Welcome to Embrace Nutrition and Yoga. Offering yoga classes in Maynooth.
Also offering one-to-one nutrition advice, by appointment.
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Invite positive change into your life! Tuesday Leinster Clinic, Maynooth. 8pm: Mixed Level Yoga Flow Thursday Durga Yoga Studio 7.15pm: Reboot Your Practice. 8.30pm: Ashtanga Inspired Flow (Beginners)
21 Day Get Organised series 2017! | Organised Chaos Dublin
Spring has arrived😀. If you have the urge to spring clean, try a step-by-step approach! Integral to every protocol I create for nutrition clients is breaking down a big, long-term health goal into achievable and measurable steps. This makes the overall goal less daunting and each little success provides motivation. Ultimately, clients reach their big goal, one small goal at a time. For the past few weeks, thanks to Organised Chaos. I've been applying the same principle to decluttering and organising my home. Each day you complete one task and after 21 days you have a clean and organised home. I still have a few days to catch up on but I'll keep going one small goal at a time!
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Log out, shut down and come along to Mixed Level Yoga Flow @8pm in the Leinster Clinic, Maynooth 😀
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Fancy something sweet? Try these delicious Mini Macaroons. They're quick and easy to make and very quick and easy to eat! 😊 Ingredients: (makes 8) 3/4 cup unsweetened desiccated coconut 1/4 cup ground almonds or almond flour 1+1/2 Tbsp coconut oil 1+1/2Tbsp maple syrup 1/2 tsp vanilla extract Optional: 2-3 squares dark chocolate Method: 1. Preheat oven 150C (gas mark 2) . Line a tray with baking paper. 2. Mix ingredients (except chocolate) in a bowl. 3. Use hands to shape mixture into small compact balls, about a tablespoon per ball. Place on the tray. 4. Bake for 20 min until Macaroons are crunchy to touch. 5. Remove from oven, allow to cool and top with melted chocolate.
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'Variety is the spice of life.' It's also essential for good health. Each fruit and vegetable contains a unique set of vitamins and minerals. This means that sticking to 1 or 2 of your favourite veg is limiting your nutrient intake, no matter what quantities you eat! Eating at least 1 portion of each colour every day will go a long way to ensuring that you get a broad spectrum of the vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. #eatarainbow
Embrace Nutrition and Yoga
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Happy Sunday 😀 #dosomethingyoulove
Little Things -
Today's health tip-hug, hug, hug 😀
5 ways that savasana relaxation reduces stress - Durga Yoga Ireland
For some yogis Savasana is the perfect end to a yoga practice, a chance to surrender and lie in complete stillness and peace. For others it's those seemingly never-ending 5 minutes where you twitch and fidget as your mind and body resist stillness. Check out Durga yoga teacher, Orlaith McMahon's blog, where she explains the whys and hows of Savasana. Try practising it daily and see what happens 🙏
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Maynooth Education Campus Staff: Pack your gear now and join me tomorrow for yoga @4.15pm. You'll be challenged to stretch, strengthen and balance before enjoying a nice long Savasana (relaxation), inviting calmness and balance to both mind and body!
Not sure about no.1 but the rest-all true 😂😂😂
Mixed Level Yoga Class Maynooth