Geoff Cooper is one of Ireland's best known coarse anglers and is a regular guest with Sky Television and BBC Talk Sport. He is keen to educate anglers in the piscatorial art and also highlight the ups and downs of angling in Ireland. Just another fishing website? I don't think so! The serious amount of feedback I already get from those of you who read my articles and listen to my rants on the radio, I feel sure are going to enjoy my website. Within the site I will be passing opinion and comment on all that appertains to the Irish angling scene. I will place emphasis on all that is taking place, good or bad, on our wonderful rivers and lakes.
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facebook.comHaving just discussed the latest development with Derek Talbot and watched the DVD of the dumping of cages and nets by the IFI it does stagger me. Set aside the disgusting mess and the danger to life and limb of not only birds and animlals but consider the consequences if some poor soul wandered into them and got badly injured. It's not on but there are lots of things that 'they' do, that now, should not surprize me. Who left the mess, why was it left and will anybody be answerable. I think not. Oh, just a thought. If you had to purchase that little lot it would cost an arm and a leg. Tax payers money again lads and lasses. I didn't have time until now to comment on our demo at the expo in Dublin last weekend as directly after I flew to the UK to attend the Leeda tackle expo in Milton Keynes. So here goes. It went just as planned. No shouting and balling and if folk wanted to stop and chat that's what happened. Believe me there were plenty that did and there was some very interesting dialogue. A good number when they saw the placards with dead pike were totaly shocked. They didn't even know it was taking place and some took lots of convincing that it was being carried out by the IFI. Others knew a little but were unaware of the extent of the carnage and how much of their money was being wasted. The message was got across to a good number of the public as to what is actually happening. My old mate Fergal Keane arrived to do an interview with me for RTE. I did some work with him a few years ago. He suggested then, we did fishing programmes for radio. Initially I thought it was a barmy idea but it turned out to be very good. The chat we had last week will go out on Seascapes so listen for it. There are no punches pulled believe me! While we were stood there a little guy approached me. To say he was a good deal older than me is an understatement. He asked if he could shake my hand. I duly obliged. He then said, 'You people are the true Irish champions.' I was very flattered and it made standing out in the damp and cold well worth while. Finally for now. We reported the poison pen writer to the Garda. I wrote to Ciaran Byrne myself and also sent a copy of the letter to him allegedly written by John Chambers. Derek requested a face to face meeting with him. As yet I have had no reply to my correspondence and there has been no reply to our request for a meeting. We are here and we will make ourselves available at any time.
It appears the phantom letter writer has struck again. We were notified yesterday that Ciaran Byrne has received a letter on IAA headed note paper which is so scurrilous he has handed it to the Garda. It was dated the same day 8th of Feb as the one I received. Last night I sat down and wrote a genuine letter to Ciaran and enclosed a copy of the one I received, allegedly from IFPAC. I now make a short statement to the one or ones who enjoy writing poison pen letters. Perhaps I shouldn't bother but here goes anyway. To whoever you are. Your efforts to derail the Pike policy review by writng pure trash has failed rather badly. Indeed it has only made our case much stronger. You are showing the whole of the genuine angling community exactly what you are. Stupid, gutless, uneducated, weak willed, pathetic, meaningless, purile and last but not least a useless piece of shit. NOW CRAWL AWAY AND LET THE FOLK WHO ARE DOING THEIR UPMOST TO BRING ABOUT A SATISFACTORY CONCLUSION TO WHAT IS A DEEP AND COMPLEX MATTER.
