Combat KM Ireland
Combat KM Ireland is Non Profit Organisation which promotes Self Defence based on Krav Maga concept and is part of Combat Krav Maga International Combat KM Ireland is part of Combat KM International Family.
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facebook.comURGENT NOTICE - RESPONSE KM MEMBERS!!! Due to unforeseen circumstances, one of our main representatives Response Krav Maga club will be closed down and there will be no training (Kids or Adults) for the next 2-3 Mondays (more info to follow via email and our group)! Apologies to all of our organisation members and club friends for this inconvenience and we hope you will stay positive and join our crew back as soon as we are up and running again in our regular gym! Alternative training options for the adults are to train with one of the other representatives and affiliates: Mondays - 8:15pm - UL KMC (PESS Building) - University of Limerick Wednesday - 7pm - UL KMC (PESS Building) - University of Limerick Friday - 7pm - S4U - (The Body Building Gym) - Raheen Industrial Estate If you require any other information, please email us at or call me at 085 1474921! Regards, Srdan Kovacevic - Sergio
We are happy to announce the Self Defence & Law seminar that will be organised by one of our clubs - UL Krav Maga Club this upcoming Thursday at 7pm. If you are interested in finding out what are the laws on self-defence, then you should come down and attend it. See you all there. Combat KM Ireland Team #selfdefence #kravmaga #law #seminar #ulkravmaga #club #combatkm #ireland #responsekm #srdank #UL #universityoflimerick #clubsandsocs #limerick #ireland
Great first official training of the second semester at the University of Limerick with @ul.krav.maga club... It's great to see so many young people taking on and learning Krav Maga as their choice of Self Defence... The class was conducted by Srdan Kovacevic - Sergio our Head Instructor and main Combat KM representative in Ireland... If you would like to join our family or your would like to host a seminar with us, please contact our Facebook page for more info... #kravmaga #selfdefence #combatkmireland #combatkm #CKMI #SrdanK #positivity
Happy New Year to all of our Combat KM Ireland members and as well to all of our brothers and sisters around the world... Enjoy this night, stay safe and see you all back in training in 2018 with our designated clubs - Response Krav Maga and @ULKravMaga...
Official Combat KM Ireland Christmas Party... If you are around, call down and join us...
Combat KM Ireland had hosted another great seminar today with the help of Response Krav Maga Club and UL Krav Maga Club with Srdan Kovacevic - Sergio teaching and leading students today.... We have dealt with a lot of bad situations you can find yourself in and explained the attendees that you can use everything around you as a defensive tool if necessary. Hope everyone enjoyed it, as much as we did. Regards, Sergio & COmbat KM Ireland Team... #combatkm #combatkmireland #fightingdirty #seminar #responsekm #ulkravmaga #srdank #lioroffenbach #staysafe #keepfighting
Love when we hear, Groin Kick is overrated... Hahahahha... So, if you are so sure about it come down for our upcoming seminar on this Sunday - Fighting Dirty Seminar and check for yourself... Have a great day everyone... :) Combat KM Ireland Team... #combatkmireland #fightingdirty #seminar #kravmaga #selfdefence #besmart #combatready #responsekm #ulkravmaga #srdank
Put this date, the 19th of November in your calendars and call down to pick up some valuable points and tips on how to defend yourself better, if you are stuck in a wrong situation... Combat KM Ireland is organising Fighting Dirty seminar in cooperation with Response Krav Maga Club and @ULKravMaga, hosted by Srdan Kovacevic - Sergio and the rest of Combat KM Ireland Team. This will be very interesting seminar, that will concentrate on tactics and proper behaviour needed to survive difficult situations that you might find yourself in... For those that are attending the seminar, please contact Sergio and confirm your place. Combat KM Ireland Team #fightingdirty #seminar #combatkmireland #responsekm #ulkmc #limerick #tactics #behaviour #badsituations #keepfighting
Combat KM Ireland is organising Fighting Dirty or Fight As You Mean It seminar, which will be open to Combat KM Members (Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland) and to the rest of public and good people who want to call down and learn something useful... This seminar will be conducted by Srdan Kovacevic - Sergio and the rest of the Combat KM Ireland team. This will be a seminar that you want to be part of it and you will come out as a more combat ready person... If you would like to find out more or book your place, give us a call on 085 1474921 or message our page... Combat KM Ireland Team #kravmaga #selfdefence #fightingdirty #beclever #fightasyoumeanit #CombatKMireland #ResponseKM #ULKMC #CombatKM #learnsomethingnew
Fighting Dirty Seminar will represent a proper Fighting Seminar that will include street fighting and urban tactics for all the attendees to learn and know how to survive... Seminar starts at 11am sharp. Please call down half an hour early to register. Price of the seminar: €20 for Combat KM Ireland members / €30 for Non-Combat KM Ireland Members. Principles and scenarios included: > Inclose Confrontation > Altercations > Aggressive Behaviour > Dirty tactics > Multiple Attackers > Use of weapons If you need any other information, please contact Sergio on 085 1474921
So... This goes to all Response KravMaga and @ULKravMaga members... With a hard feelings in our heart we will say this - NO TRAINING TONIGHT... The weather is turning pretty bad in last half hour and we would like everyone to be and stay safe... See you all soon... Be safe - stay safe...
Great work by our main representative in LImerick - Response Krav Maga Club... Its great to see lads doing what they do best.... Simple and straightforward Krav Maga... #combatkmireland #responsekm #limerick #srdank