Zumba classes are held in Sports Hall behind Nenagh Vocational School. Mondays- 4-6 at 5pm
Tuesdays 7-11 at 5pm Hey my name is Christine Nevin. I am a fully qualified Zumba and Piloxing Instructor. My classes are a great opportunity to meet new people, form strong friendships and have fun while losing calories! Why not give it a go?
Hope to see you all!!
<3 <3
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facebook.comMorning everyone 😃😃 Change the I can't do attitude to I can and you will break all obstacles in you're way!!! 👊👊 Come and push your limits at Piloxing tonight at 8pm in Studio17 I shall see you later 😃😃💪
Thank you so much to all my Zumba crew on Tuesday 😍😍 and a massive thank you to my Ballina crew ❤ Words can't describe how thankful I am that you choose to dance with me each week, I love yer energy and you're amazing vibes ❤❤ I shall see you next week guys 💃💃😍😍
Morning guys :D So its the middle of the week, but don't get into that midweek slump and come and Zumba with me In Ballina Parish Hall 💃 <3 Kids at 6pm Followed by Adults at 7pm!!! Bring a friend and let's have fun 😁😁
Hi Guys :D So todays Classes with me are........ 10am- Studio17 Zumba kids-5pm Nenagh Vocational School (REMEMBER WE ARE GETTING READY FOR HALLOWEEN SO PLEASE BRING YOU'RE CHILD!! :D) 8pm again in Studio17 💃💃 Everyone is more then welcome, bring a friend and lets have fun :P
Zumba woth me in Studio17Studio17 at 10am 💃 Everyone is more then welcome to come and try it out and I Pormis it will be fun 😃😃
Please make sure to be at Zumba this week as Halloween fun will be starting and There might not be time to go over things again :D thank you and see you later
Hey guys 😃😃 Zumba kids at 5pm 💃💃 Followed by a hard workout of bootcamp at half 7 in Studio17 💪 Bootcamp can be hard but I promise everyone can do it 😎😎 SEE YOU SOON xxxx
💃💃💃 Whose ready for Zumba at 11am in Studio17???? Everyone is more then welcome to come and join 😃 Zumba is for everyone even if you think you have two left feet or don't have the co-ordination for it, zumba is about fun and dancing to what you can do 😁 See you in the morning ❤
Hello everyone 😎 It's a Friday yay 🎊🎉🎊 but that also means that alot of is tend to get lazy and get an auld takeaway undoing all the hard work of the week🙈 But just as the picture says if you really want something then the word ***PERSISTENCE**** should always be in you're mind!!!! Slow and steady, continuous work will have you reaching you're goals❤ So don't get lazy and come try Bootcamp with me at 7pm in Studio17 I promise that it is a workout that is worthwhile 💪💪💪
Girls all I can say is 'YOU ROCK' 💪💪❤ Thank you so much to each and every one of you for coming and I shall see you next week 👊👊😍
Woohoo another day another dollar ☉☉ Hey guys, Piloxing with me at 8pm in Studio17 💪 💪 Piloxing helps to tone up muscle as well as improving core and balance 👊 See you later for some fun 🏋🏋
From the bottom of my heart, a big massive thank you girls ❤ Each week ye get better and better and big huge well done to my newbies 💃💃Annmarie, Anne and Mandy we miss you and get you're butt back soon 😂😂😍😍 See ye soon guys 😃😃