The letter I recently received under the guise of IFPAC and allegedly written by John Chambers was an obvious fake even though with an IFPAC logo. The day before I received it we were talking to John regarding the rally at the Dublin expo. He supports it! I was going to print the purile rubbish in full content but will abridge it with my comments in between statements. The letter was sent to me directly and not the IAA and opens To Geoff. Cutting out some of the crap it states, ' IFPAC regards your (my) current camapign on facebook and the rally at the Expo is doing more harm than good for Irish Pike. My comment. What has taken place since 2008 and the recent antics with electro fishing, after assurances that no action would be taken until after the outcome of the pike review certainly does nothing for Irish Pike and the situation need to be brought to the publics attention. Letter statement! It states that all the good relations buit up with 'Dr Byrne' of the IFI over the last 12 months have now been destroyed by the IAA. My comment. Not so. The IAA fight for the pike angler and their quarry. We speak the truth and the first time we don't our credibility wil be gone! Certain comments in the last statement which I have left out for now are a give away as to where the writer stands on the issue. Letter. You need to control the hot heads who have posted 'inflammatory' statements that are now being used in local and national media. My comment. Hot heads we don't need and yes when folk step out of line we do our upmost to let them know of our disaproval. We have recently had telephone conversations with idiots who are making stupid statements and told them to shut up. Letter. Dr Byrne is 'fielding' daily phone calls fromTDs supporting the trout lobby due to your ill judged commentary. My comment. If 'Dr Byrne' is doing so why not tell us all. As stated the IAA are open and speak the truth. If we don't, take us to court. Letter. You have set our campaign back another three years! My comment. The writer must have a crystal ball. Stop penning daft letters and use it to win the lottery. Letter. I would plead with you and Derek (Talbot) to show more common sense. SOME DAY WE WILL HAVE TO SIT DOWN WITH THE TROUT ANGLERS TO THRASH OUT AN AGREEMENT. My comment. I think the last statement is a clue as to who really wrote the bull. I think there are a lot of ruffled feathers out there and they are not on the backs of pike anglers. The killing has to stop! I have left out a lot of comments by the writer as they are only fit for a kiddies comic. We the IAA have no qualms about talking to anybody, anywhere at anytime. We really do not want a war with any faction of our great sport. The Irish Angling Alliance was formed to bring together all anglers and to act on their behalf. Common sense, not diatribe must prevail for everybodies sake.
Hi Everybody, Just to let you all know the rally up at the Dublin expo is still on. Come and talk to us and give us your support or opinion, one way or the other. Today I received a letter sent directly to me. Not to the IAA. It was on IFPAC headed note paper and signed by a very respected leading member. Yep it's a fake. It had me fooled at first and to say I was angry is an understatement. I immediately phoned our solicitors and was on my way with it on Monday morning. I'll print it's content over the weekend. It just endores what we keep saying. These folk are devious, corrupt and bordering on criminality. My message to who ever penned it. If you haven't got the guts to face me F off back down your Fin rat hole you sad stupid git.
Hypocrisy. The English Oxford Dictionary's definition is, 'pretence of having standards or beliefs that are contrary to ones real character or actual behaviour.' Just a short time ago Derek Talbot and I sat around a table with seven IFI employees with regard to the Pike Policy Review. As I,ve already told you we put our case and they listened very intently. Feed back we got was that we were articulate, passionate and technically well informed. We were also led to believe that pike culling including the barbaric gill nets would be put on hold, at least until the report on the matter was finalized. We felt that the modern scientific evidence that we put forward would be listened to and acted upon. i.e. That removing the apex predator from any balanced fishery is without doubt detrimental to all fish stocks including trout. Indeed the IFI;s own records show that trout stocks have decreased since the culls were reintroduced. We then got the three buffons on the Clare River who were caught in the act electro fishing. We were led to believe that this was some kind of mistake where these killers were acting without authority and it was some kind of an unauthorised misdemeanour! We then find that seventeen (17) IFI employees have submitted a paper in support of the killing of pike. Allegedly most are involved in trout fishing. We are informed that within the constitution of the IFI employes should be without bias and therefor the paper should have been hung up for bum paper. Not so I am afraid. We then get reports of another sighting of a second electro fishing boat out again. Don't these uneducated Muppets realize that what they are doing is killing small undeveloped fish including trout by the thousands. It beggars belief folks. Now get the latest. Pike competitions are to be organized where all fish caught under 50cm are to be, as they put it, 'euthanized'. Back to the dictionary folks. 'Euthanasia,' killing something painlessly to relieve it's suffering! When asked how these fish would be put out of their 'misery' I am reliably informed the reply was, 'With a club!' I'd also take a bet if nobody is looking it won't just be the jacks that are clubbed to death either. I avoid bad language on my blogs but F me when will all this Fin lunacy be stopped. When a senior IFI representative was questioned about the latest developements we were told it was because of 'political interjection.' Which politician or politicians. At this juncture we know not. What we do know is that the puppets who run the IFI dance without complaint. I often hear from my Irish friends a well versed saying. It goes, 'It;s a dirty little country we live in!' I reply no it's not the country. The country is beautiful but yes. there is lots of shit around! The National Angling Show takes place at the exhibition centre in Swords on the 18th and 19th of this month. The Irish Angling Alliance is organizing a peaceful rally outside the building over both days. Come and fly the flag lads. We need you to support us to show these killers the world disaproves of their actions. Finaly back to hypocrisy. Doesn't the word just sum up the very folk who we pay by taxes that should be protecting our valuable prize fish stocks.
