A family church creating the right environment and relationships for people of all cultures race to embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ and make HEAVEN
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facebook.comIt's a New dawn..... Christ is the Hope of Glory. May you not know shame all the days of your life in Jesus name. Receive joy where there was sorrow, peace in place of chaos, Hope which is JESUS Himself in place of Hopelessness. Arise for your light is come and the Glory of the Lord is Risen upon YOU......Halleluyah!!!
Why keep Praying We Pray Because God Is Changeless God does not change, will not change, and cannot change. In the book of Malachi, He declares: For I am the Lord, I do not change. — Malachi 3:6 God doesn’t change, because if He could change, He could get better. But He can’t get better, because He is already the best. He is perfect and perfection itself. Satan knows that truth, too, and has had thousands of years to practice twisting it to his own ends. Referring to the sovereignty of God, he will say, God will do whatever He wants to do, so it doesn’t matter if you pray. Then switching to God’s changelessness, he will say, You think you can change things through prayer? What a joke. You can’t change God’s mind, because God can’t change. So your prayers are useless. You’re running into a brick wall a thousand miles thick, and you’ll never move it. You’re pushing against Mount Everest, but you’ll never make it sway. When the Bible says that God is unchangeable, however, it isn’t saying that God doesn’t change His mind. It is saying that God doesn’t change His character. God cannot and will not change His character. He is who He is. But according to Scripture, He can and will change His mind! Abraham knew this. In Genesis 18:16-33 we see the patriarch standing before the Lord, actually praying for Sodom and Gomorrah and pleading that the Lord would reconsider His plan to destroy the evil cities. Abraham began by asking the Lord not to wipe out the cities if he found fifty righteous people there. God agreed, but fifty righteous people couldn’t be found. So Abraham prayed again. Going back and forth in conversation with God, he gradually worked the number down to just ten. But there weren’t even ten righteous people in either of those dark, unhappy cities, and God did move in judgment against them. But Abraham learned that he could reason with God in prayer — and make a difference. God listens and cares. Moses knew this as well. And it’s a good thing for the Jewish people that he did. In Exodus 32:9-10, we read that God was on the knife edge of destroying the whole nation and starting over again with Moses. But Moses pleaded with God to turn aside from His intention of judgment and spare the people. And what happened then? We read that The Lord relented from the harm which He said He would do to His people. — Exodus 32:14 Could that be right? The Lord, the God of the universe, relented from a course of action that He had planned? Yes, that’s what Scripture says. Another translation puts it even more starkly: So the Lord changed His mind about the terrible disaster He had threatened to bring on His people. — NLT, emphasis mine But why? Why would He do that? Because Moses prayed. One microscopic dust speck of a human being on one little dust speck of a planet in the vast universe called on the eternal Creator of all to change His mind about the destiny of a nation. And that’s what God did. We can see the same dynamic in the story of Jonah. After his wet-and-wild encounter with the great fish, the runaway prophet did some repenting of his own and set out for Nineveh to deliver the message God had given him: Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown! — Jonah 3:4 Did it happen? Was Nineveh destroyed at that time? No, it wasn’t. Not in forty days, and not in forty years. Nineveh remained as a city for possibly one hundred fifty years. Why? Because the people of Nineveh changed their minds about the way they had been living, and God changed His mind about destroying them. God had said it would happen, but it didn’t happen. The threatened judgment didn’t fall, and that nearly drove Jonah crazy. He hated the people of Nineveh (for many logical and understandable reasons) and wanted very much to see such a vile place wiped off the world map. So when God changed His mind, the prophet couldn’t contain his disgust. He said, in essence, to the Lord, I knew this would happen! Why do You think I ran away from You in the first place, refusing to preach that message to them? I knew very well that You are a compassionate God, and that if these people repented that You would change Your mind too! — Jonah 4:2 So we learn that God is immutable and will never, ever change His character. But He can and will change His mind when His people pray. And when we pray, we can remind Him of His unchanging character. He has always been and will always be compassionate. He has always been merciful, He is merciful at this very moment, and He will be that way right into eternity. He will always want to touch people and to answer prayer. He will always be faithful. Robert Morris
Gospel of Jesus
