Running and fitness classes plus personalised running programs for specific events, general fitness or other goals. I've been a runner and fitness fanatic for the last 16 years or so, culminating in representing Ireland in the British and Irish Cross Country Championships November 2015 in Santry, where we won silver in the O/40 team competition. I have qualified again this year, and will head to Glasgow to represent Ireland for a second time. I have a National Certificate in Exercise and Fitness from UL and am a qualified Neuromuscular Therapist. Neither of these are my day job however.
I decided to take a short break said day job, from the grind of the International IT world (yawn, I know) last spring, and pretty much ditch my sugar addiction (eeks!) to see if it would improve my running performance. Both decisions mean I have some spare time on my hands to do some really fun and healthy making, baking and cooking for me, hubby and our 2 boys (4 and almost 7). I've also started some beginner and improvers running groups locally here in Stoneyford, and a general fitness class in Dunnamaggan to get folks fitter!
Mondays : 7pm, running and strength and conditioning Stoneyford Track, 1hour. €5.
Tuesdays : Dunnamaggan school hall, cardio and strength and conditioning class. 45mins. €6.
Wednesday mornings : 9.30, Danesfort GAA pitches. Running for beginners/intermediate. All welcome.
Tell your friends
Opening Hours
- Monday
- 19:00 - 21:00
- Tuesday
- 18:15 - 20:00
- Wednesday
- 09:30 - 11:30
3 local businesses coming together to offer and showcase the best of Irish (and Kilkenny!) hospitality! Best of luck to Debbie from Adorabell glamping, Fred and Brid of Malzards bar and Pauline and Helen in Knockdrinna cafe on this super venture!
Allistair McCaw Page
I will admit I have to be semi-forceful 😠 sometimes getting the lads to go to soccer ⚽️or swimming 🏊♂️or whatever it is when they're moaning that they don't want to go for myriad reasons. But Momma knows best! They always have great craic when they're there. What I do not do is shout at them on the pitch or in the pool to do this or that, or move here or there. If it's a match, I don't ask them who won, or who got what goals (naturally I'm bombarded with nuggets anyway!). I just ask whether they had fun. That's all. Because if you don't enjoy doing stuff at 7 or 10 due to pressure to perform, what hope have you to keep doing stuff when you're 30, 40 or 50? When in fact ain't nobody cares at that stage anyway only yourself! Go easy on your littlies 😉.
Timeline Photos
Delighted to chat to Freddie after his win yesterday in the @longfordmarathon. Always a very humble winner 🏆. . The 'A' goal for me heading up was to win (sure what else 🤔) with a 'B' goal of a sub 1.25. The summer months were up and down training wise. We had a family bereavement, holidays and a very bruised kneecap (slipped while drying floor so that KIDS wouldn't slip at son's party!), all of which impacted my running and gym work. On the plus side, my nutrition was A1, with some great help from Brian @thefitclinic. Never ate as much protein 🥩 in general, or carb loaded 🍚so much for a half! . Race recap! Miles 1-6 -steady as she goes, sat in with a few guys that helped me tune out a little and also broke the wind in spots! Averaged 6.27/mile. Took on a @torqfitness gel after 35mins or so. Figured I was 2nd lady. . Mile 7-9 - dropped the guys just after half way or so. Pushed on to catch up with another guy ahead. A few pulls start to appear on the route at this stage. Mile 9 went out to 6.30. . Mile 10 - spotted a girl pulled up ahead, but it wasn't who I had seen earlier, so realised I was in 3rd spot. I figured if she'd stopped once, she would stop again, but the head still dip a little knowing I'd still a tough 5k to go. To counter those negative thoughts, I pulled out another gel and sipped away on it for the next mile. Met 1st lady on dogleg section, she was flying it, 30-40s ahead. . Mile 11 - passed 2nd lady, feeling more confident heading onto the main road and final stretch. . Mile 12-13 - I was gaining a little on Adriana but knew I hadn't a couple of 6min miles in me to catch her. Changed focus to dropping a couple of faster miles though after seeing avg pace still 6.27. Last 2 miles were 6.18 and 6.16. Average overall 6.26/mile for a 1.24.09 2nd place finish, 15s behind first!! 17s off my pb from 2016. I'll take that! . Thanks as always to @Matt of @Thefactory, brian @thefitclinic and Coach James @mckirdytrained, who encouraged me to shine 🤣🤣! I sweat plenty anyway, does that count coach?!? Roll on @jjreddydanesfortrun and @dublinmarathon 👊. . . #halfmarathon #longford #mastersrunner #runningmom #marathontraining #dublinmarathon
Danesfort Athletes
2 important things as JJ Reddy Danesfort Run draws ever nearer! 🤗🤗 ⚀ For the next 2 (maybe even 3🤔) Tuesdays, August 27th and September 3rd, the Tuesday night 7pm session in Danesfort will gradually cover the 10k route. Tomorrow night's run will be just under 8k, or 5miles. ⚁ More importantly!! #adelesgazelles are in this video. Check us out! Will you be with us this year?? So share, share, share and grab a buddy to come get used to this super route ahead of time while having some craic 😜😜!! See you tomorrow evening at 7pm! Bring a hi viz vest. I will have some just in case 😉. 20 days and counting!