Yesterday, Monday 30th of January Derek Talbot and I met the Environment Agency Investigation unit in the Bush Hotel in Carrick. It is as some of you know the second meeting with them in 3 months. Another is planned for March at their suggestion. The meetings are with regard to pollution incidents on the Shannon which are serious and on going. I can assure you all that the meeting from the Alliances point of view went far better than we could have anticipated. Unfortunately at this stage I cannot give you a detailed account of what took place as it may prejudice the ultimate outcome. I ask you all to have patience as negotiations of this kind are delicate and from a legal perspective quite thorny. It was agreed by both Derek and I plus the two EPA inspectors that what is taking place be kept under wraps at this time. I will comment though. As with the Alliances fight against the slaughter of prize pike stocks and even though we are up against a multi million dollar universal company, we are confident the end result will be in our favour. Now having said all that I will pass general comment once again on pollution matters in general. As a lad in the UK I along with others often fished in rivers and lakes that were no more than open sewers. We had little option as in those days most factories took the easy way out and piped muck and waste into the nearest water course. Now there is a renaissance. The UK environment agency have done a massive job cleaning up the whole mess. The rivers are full of fish again and it gives me no pleasure to say that in my opinion most are better now than what we have here. Many of our lakes are eutrophic caused by over enrichment. Our rivers are dumping grounds for out dated sewage treatment plants and factories who leach in toxic rubbish, in many cases unchecked. The ideology that every Irish lake or stream is good to drink is now no more than a myth. It doesn;t have to be like this. Water courses soon recover if allowed to. It's amazing how fish return very quickly to the benefit of resident anglers and visitors alike. Things are changing here along with the attitude of the guardians of our waterways. I assure you that the future is brighter and we at the Alliance are prepared to help it on it's way. My last comment may shock you all. I wish to congratulate Ciaran Byrne CEO of Inland Fisheries Ireland for holding firm on the gill netting issue and not allowing himself to be badgered by those who wish the slaughter to continue. I believe I have been his most vitriolic critic. I once accused him of not having balls and in a face to face meeting he asked me not to be so personal. Well Ciaran lad for now I take it all back. Good on yer....for now!
Well folks what a last few days we have had. There's more muck flying around than what falls off the back of Rileys s--t cart. Before I go on let me just say that we at the Alliance feel confident that the pike review will be favourable. Having said that Derek and I were astounded to learn that a team of three from the IFI were on the Clare river electro fishing only days after we were assured that all activites would cease until at least, the review is finalised. We immediately contacted the IFI and it appears more muck hit the fan. The three loonies were called away from the river and an internal investigation is taking place as to why it happened in the first place. Our lads down there did a great job actually filming them and witnessed the evil gits chucking prime fish into the bottom of the boat. Well done lads we owe you a pint! We are now reliably informed that the trout and salmon lads (no disrespect as I love catching trout, which I do put back) have got their knickers in such a twist that they have had a right good moan directly to the IFI about the pike not being murdered. Threats abound and marches by them are threatened terminating outside the Dial. Sounds a grand idea as I,m sure we can muster our own good lads and true to wave a few flags and posters on the day on behalf of Pike and coarse fish. The whole situation is just plain barmy. During the meeting with the IFI last week we pointed out the amount of revenue they are wasting set aside the half million Euro a year they actually spend slaughtering fish. If left alone pike anglers would flock to the area during winter months filling the coffers of land ladies, pubs and shops. The other morning whilst supping my customary pint pot of tea I was musing through a copy of the UK Anglers Mail. Behold before my very eyes was a quarter page advert for Llyn Brenig Reservoir a 920 acre 'trout' fishery in North Wales. The ad in bold print says, 'Now open for pike fishing from 1st of November to 28th of February. Boats available at 40 quid a day. To quote Arthur Daly that sounds a bloody good earner to me. I then turned the page over to see another very large advert, headed, 'Top Five Trout Reservoirs For Predators.' It lists, Esthwaite Water, Rutland Water, Bewl Water, Pitsford Water and Farmoor. All charging big bucks for a days pike fishing. I know Grafham Water which was on my patch offers a similar deal. All open at the right time of the year to pike fishing. Not one of these huge waters have any pike removed and I would take a guess all of them now have better trout returns than anything we have here. Finally in my last blog I said I was going to reveal serious pollution issues that the Irish Angling Alliance are dealing with. We are putting that on hold as Derek Talbot and I are meeting the EPA investigation unit at 10,30 next Monday morning. I trust all the red Herrings will be used as dead bait and no attempt will be made to slap us in the face with them!