A Must-Read Humility: To Love God is to cooperate with His Grace There is a woman named Abigail in 1 Samuel 25 who had to decide between grace and bitterness. Abigail was a woman well acquainted with hardship, negative people, rejection, and things not turning out as I’m sure she wished they would. But somehow she remained steady. And her steadiness proved to have a profound impact on the life of David. This is the David who defeated Goliath, who became the king of Israel, who, though he fell and faltered many times, God said was a man after His own heart. This David is the one from whose bloodline King Jesus would come. Abigail isn’t talked about or heralded much today. I’m not sure why. When everyone else arrives in heaven and is clamoring to have coffee with the saints of old, she’s one who will be at the top of my list. I feel pretty certain we are destined to be BFFs. Of course, she doesn’t know this, so if you get there before me, please don’t tell her and make her think I fall in the creeper-stalker category. But seriously, I adore this woman. She was married to a fool named Nabal — his name literally means “fool” in Hebrew — who had deeply offended David. David and his men had served Nabal by protecting his herds, and since it was a feast day, he sent Nabal a message asking for his “favor,” requesting special festive food. The Hebrew root word for favor here is chen, which also means “grace.” But Nabal denied David. He didn’t give him food. And he certainly didn’t give him favor or grace. Instead, he responded with an infuriating rejection of David and his men. David, in turn, vowed to kill Nabal and all the males belonging to him. Obviously this horrible situation caused by her husband’s careless words deeply affected Abigail. And it wasn’t just this event that seemed so hard on her. I’m sure Nabal’s cruelty and foolishness spilled in her direction more often than anyone else’s. She probably felt rejected again and again in her marriage. And then again and again by the people who wanted nothing to do with the wife of such a foolish man. But instead of filling up this rejected space with insecurity, she found stability by filling it with grace. The more she hurt, the more she learned how to help others who were hurt. In this situation, she figured out a way to give David not only festive food but also the kindness Nabal had denied him. She gave to him out of her own lack, from the empty places in her heart that God so graciously filled. With an enormous space for grace, she approached David, the man about to kill her family and her servants, and she quickly bowed down before him. I want this. But, boy, is it hard to live like this in the heated moment of hurt. I’m stunned by how well Abigail lived this. I find myself trying to resist grace in her story. After all, her first words to David seem so beyond what my own feelings would have allowed in this situation: On me alone, my lord, be the blame. — 1 Samuel 25:24 NASB I read this and clench my jaw. I’ve grown so fond of her I absolutely refuse to be okay with her owning any part of this. Cast the blame on Nabal. He’s the jerk in this story. Or place the blame on David. He’s the hot-headed one here. But not Abigail. She’s already had to wrestle under the weight of an unfair life. Now she has to step in between her ridiculous husband and a hungry, crazed David to take on blame that clearly wasn’t hers to bear? She’s the victim. She’s the one who, in the middle of getting ready for a festival, had normal ripped right out from her midst. One minute she’s making out her Target and Hobby Lobby errands list, and the next minute a servant comes and announces disaster is hanging over her household. But instead of bowing to anger, cynicism, blame — all too often the fruits of living rejected — she chooses grace. How did she process this in such a healthy way? Had she some tweaking of the soul? Some vision of the bitter box reeking of rot that deterred her from walking toward it? I don’t know these details. But I do see an immediate cooperation with grace. Her giving grace doesn’t justify her husband or validate David. It saves her. It makes David stop cold in his heated tracks. It makes the men, pulsing with swords in their hands and death on their minds, pause. I can almost see their arms full of weapons and their bodies full of testosterone tremble. What a scene. Though Abigail is bowed low, grace gives her the upper hand. She refuses to be a victim of a circumstance she can’t fully change. Instead she changes what she can. It’s impossible to hold up the banners of victim and victory at the same time. With victory in mind, she bows low before David and, with great courage, allows the mantle of blame to be placed on her shoulders. After all, she’s the only one strong enough to handle it. The humiliation of being married to a man named Fool had secretly worked something good deep within Abigail’s soul. The more she cooperated with grace, the more her humiliation turned into humility. Humility can’t be bought at a bargain price. It’s the long working of grace upon grace within the hurts of our hearts. Humility gave Abigail the greatest advantage in this life-and- death conversation with David. Humility opens the ears of opportunity. Excerpted with permission from Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst, copyright Lysa Terkeurst.
You Lack No Good Thing Psalm 34:10, “The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.” This promise is for those who seek the Lord — those who are saved by faith in Christ and who are seeking to know him more. God promises that those who seek him will lack no good thing. Which means, if something is good, God will give it to you. Now that’s hard to swallow. After all, you are still sick, unemployed, childless, or single. So how is God fulfilling his promise to you? David says, the greatest good is; I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.” (Psalm 16:2) And Asaph, Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. (Psalm 73:25) And Paul, Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. (Philippians 3:8) The greatest good is God giving himself in Jesus Christ if He gave us His most treasured possession No good thing would He with hold from us.
Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you; Love her, and she will keep you. Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom.....proverbs 4:6&7
The 700 Club
The Joshua Code The Israelites finally had land and the opportunity to start anew. Their leader, Joshua, spoke wisely about how to follow God’s law and how to be successful. Joshua 1:8 says, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” The Joshua Code is a challenge to keep the Word in our mouths through memorization and in our hearts through meditation “day and night."
