Personal Assistant Service for people with physical and/or sensory disabilities
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facebook.comHappy New Year! We wish everyone a great year. Hopefully it will exceed all our expectations. We have been FB quiet of late. However we have been busy behind the scenes. You will have noticed we have changed our page to local business. Please like and share our page to help us spread awareness about what we do and promote our philosophy of independent living which is unique to CIL. We are a not-for-profit organisation. We provide a PA service for people with physical and/or sensory disabilities within Co. Longford. Small, voluntary organisations like ours, need all the support and help from our community - particularly in an election year. The same issues effects all of us. Let's tackle them together! CIL Philosophy of Independent Living The philosophy of independent living is to empower people with physical and sensory disabilities to take charge and control "with responsibility" for their own lives. Longford Centre for Independent Living enables a person with a disability to access mainstream education, training, employment and social outlets and is a lifeline for many to the world outside their homes. Longford CIL Mission Statement Longford Centre for Independent Living Ltd adheres to the Philosophy and Ethos of the Independent Living Movement which is: Freedom of Choice; Growth; Equality; Responsibility - enabling people with disabilities to live meaningful and fulfilled lives within society. PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE!
Longford Centre for Independent Living