Grassroots Nutrition
Grassroots Nutrition is the nutritional coaching service that will help you make the right food choices for yourself and heal your body.
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facebook.comMore fruit and fish and less soda: A recipe for better colorectal health?
Not exactly breaking news, but it is always good to hear that our food choices have real impact on our health - as shown in a recent colorectal cancer study from Tel Aviv in Israel. Study leaders concluded that as little as 3 dietary changes (increase fish & fruit consumption, and cut out soda drinks) can have a massive positive effect of 86% less chances of developing polyps (cancerous growth in colorectal cancer) in people. That is staggering! So, load up on fresh fish, tinned fish (sardines, mackerel, cod, salmon, anchovis, etc) and all your favourite summer fruits (berries, melons, peaches, cherries anyone?) and bin those nasty fizzy sugar bombs called soft drinks for good health!
Alex Dobbs (Nutritional Therapist) – Diabetes
This week's Spirit Radio interview on Diabetes: podcast link here. Can you influence your chances of developing diabetes? Which foods to avoid. How to eat. Does stress have an influence? And what is the difference between Type I and Type II Diabetes? All answered in this interview.
Irish Institute of Nutrition & Health
Beautiful summer dish prepared by fellow foodie, friend and extraordinary chef Maggie Lynch
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The two ultimate snack foods in our family - and 4 children don't lie: these should be a staple in your "handy snacks on to go" larder ...
Irish Institute of Nutrition & Health
Interesting bit on the "new" Food Pyramid. (In case you wonder: I am not a fan. Check out ANH Food Plate instead:
Add Bite to your Summer Salads - Super Seeds
Working from home is a bit like meditation on days like today.
Photos from Grassroots Nutrition's post
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And I'm going home for the weekend ..........
I am South African
This video has left me breathless and speechless. If this guy can get down this hill in one piece on a longboard, you can change your diet for good and reverse bad habits, and eat for health, nourish your body every day .. you can do it. Trust me.
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Almost eerie this morning - quiet seas, not a puff of wind, and a vibrant colour green. Stunning.