Lomi Lomi Ireland
Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage in Ireland - info about training, retreats, philosophies, treatments, practitioners & the ALOHA SPIRIT!! Certified Training in Lomi Lomi Nui Hawaiian Massage. Educational Centre for Hawaiian Healing.
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facebook.comI'm generally very soft-spoken about my life experiences & qualifications for teaching lomi lomi. I practice humility & dedication to my life purpose of "sharing the light of aloha" to all that are willing to receive with an open heart❤️ It's not "about me", it's about "the cause" & that has always driven me to pursue teaching this sacred art. There were YEARS when very few were ready to receive...I shone the light..and now when there is an abundance of receptivity...hallelujah...mahalo... 18 years ago my life path became that of a follower of this sacred way, this path of the adventurer. There is no doubt this has been the defining foundation of my life. Not just a course or a cool curiosity or a unique pursuit, this is what my ancestors gifted to me, my spiritual kupuna, to form the "rainbow bridge" to the ancient pathway to the Stars... I have ALWAYS been guided to teach this work. I have always been destined to be a custodian of this sacred lineage. Everybody has a unique gift to the world. It doesn't have to be profound to be perfect. My own gifts are that of being able to hold non-judgmental space for pretty much anything...this is what I offer you on my table & my trainings. I've got your back...to heal your deepest wounds, your cherished wounds, to unpeel the layers, to reveal the YOU that has always been there. We Are All Connected. With Aloha, Louise
Any Lomi Lomi therapists in Cahersiveen or nearby? Please send me your details for a client - Mahalo!
It's impossible to "stage a performance" of Lomi Lomi Massage, it is a sacred thing that perhaps shouldn't be filmed. I feel it's also important to have a visual to reach out to people, perhaps stir something in the heart, appeal to the higher self. I hope that this amateur video gives a good impression of what is truly a beautiful & ancient healing art. Mahalo & Aloha
Locals can join "Level 1 & 2" Lomi Lomi Training from 18th - 21st February as NON-RESIDENTIAL participants:) Contact me for a discounted rate if you are interested in this training option. *Level 3 is RETREAT ONLY (no option for non-residential)
One of the greatest pleasures of my life was receiving a lomi from this amazing therapist & lomi Lomi teacher Katia ❤️ Thise who have the privilege of training with her are indeed blessed💥
This will be one of only 3 training retreats this year (February, May & November) where you can certify in Lomi Lomi Practitioner in 8 days:) Of course, it takes much longer to embody the truth of this deep healing work, however, the training that I offer will be a good start! I work with powerful lineages from my 3 amazing kumu, together with my own ancestral guidance, deep life experience & most importantly...an open heart. Whilst we are navigating the bodywork & exploring the ancient teachings, I will hold space for you to heal. Come join me & my Ohana at our home, Aloha House, to embrace what will most likely be a turning point in your life! With aloha, Louise Kleu McEvoy
Ka Lei Aloha I Na Kupuna - “in the circle of love are the ancestors” (and it is understood that we are part of this lei) My kumu Jeana Naluai taught me this Oli (chant) to acknowledge with gratitude the presence of our ancestors in our daily lives. Though I had received the teachings about our ancestors for many years before, it was something I believed in yet never felt a strong connection with for some time...I wasn’t ready...as I’ve grown spiritually (and matured😉) this connection with my ancestors has deepened...& I feel much more supported & guided. Mahalo Jeana & for the persistence of those who walk beside me. Is it time for YOU to connect with your kupuna???❤️
Planting the seed for the first Lomi Lomi Training Retreat in 2018... Is it your time to be there? HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE! Move towards the Light...🌋
One of my most powerful initiations...2004 Kino Mana Teacher Training...4 hands (sometimes 6 hands!) Lomi Lomi for 5 + hours. This was a very sacred space & I am only sharing these photos for inspiration. In ancient times, the kahuna lomi lomi would lomi lomi the recipient (including chanting, cleansing rituals, prayer & other medicine) for hours, even days, until the person came back into alignment on all levels. Though most of us who practice Lomi Lomi these days don't massage for this length of time, this experience in Kauai taught me a lot about breaking through boundaries, riding the wave, altered states of consciousness & the infiniteness of the Aloha Spirit & all our ancestors who stand behind us
Gift yourself this invaluable opportunity to learn Lomi Lomi & Hawaiian Healing from a Native Hawaiian Cultural Practitioner from Maui... I had been practicing & teaching Lomi Lomi in South Africa & Ireland for 13 years before the calling came again to train with another teacher...I wanted more depth & a fresh "injection of the aloha spirit" after years of another great adventure...motherhood:) I researched online, as you do, trying to find the perfect fit...when I came across Jeana Naluai on the internet, I watched her Ho'omana video, and my heart swelled...YES...I would go to her... A wonderful experience in her training centre followed, and later, I invited her to Ireland, to share her incredible, authentic & powerful lineage of Lomi Lomi with all who live here, and beyond. In 2018 she is returning, mahalo Ke Akua, to Aloha House & will be offering 2 trainings, Fundamentals & Advanced Extremeties, back to back. This is a unique & worthwhile investment to anyone interested in Hawaiian Healing, whether it just be for yourself, your family, friends, community or professionally. Whatever your intention, I can only recommend this from my heart, as a serious investment in your physical & spiritual wellbeing! I know from personal experience :) You can contact me or Jeana for more info or to book, here is the link! Aloha from Louise https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hawaiian-healing-retreat-ireland-tickets-37826401786