Yesterday, the 16th of January members of the Irish Angling Alliance met the 7 member committee who will in essence have the final say on the pike policy to be undertaken by Inland Fisheries Ireland. The meeting took place in the IFI head quarters in City West, Dublin. The meeting was a lengthy one where we put forward our opinions and genuine irrefutable facts appertaining to current pike management, the destruction of a valuable resource and the waste of tax payers money. There were no chucking hand bags across the table. The meeting was carried out in a proper orderly fashion with no raised voices and to be fare and honest we were more than happy with what took place. It would at this stage be unfair to the IFI to disclose any of the dialogue which took place. All I will say is we feel what took place was more than favourable. Final coment on the matter at this point in time. During an interview I did with Ciaran Byrne in 2008, the then newly appointed CEO of the IFI he promised a 'New Dawn' for coarse angling in this country. We at the Irish Angling Alliance are now convinced the 'New Dawn' is just around the corner. Once again we, at the Alliance thank the thousands of you who are supporting us. In the very near future I will be making a statement on pollution issues which have been ignored by some of the powers that be in this country. Food for thought lads and lasses. It is not that long ago Ireland boasted over 700 lakes with category A water class. There is now less than 35!
Last week Derek talbot and I met Peter Burke TD in Mullingar. The meeting was called at Peter's request and to say it went very well could be regarded as an understatement. He listened intently as to what we had to say and also asked questions which were relevant to the points we were making. We discussed at length the impending pike policy review and what it's consequences could be. We also provided him with details of how our assets are being destroyed by the IFI and the costings of doing so. We presented him with the DVD showing speciment pike being hung in gill nets. We made a strong point that as a supposed civilized caring nation the folk partaking in this carnage should be brought to task. The rest of Europe or for that matter, anybody who cares about the way fish are treated find the IFI's actions abhorrent and sickening. TD Burke asked for specific questions from us to be put forward he could ask the house. This we did but also made it clear to him that the folk who would reply were the very people who were carrying out the atrocities. A few days after meeting Peter Burke Derek Talbot and I received a communication from Inland Fisheries Ireland inviting us to their HQ in City West on the 16th of January to discuss and put forward our points with regard to the management of Pike in designated Trout fisheries. I think, interesting to say the least. On that subject I would like to congratulate the two Pike societies on the effort and work they have put in. Very commendable. I also make the point that there are other so called reputable organizations that I regard as gutless to the extreme. At this stage fence sitting shows their true colours and a regular advance of the 'silver dollar' has turned them into puppets of the establishment. Shame on you. This week I contacted Mick Henry of the EPA Investigation Unit. Mick and one of his colleagues met us in Carrick as I told you in a previous blog. I forwarded on to him more evidence as to why the faciltiy at Drumsna should clean up or shut up. The sister factory in Mendocino, California was closed down in 2005 for air pollution offences plus the wipe out of fish on the local river. Recently I received a phone call from a concerned individual who lives in Kirby near Liverpool. He told of a very similar facility which opened up near his home. The product was the very same as is manufactured here. The company from Portugal (different company here) had Hawked themselves around Europe with no takers until the local council at Kirby invited them in. They also provided some funding. (Sounds familiar eh!) There were no health risk assesments carried out and the place began operating. Local folk soon began to suffer form respiratory problems, runny sore eyes and skin problems. The local stream plus the river Holt became heavily polluted. A court action was brought by local folk but the judge chucked it out accusing the complainants of mass hysteria. (See where I,m coming from. It doesn't just happen here) Eventually there were so many complaints brought forward that the UK EPA had to take action. White dust covered the area. (It happens here also) Huge fines were administered and the place was closed down in 2013. Guess what. The local stream and adjoining river are now once again teeming with fish. The material I downloaded has now been forwarded on to Mick Henry at the EPA. This week other serious developments have taken place with educated whistle blowers now coming forward. I dare not say more at this stage but will shortly. Finally to all of you who support the Irish Angling Alliance have a great Christmas and New Year. We thank you all.
