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Offering advice, guidance and one to one service to support you through your decluttering process.


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Have you any questions about decluttering or organising in your home? Maybe you're stuck on where to get started, maybe you've started but are now stuck somewhere in the middle, maybe you've done your decluttering but now need organisation ideas to store where is left! I'd love to hear from you & offer some advice! No judgement - just advice. (And you can be sure that someone else is likely having the very same challenge as you). #declutteradvice #letmehelp #lessismore #letitgo #lessstuffmorespace #spendwisely #organise #motivate #smallchanges #toomuchstuff #saynotostuff

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My mum celebrated her birthday yesterday with her daughters, sisters & friends. We shared a delicious afternoon tea in beautiful surroundings of Emo Court. We are trained to think every celebration must be accompanied by a gift (of a thing). But what if you swop the thing for an experience to share with the people you love and make you laugh? For Christmas I received tickets to a concert in July - I am really looking forward to it. (I mean REALLY looking forward to it) My sister in law & I agreed not to exchange christmas gifts for the children & instead are bringing them to the National Concert Hall in a few weeks for a children's concert. Don't be led by the crowd - lead from the front and say no to stuff but yes to experiences! Gift experiences. #declutter #youdontneedit #toomuchstuff #saynotostuff #smallchanges #spendwisely #smallchanges #emocourt @thecoronasofficial @nationalconcerthall

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We often think we need more space to fit all our 'stuff' - in many cases the space you have is just fine - it's the 'stuff' that is the issue! Decluttering allows you to regain space around your home for the things that you actually use, need and that you really really like. The process of decluttering doesn't have to be one big undertaking (in fact that can make it seem so scary & deter you from doing it), you can do it bit by bit - with the help of the tips I post here - you'll be decluttering with ease & seeing the benefits immediately. Happy decluttering. #declutter #youdontneedit #toomuchstuff #saynotostuff #smallchanges #lessismore

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More decluttering in my house at the weekend that I hope inspires you. This footstool is representative of the many items you can end up keeping in your house, even after you decide you don't like it, it no longer serves a purpose and is just getting in the way. For me this footstool ticked all of those boxes since I moved it from my sitting room before Christmas. Why could it end up as clutter? If I started thinking any or all of the following: × there's nothing wrong with it × I might change my mind & like it again × maybe I'll give it to somebody × I spent good money on that - I should hold onto it What I was thinking (& you should be thinking about similar items in your home) is × I don't like it & haven't for a long time × I do not have the time to spend offering it to people (unless you specifically know someone that wants & will use it) × the money is long since spent & the value is no longer in the item. So what did I do? I sold the item on an online 2nd hand sales website (for a small amount). If I hadn't sold within 3 days of listing I would have offered for free (and to be collected). When something no longer adds value to your home you should let it go, regain the space and surround yourself with only those things that serve a purpose or you truly love. Happy decluttering #declutter #decluttercoach #lessismore #spendwisely #smallchanges #toomuchstuff #saynotostuff #minimal

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So this is my downsized decluttered 'going out' bag collection! It consists of 4 bags & one purse. I used to have loads of bags of all different shapes, sizes & colours but there were some things I wanted to gain by giving up some of those bags, they were Time: when you have so many options you spend far too much time thinking, wondering & deciding which bag is best with that outfit. Space: having multiples of anything requires space to store it in. And it was space that I just didn't have or needed for something more important than a large handbag collection. Control: with the bags that I chose to keep I know I have a bag to compliment any outfit I choose to wear to any function. So there is no worry about the cost and time required to buy another bag. As well as losing (donating) a lot of bags I also lost the guilt. There is definitely a satisfaction to buying a new, well a new anything really. But that initial feeling of elation is short lived. Soon after guilt often sets in over how much you spent versus how much you will use the item. I haven't bought a new bag in over 5 years - the last one I bought was for my wedding ( you can guses which one that is). Of course I'm not anti shopping or buying but there is a wonderful satisfaction to using what you have. And really getting good use from your initial spend. I hope you're inspired & happy decluttering

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If any of you are doing the 30 day challenge I'd love to hear how you are getting on? 30 day challenge is to NOT buy anything frivolous for 30 days. Instead write the item & it's cost on a list & at the end of 30 days decide what you still want, love or need in your home! I bet it won't be everything on the list! Happy decluttering #declutter #decluttercoach #lessismore #30daychallenge #spendwisely #smallchanges #toomuchstuff #saynotostuff

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Hello stretch in the evening! While not exactly blue skies, I do enjoy seeing the extra few minutes of day light every day. Good for the soul. #behappy #itsthelittlethings #goforawalk

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Did you read about the 30 day no purchase challenge in my last post & think 'there is no way I can do that'? How about some motivation? (In addition to less clutter) Is there something that you'd really like to do but think you can't afford it? Write that at the top of your list with the cost and see how avoiding all the unnecessary spending for 30 days might allow you to afford that night away or romantic dinner out or some other experience for you to enjoy! You can do this! #declutter #decluttercoach #30daychallenge #spendwisely #smallchanges #toomuchstuff #saynotostuff

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Do you wonder how you have so much stuff in your home? Take this challenge & be your own judge! You will need 1 sheet of paper (or more), 1 pen & to be willing. For the next 30 days instead of making any frivolous purchase, you will not buy the item but will add it & its cost to a list. At the end of the 30 days, what items will you still want to purchase because you need it and/it brings joy to your life? And how much money might you have spent on things that would have cluttered your home? Happy no purchasing & let me know how you get on if you take this challenge. #declutter#decluttercoach #lessismore #spendwisely #smallchanges #toomuchstuff #saynotostuff #30challenge

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I brought my daughter shopping for new runners this morning because she has worn the very best out of the converse (and they have served her well). Her words in Schuh were (and I quote) "I don't want new runners, I have runners". Thank you to the lovely ladies in Schuh who, as always are extremely helpful. I learned/was reminded of 2 things this morning: 1. It's a great feeling when you are replacing something because you have got loads of use from it, it has served you well & it is just worn out. 2. Our children learn from us, the less importance we place on things, the less importance they will place of them. Have a great weekend PS it might take a few days to get use to her final selection which light up! #declutter #decluttercoach #letitgo #lessstuffmorespace #smallchanges #saynotostuff @schuhshoes #converse #skechers #lifeofa4yearold

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I am so happy that you are here! So it snowed last evening so me & the girls wrapped up & joined our neighbours outside who were out making snowballs! It was such a fun 20 minutes (before our fingers started to freeze). All the kids loved it - ok there are two under two and they hadn't a clue what was going on. But it was pure fun & excitement. Enjoy life not stuff #familytime #experience #friday #snow #lessismore

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