Sarah Rose Therapies
Relaxing/Deeep tissue massage,Hot stone massage,Indian Head massage, Reflexology,Reiki/Crystal Energy Healing,Organic Facials,Body scrubs,Body Envelopment. Relaxing/Deeep tissue massage,Hot stone massage,Indian Head massage, Reflexology,Reiki/Crystal Energy Healing,Organic Facials,Body scrubs,Body Envelopment.
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facebook.comEpsom Salt Bath Pulls Toxins Out of Your Body, Reduces Inflammation, Improves Blood Flow and Stiff Joints
So many benefits of Epsom salts baths.. So I will leave this here for you to read.. be careful not to have to bath too hot and please don't stay in there too long as all the toxins that have been pulled out may be absorbed back into your skin if you soak in it too long.
Photos from Sarah Rose Therapies's post
September back to school special offer.😍😍 Well done mom's and dad's you made it through the summer. No doubt it was full of fun activities and that very special memories were made. So Why not treat yourself or your loved one to 2 hours of complete bliss. To begin..... Beautifully warming Herbal tea to begin while we discuss how you would like to feel after your treatments.⛾⛾⛾ 35 minute Hot stone back massage to deeply melt your muscles and can also improve quality of sleep.🛌🛌🛌 30 minute neck,shoulder and scalp massage with warm oil hair treatment to relieve stress and mental tension. The gently warmed oil helps to strengthen and condition hair.💆♀️💆♂️💆♀️💆♂️ 30 minute of Reflexology which helps to bring your body in to balance. Reflexology has many health benefits such as relief from digestive or allergy issues,detoxifying on body and reduces headaches.👣👣👣👣 25 minute booster facial which includes a double cleanse,exfoliation ,facial massage and mask to help remove old skin cells and to promote nourishment and hydration into your skin. 👩👩👩 To finish.... Treatment finishes with some fresh fruit and a little treat to ground you and gently wake you after 2 hours of pure relaxation.😍😍😍 2 hours Investment in Your Self €95
The Gut-Brain Connection: How Gut Health Affects Your Mood
Free Her Soul Wellness
Happy Friday.😍😍
Sarah Rose Therapies
Some availability left this week. 😊
Farria Kinesiology - Maria Doyle
Organic Remedies
Beautiful sky over Sarah Rose therapies tonight 😍😍😍
'Glossing over anxiety will not make it go away' - How to empower your child to deal with the stresses of the back-to-school period
For all of those heading back to school.
Sarah Rose Therapies
Still a few appointments available for this week .🤗🤗🤗
The Unschool Dad
Way of the Mystic Shamanic Practices