trusttheprocess #irishfitfam #eatcleangetlean #fuelforfitness

Hi All, we are delighted to announce that we will be running our first beginner's TRX block in April. The class will run every Monday from April 8th to 30th @7.30pm. €24 for the block or €7 pay as you go. Spaces are limited so sign up asap.

If you want to see some simple meals and snacks to increase your protein I take (this will aid weight loss and muscle tone) head over and follow LeStudio Thurles on Instagram 🧀🍗🥚🍤 and don't forget to tell your friends! Summer bodies are coming 👙


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