God will make you laugh! And Sarah said, “God has made me laugh, and all who hear will laugh with me" Genesis 21:6 "The Lord visited Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did to Sarah as He had promised.....verse 1 Beloved God will visit you as He has said and had promised.....Hold on to JESUS the arm of flesh will fall but Jesus never fails. He is the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob He remains your God. Hope makes not ashamed You will not be put to shame in Jesus name.
Crazy Prayers by Mark Batterson Crazy Prayers=Crazy Miracles This woman is driving me crazy. - Luke 18:5 I love the parable of the persistent widow. I don’t mean any disrespect, but I think persistent is a nice word for crazy. This woman is crazy, but when the cause is a righteous one, it’s a holy crazy! We aren’t told what injustice took place, but she was on a mission. Maybe her son was falsely imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit. Maybe the man who molested her daughter was still on the streets. We don’t know for sure. But whatever it was, she wouldn’t take no for an answer. And the judge knew it. The judge knew she would circle his house until the day she got justice or the day she died. The judge knew there was no quit in the crazy woman. Does the Judge know that about you? How desperate are you for the blessing, the breakthrough, the miracle? Desperate enough to pray through the night? How many times are you willing to circle the promise? Until the day you die? How long will you knock on the door of opportunity? Until your knuckles are raw? Until you knock the door down? The persistent widow’s methodology was unorthodox. She could have, and technically should have, waited for her day in court. Going to the personal residence of the judge crossed a professional line. I’m almost surprised the judge didn’t file a restraining order against her. But this reveals something about the nature of God. God couldn’t care less about protocol. If He did, Jesus would have chosen the Pharisees as His disciples. But that isn’t who Jesus honored. Jesus honored the prostitute who crashed a party at a Pharisee’s home to anoint His feet. Jesus honored the tax collector who climbed a tree in his three-piece suit just to get a glimpse of Him. Jesus honored the four friends who cut in line and cut a hole in someone’s ceiling to help their friend. And in this parable, Jesus honored the crazy woman who drove a judge crazy because she wouldn’t stop knocking. The common denominator in each of these stories is crazy faith. People took desperate measures to get to God, and God honored them for it. Nothing has changed. God is still honoring spiritual desperadoes who crash parties and climb trees. God is still honoring those who defy protocol with their bold prayers. God is still honoring those who pray with audacity and tenacity. And the crazy woman is selected as the gold standard when it comes to praying hard. Her unrelenting persistence was the only difference between justice and injustice. The viability of our prayers is not contingent on scrabbling the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet into the right combinations like abracadabra. God already knows the last punctuation mark before we pronounce the first syllable. The viability of our prayers has more to do with intensity than vocabulary. It has more to do with what we do than what we say. Don’t just pray about it; act on it. There are defining moments in life when we need to prove to God that we mean business - and I don’t mean “business as usual.” In fact, it’s only when “business as usual” goes out of business that we’re in business - the Father’s business. That’s when we’re on the verge of a spiritual breakthrough Crazy? Or maybe it’s not crazy! Maybe our normal is so subnormal that normal seems abnormal. Maybe we need a new normal. Bold prayers and big dreams are normal. Anything less is subnormal. And when bold prayers become the norm, so do the miraculous breakthroughs that follow. There is a pattern repeated in Scripture: crazy miracles are the offspring of crazy faith. Normal begets normal. Crazy begets crazy. If we want to see God do crazy miracles, sometimes we need to pray crazy prayers. Bold prayers honor God and God honors bold prayers.
You are valued by God But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. ...Mathew 10:30-31
Enforcing Prophesies......E.A Adeboye (What to do to see Prophesies fulfilled) 1. Believe God no matter how unbelievable a prophesy may sound, just believe God who can do anything. 2. Believe His prophet (a true prophet) not those prophesying to take money out of you. 3. God is Sovereign meaning He can do whatever He likes. So He reserves the right to change His mind. A seemingly negative prophesy can be reversed depending on You and vice versa 4. Because God is Sovereign to ensure that your good prophesy is not changed; Honour God ( stop rubbing God, stealing God's money places a man under a curse). Make God happy, if God is happy He can change all negative prophesies. Get up and win souls 5. You want your prophesies fulfilled learn to fast. Don't let your stomach become your God. Fasting brings fulfilment of prophesy 6. You must pray until you see your own prophesies fulfilled in your life. 7. Make sure you are not distracted. In 2017 don't let your life be controlled by what others think, say or do, it's between you and God. Let your eyes be fixed on God. When you come to the house of God this year focus on God. It's not your business to monitor others, monitor yourself by doing the above so that your own prophesies will be fulfilled.
