Vacancy Convenor: Rev. Alan Mitchell
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Opening Hours
- Sunday
- 11:30 - 12:30
facebook.comHope you’re all free for this fun packed weekend. The BBQ is open to everyone, not just those at the weekend. Hope to see you all there.
Save the date
If you’re free, this will be a great event to attend.
Tomorrow morning’s Dawn Service will now be held behind First Monaghan Church, time is still 7am with breakfast in the hall afterwards.
Don’t forget our coffee morning and cake sale, starts at 10am tomorrow morning.
Save the date!! Hope you all can make it to our coffee morning, Holy Thursday from 10 - 12. It really is a lovely morning of fellowship and enjoy some lovely baking 🧁
For anyone at the parade today, we’ll be giving out tea/coffee and shortbread at the gates of the church to keep you warm. As we choose to share the love of Jesus and make ourselves a presence in the community.
Keep this Friday free, read below! Everyone is welcome to the Women’s World Day of Prayer hosted in First Monaghan Presbyterian Church, Old Cross Square, on Friday 1st March at 8pm. Come along for an evening of worship, praise and prayer. Our speaker for the evening is Gayle Berry.
This Friday at 8pm we’re relaunching Connect for all secondary still age youth. It’s at 8pm in the church hall. Please plan to be there and bring your friends 😁
The choir at yesterday’s Harvest Thanksgiving

Today it rained. A lot. And I had to walk places. But this rainy day was overflowing with beautiful things. Long chats at Hope, an infinite supply of beach balls needing to be inflated, wheat-less/jesus-filled lunch dates, more amazing study of Esther, and plenty of dancing and gospel sharing and pig cupcakes at Holiday Bible Club, all tied together with the heart-melting moment of my 4 year old friend Ruby, who giggles every time I look at her, excitedly telling me that she was praying for me last night. Then as I returned to her from singing a song on stage, she looked at me saying, "I could cry!" And she did. Either because it's sad that I was singing all alone, or because I had to leave her, I didn't really catch which one.. Jesus thank you for sweet friends like Ruby and Dorris and the smiles they bring. Even when it's because I'm on stage trying to sing while cracking up at Ruby's smiling, wholehearted attempt to do the hand jive actions to "fruit of the spirit".

Hard at work on the Holiday Bible Club workbooks. What does it mean to be completely saved? That Jesus doesn't say, here I do half and you do half, but that he did ALL the work when He died on the cross. Tonight three of my new friends asked Jesus into their hearts for the first time. Oh how exciting to let the Spirit come transform your heart and your life!! Thank you Jesus for sweet conversations about your faithfulness and sacrifice! Thank you for drawing your children closer to you!

When I say we painted shoeboxes, I mean we painted 62 shoeboxes, walked down the street to get 8 more, then painted them. And cut out 301 precisely measured golden strips of paper one by one. These kiddos are gonna have some darn good treasure chests to build at holiday bible club.

Praising God with parachutes. Sometimes you've just gotta take a little break from singing rehearsals and enjoy the beautiful sunshine and cool breeze. I'm sure He was smiling just as much.

When you get to hang out with 40 of Ireland's cutest toddlers
