Transformation life coaching for kids, teens and adults to develop clarity, confidence and strategy to create a more fulfilling life! Transformation Life Coaching is for people of all ages who are ready for change.
So many of us simply put up with situations that don't serve us or put off the dreams and goals we know we deserve to go after. The common denominator is usually FEAR.
Coaching helps you to identify, manage and overcome you fears as you make bold changes to your reality.
Whether its a relationship, career or self-development goal, Sarah will work with you to enable you to gain self-awareness and understand the beliefs and barriers which have been holding you back. The whole process is exciting, insightful and rewarding.
Sarah uses an 'inside-out' approach to coaching whereby the focus is on developing inner resources with a view to changing one's outer reality. She uses a variety of techniques including powerful questions, cognitive-behavioural strategies, NLP, positive psychology exercises and visualisation strategies to name a few.
You will feel empowered, inspired and motivated to bust through your fears and take the action you deep down know in your heart you want.
She offers special packages for children and teens who are looking to develop more confidence and set healthy goals for themselves such as creating greater exam focus, developing friendship skills and overcoming anxiety.
If you have a feeling that this might be for you at this time then pop Sarah a mail at or call 087-6362360 to arrange your free consultation.
One brave moment can change your life. What are YOU capable of?
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Life is a series of little steps. Focus. Breathe. And continue taking the next right action. #littlesteps #takeaction #breathe
"We all want things to stay the same. Settle for living in misery because we are afraid of change, of things crumbling to ruins. Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation" Elizabeth Gilbert
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The way we talk to ourselves has a HUGE impact on how we experience the world and what we attract into our lives. Who doesn't want more positivity in their day to day existence? 🍃🌿🌺 You are not your thoughts! How do you speak to yourself? If, like so many of us, you are harsh and critical of yourself then here's a little challenge for you... 🌼 See if you can pay attention to your thoughts. Watch how you're feeling as a clue. If you do notice your inner critic piping up, see if you can address what it says with mindful compassion. You DO NOT have to identify with everything your inner critic says!! Therein lies your power.🌸🌹🌷 #selftalk #empowerment #innercritic
Identifying Your Life Purpose
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Join me tomorrow at midday for a Facebook live session on identifying your life purpose. If you are stuck, confused and in need of a change then you won't want to miss this!
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No matter what happens to us, life is short. Life is a gift. Let's stop pretending life just happens TO us and start creating a life which happens FOR us. 🌼 What is one thing you could START doing today to improve your life? 🌸 What is one thing you can STOP doing today that would increase your wellbeing? #takeaction #onelife #dreambig
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Time for a change? 🌸 Food, hangouts, recreation, work, friends, technique, strategy, travel destinations, choice of partner....the list is endless. 🌞 This one is for all you #habitjunkies out there. Change things up this weekend and watch for the shift in energy! #byebyecomfortzone #timeforachange #experience
Next week I will be doing another FB live.:) What would you guys like me to talk about? If you have a suggestion either pm or comment below. Thanks!
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It's blog time again! This time I address the unhelpful myths which swirl around finding your passion. Enjoy X
Fired From Within: Transformation Life Coaching's cover photo
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Never doubt the effect one positive thought in the morning can have on your whole day. 😊🌻 What can you be grateful for? What can you intend to create today? How can you view an obstacle as a blessing? 🌻🍒 Have a wonderful day! #miraclemindset #mondaymotivation #positivity
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Excited to be setting up my new workspace today! 🌸🌼 Doing what you love really is one of the keys to everyday happiness. I love helping people get clear on their goals, identifying their purpose and unlocking latent potential. 😊 If you would like to work with me, I have 2 spots available for coaching in March. Check out for details and get in touch! X