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#2minutebeachclean It's doesn't take much folks to clean up the shore. If we all did a little bit each day.
A very sincere thank you to all the parents and young people that came to our information evening for our new Young Mariner program last night. This was hosted in one of our newly renovated classrooms and we are delighted to report that the program kicks off next weekend with an exciting cohort of teenagers. We look forward to reporting the progress of these Young Mariners. A special thanks to the office staff and Instructors of KOEC who supported the growth of our new program.
What a beautiful view from our recent Level 2 Sea Kayak skills course. Well done to everyone who took part. Our local coastline is bursting with great scenery and so many great learning opportunities. Stay tuned for our next Sea Kayaking courses.
A big well done to Ballinspittle, Belgooly and Ballinadee National schools who joined us today as part of World Outdoor Classroom day. The students did some teambuilding to start their new year and also some Orienteering in James Fort! A great day had by all and thanks to our super staff for making it all happen. A special thanks also to Kinsale College who also supported Kinsale OEC in delivering today's program.
A very big welcome to the Ventac group who are with us today. The weather is holding off well despite the foul forecast.
If you have completed your Level 3 Sea Skills and requisite training for Level 4 then this one day assessment based on the spectacular Kinsale Coastline is for you. This award is also the main pre requisite for all aspirant Level 3 Sea Kayak Instructors. Please phone our office to book your place on 0214772896.
SHORT RANGE CERTIFICATE FOR VHF OPERATORS (SRC) at Kinsale Outdoor Education Centre. We are delighted to offer a continued program of VHF Courses this Autumn / Winter. Come and join us in our newly renovated Marine Education Classrooms. Full VHF operator certificate (SRC modules 1 and 2), including use of VHF-DSC, EPIRB, SART. Suitable for offshore up to 30 miles from the coast and inland waterways. 10 hours of hands-on instruction followed by exam. These courses are held over two days. The course is for anyone who operates a radio on a recreational craft, passenger boat or fishing boat in coastal waters or inland waterways or indeed Sea Kayakers. Every vessel that is equipped with a VHF radio must also carry at least one qualified marine radio operator with this minimum qualification. You can choose from either of two dates we have available now. Course 1 October 21st & 22nd. Course 2 January 27th & 28th. €275 per person inc all DTTS fee's.
Our Dinghy Instructor Course is confirmed and is now open for bookings.