Another very busy seven days at the office. As I told you on the 23rd of November Derek Talbot and I had a meeting with Minister Sean Kyne in the Governemnt buildings up in Dublin. Mr Kyne is the Minister for natural Resources. We were told it would be a 'listening' meeting which we understood would mean Minister Kyne would listen to what we had to say. As we were taken by lift to the ministers office we were informed that 'Dennis' would be in attendance. I asked 'Dennis who?' and was told Dennis Maher. To be honest to you all, the name didn't ring any alarm bells to both Derek and myself. Before I go on let me tell you what I found out later about Mr Maher. Dennis Maher Principal Officer, IFI at the Dept of Communications and Natural Resources. Principal Officer, Petroleum Development. Principal Officer, Eel Conservation. Liasing Officer (IFI) with QUB Belfast on fish research. Leading light (IFI) on Sea Trout development. To be fair to Minister Kyne, he said ver y little and did write down a good bit on a large A4 pad. From the start of the meeting we both felt Mr Mahers attitude was to say the least argumentative. Without exception, bar one, every point we made Mr Maher disagreed with or attempted to ridicule. As they used to say in the old cowboy movies we were being 'dry gulched'. In other words being attacked when we least expected it. What we did agree on was that common ground had to be reached between the game and course fishing fraternities. To my knowledge the coarse lads and lasses have been attempting to do this for at least 25 years. Mr Maher should be asking the trout anglers why it hasn't happened! Having said that I do believe the Minister was listening and I think, regardless of Mr Maher took our points on board. My parting question was directly put to the minister. I asked him if he had ever seen gill netting taking place or new anything about it. Earlier Derek had made the point how barbaric it is and does not discriminate. As we all know gill nets kill all fish species plus any water fowl that become snared in them. The minister was honest and admitted he had no knowledge on the subject. I suggested we send to him the DVD which shows the mass slaughter of our pike on the Western Lakes. Mr Maher, not the minister told us it was not necessary! Next Monday Derek and I are meeting Peter Burke TD in Mullingar. Mr Burke has been very amenable towards the Irish Angling Alliance and we feel this meeting will be very constructive. Time is of the essence now. Submissions regarding the pike policy review have to be submitted before Dec 4th. There is an on line sub both on my facebook page and the IAA facebook page. Get it signed and sent off ASAP. Our fight is your fight. We can;t win without your backing. The thousands that read my blog tell me you are behind us. Finally for now. Yesterday the Irish Angling Alliance made a submission to Susan Campion of Inland Fisheries Ireland requesting that an independent qualified pike expert be involved in all matters appertaining to the pike policy review. We have requested that the review should be held back until such times when such a person is employed. We must avoid any form of bias. Our request is, we think not unreasonable.
Recently I gave you a quick insight into the water quality on the Shannon below Drumsna. The areas on lough Boderg, Tap and the Shannon below them were full of fish and were a massive attraction for both local and visiting anglers. Several years ago the bio mass of fish crashed (regardless of what the IFI tell us) and what was once one of Irelands top fisheries became almost barren. The crash coincided with the installation of a factory which is situated on the rivers banks. The facility, wouild you believe was actually issued with a licence to pollute by our governement. The sister factory in America was closed down by the USA Envoronmental Agency for massive pollution to both water and the atmosphere. The one we have here is still allowed to operate on a daily basis. The Irish Angling Alliances experts have identified percentages of Formaldehyde in the system plus another yet to be identified chemical. Formaldehyde is a serious poison and a known carcinogen. On Monday the 14th of November Derek Talbot and I met two members of the Irish EPA.s investigation unit in the Bush Hotel in Carrick. The meeting started just before 10am and finished at 12.10pm. The meeting was cordial and we feel constructive. OK folks you may argue we have seen all this before but I can assure you this time what we put before them is irrefutable and canot be ignored or for that matter, covered up. We presented them with a part dossier which we intend to put before the EU investigation unit in Brussels and to quote the new American President elect, believe me it's gonna happen folks. We told of the water samples that have been taken and gave them positive proof of water poisoning. We also informed them that in the near future we are organizing soil samples to be taken and analyzed. The IAA also regard as a matter of grave concern, regardless of the lack of fish, Longfords drinking water is extracted from Lough Forbes which is downstream of Drumsna. Water samples we have taken directly outside the treatment plant have shown levels of Formaldehyde. On the gill netting front, for several weeks we have been attempting to negotiate a meeting with the senior minister. As yet our attempts regardless of numerous phone calls, we are being avoided. In the past we have held meetings with TD Fitzmaurice and TD Naughton. Recent attempts to organize follow up meetings have met a similar fate. Don't you all just find it amazing how when there is somethuing to hyde folk tend to bury their heads in sand or this time the provebial s--t. As I,ve often pointed out they are our paid servants. We pay their wages. They are supposed to listen regardless of who speaks. Achieving the exalted position of 'members of the house' (we put them there) does not and should not give them the right to play God. The IAA are NOT going away and our voice will be heard I assure you. We will keep you posted. The Irish Angling Alliance is working for all and will continue to do so.
