My aim for this page is to provide quality information about Strength and Conditioning and Nutrition.
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Recovery part 2: Cold water immersion. Cold water has been shown to benefit our immune system and reduce DOMS( Delayed onset muscle soreness). There is mixed research on this topic. However it's highly recommend by Wim Hoff the Dutch iceman (age 58) and top class strength and conditioning coach Steve Maxwell (age 64). Both fit and super healthy. Success leaves clues. Try it out for yourself, see if you feel better. Enjoy the video, thank you for watching. Post comments below.
Recovery tip 1: Sleep
Do you want to get fitter, faster and stronger? Or bigger guns for the summer? If so you need a good recovery strategy. This is my first recovery video. Todays topic is sleep. Find out why it's so important below. Enjoy the video. Thanks for watching.
my 1st half marathon
A brief summary on my 1st half-marathon run. No records being broken haha. I'm not training to be a distance runner.Did it for the fun. My focus is on judo training. It's a good way to get more time outdoors and get more vitamin D. We spend too much time indoors nowadays. Enjoy the video. Thanks for watching.
Chris Kelly Strength and Conditioning
Has McGregor reached his potential?
Conor Mcgregor is one of the best athletes Ireland has ever produced, if not the best. He has next level skill, mental toughness and is a great athlete. But has he reached his athletic potential? I don't think so. Find out why below. Post any comments below. Enjoy the video. Thank you for watching.
Chris Kelly Strength and Conditioning
Chris Kelly Strength and Conditioning
Fittest old man alive!
Want to live a long fun life? Success leaves clues, so let's follow the clues. What is the worlds oldest marathoner Fauja Singh secret? He ran the London marathon at age 101. Find out below. Enjoy the video. Thanks for watching.
Cure Type 2 Diabetes With Sugar & White Rice - Dr. McDougall
Want to lose some fat? Get leaner? Reverse type 2 diabetes? Watch the full video and see how the man Dr McDougall proofs that it is excess fat which causes diabetes not sugar. And no this isn't bullshit, it's the truth, Any comments post below. Enjoy the video. Thanks for watching.
Chris Kelly Strength and Conditioning's cover photo
Chris Kelly Strength and Conditioning
Chris Kelly Strength and Conditioning