Skerries Sailing Club (SSC) offers free sailing and tuition opportunities for new members through its Just Sailing Programme (see in addition to racing for dinghies and keelboats twice weekly.
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facebook.comLast Wednesday evening talk of this season - History of Skerries RNLI Station by Sam Shiels. Final talk in our off season Wednesday evening series is the rescheduled (remember the snow!) presentation by SAM SHIELS on the history of the Skerries Lifeboat Station from 1854 to 2018. The talk is now scheduled for this coming Wednesday April 11th, at 8.30pm. Sam, our champion sailor, has been a committed and long standing member of our local RNLI station. This will be a popular talk, so come early.
An evening not to be missed......
Wednesday evening talk this week (28th March) is by Declan Bannion on Half-Hulls. The half-model – both a powerful engineering tool and an art form – learn how to make your own half-model, with drawings for an entry level model supplied. Usual time – 8.30pm – non-members welcome.
A large attendance at Gerry Byrne's penultimate talk on introduction to sailing theory on Tuesday night last (20th March). One class left next Tuesday to complete series and then the practice!
Known unto God March 2018 sees the centenary of the 1918 burials of two Royal Navy sailors, one each in Skerries and Balrothery. The burial in Holmpatrick is 'Known Unto God' while the burial in St. Peter's is identified. Over recent years David has researched these burials and his talk will present the findings of his research, which includes the ship, the U-Boat, the circumstances of the sinking, the finding of the bodies, the likely identity of the sailor in Holmpatrick together with much background information. Wednesday 14th March 2018 at 8.30pm in Sherries Sailing Club - non-members welcome!
Kathryn Collins last night was elected as the new Commodore of Skerries Sailing Club. Seen here getting her burgee from outgoing Commodore (and brother) Kieran Branagan. Best wishes to her and her new committee for 2018.
The Annual General Meeting of Skerries Sailing Club will be held on Thursday, 8th March, 2018 at 8.30 pm. See for further details.
We are repeating our popular Free Sailing Theory Course in March. This is an ideal introduction to sailing for people wishing to take up or try sailing, or improve their knowledge of sailing theory. It is open to both members and non-members. It will take place on Tuesday nights March 6, 13, 20 and 27 between 8.00 PM and 10.00 PM with a break for free tea, coffee and cake at 9.00 PM. Subject matter will be similar to at least ISA Level 1 to 3. Participation is open free of charge to members and non-members. This corrects an earlier notice which gave incorrect dates. To secure places email