The Irish Post
3 more sleeps 🙏🙏🙏
Alfie Hale Sports
Some deadly new gear in Alfie Hale Sports!!
Kings River A.C.
Some great results from our pocket 🚀 John Barron in Tullamore yesterday at the All Ireland Masters Track and Field!!
📣📣Do NOT miss out on the chance to taste Helen's amazing cuisine. We popped in 2 weekends ago and it was delicious. The food 🥘and wine 🍷choices, the service👩🍳 were all worth going back for. Not to mention the superb value for money! 😲 No having to drive into the city, find parking, get drenched😢. Just park outside the door! Stroll in and enjoy! And if it's still early when you finish, cross the road back to Malzards Pub where Fred Malzard will make sure you get a lift home if need be !!
Photos from Adele's Eat Train Live's post
Weekend round up Fridays night’s Liz (Eilís) Hayes Memorial Fun Run hadn’t the best of conditions to start but had a great buzz for all athletes! 7 #adelesgazelles headed to Deise Land to take part and weren’t left disappointed! Tom Walsh won 1st O50 (not 40 as previously reported!!) in 32.10 and was hot on the heels of Thomastown AC Clubmate Caoilte Malone, who took first lady overall! Not far behind Tom was Philip Fennelly, rounding back into race form ahead of many, many miles of KBC Dublin Marathon training! Joe Langton ran almost exact 7min miles and finish in 35mins. Mary Molloy came back to training with us just last Monday and is flying in since the birth of her little baby not too long ago! Mary ran 35.55 and was 2nd Over 40. Brian Harris, who continues to improve his Kilkenny parkrun times STILL, week after week, ran 37. 26. Not bad for O65, right?!?!? Anyone else jealous? Dave Forristal, doubling as sponsor for the night, was well under the 40min mark in 38.26. While hubby Joe was warming down (or maybe up!), Karina Langton was flying around, finishing in 45.42. Congratulations to all the organisers and all that took part! Saturday saw the inaugural Ballyhale FamilyFunDuathlon - Saturday 10th August 2019. I think the photos tell the story. The wind did nothing to deter the fun and excitement on the day. Pairing off kids to go the run and cycle as a relay was inspirational and meant the smallies could take part just as much as the adults! Congratulations to our very own first lady, and the first lady on the day, Mag Kirwan. Not bad for someone who did the Nore Swim that morning as a WARM UP! Well done again to everyone in Ballyhale, we shall be back next year for sure. Talks of an #adelesgazelles family fun day abound! Sunday rounded out the weekend with the Castlewarren 5 mile and 3k Fun Run 11th August 2019, where again we had a winner on the podium! Congratulations to Shelagh Foley on her 3rd place finish! Such a buzz to win a prize at any of these events! Enjoy it Shelagh, very well deserved! Lots more training duos and groups were out over the weekend also, getting all their prep in for the JJ Reddy Danesfort Rundy events on September 15th! Are you entered yet? If you enter before Wednesday, you might win a pair of All Ireland Tickets!! Get in !!
Photos from Adele's Eat Train Live's post
Another busy weekend of running and spinning this weekend! Tonight is the 8th running of the Liz (Eilís) Hayes Memorial Fun Run. Eilís was a true lady and has huge links here in Kilkenny having taught in Ballyhale NS and run with Thomastown AC for years. She was one of the first people I met in running all those years ago. I remember my first cross country when she slagged my brand new spikes 🤣. They didn't stay clean for long and are still on the go now 18 years later!! This is a superb event run by a loving community that remember her with love each year. Great spread after too of course! It might cheer you up in this dreadful weather! Still Ballyhale related is the Ballyhale FamilyFunDuathlon - Saturday 10th August 2019 tomorrow at 2pm. With distances of 4k and 1k runs, with a 15k cycle in between, there's something for all the family! To round out the weekend is the Castlewarren 5 mile and 3k Fun Run 11th August 2019 over Clara direction! Their 5 miles is a very scenic route and unchanged from last year. Both distances have a lovely long downhill finish. They have a scavenger hunt on the 3k also for the more reluctant runners! All funds raised from the run go towards Clara Ladies Gaelic Football Club from u8s to u18s. Registration is on the day. Please share and spread the word about all these terrific options!! Stay safe out there folks!
This is going to be a fantastic day! Even my 7 year old is taking part! Who doesn't love an all inclusive family fun event? Well done Ballyhale! See you Saturday!
JJ Reddy Danesfort Run
This is my only shot at tickets for Sunday week. 🏑🏑 So please, please 🙏🙏, DO NOT enter any of the many JJ Reddy Danesfort Run races on September 15th before next Wednesday night. I mean it now!! Extra reps for anyone that reduces my chance of winning these tickets 😡😡😅😅.