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Mummys Tummy Yoga

Unit 10, Level 2 Charlesland Shopping Centre, Greystones, Ireland
Yoga Studio



Mummys Tummy Yoga offers Pregnancy Yoga/Barre, Baby Massage and Mum & Baby Yoga/Barre Classes in Greystones Co Wicklow.  Yoga classes for Pregnancy and Mum & Baby
Antenatal Birthing Workshops for you and your partner
Baby Massage Classes


Just a reminder no Pregnancy Yoga class this eve, back for new course Thurs the 19th Oct Thanks X

Another fresh batch of Mummys Tummy Baby Massage Oil made today. Its always handpoured sometimes with an extra helper!! Its made with Organic Sunflower Oil, Apricot Kernel, Avocado Oil and Vit E. Just put in your order for a few bottles, great in the bath, to mosturise and massage your little ones X

Next Baby Massage 4 week course starts Wed the 4th Oct at 1130am in Greystones. Such a lovely way to learn how to massage your baby, help them sleep more and meet other mums too for lots of tips and support. Check your health insurance, most plans give €100 towards it!! All info on

Some very happy customers in Mum and Baby Classes this week! Next Baby Massage starting Wed the 27th Sep 1130am such a lovely way to meet other mums and learn how to ease your babys digestion, induce longer and sounder sleep for them and pick up loads of tips along the way! All info on

A Letter from Your Newborn for all the Mums to be... Too cute... "Dear mummy and daddy Please keep this letter from me in a place where you can read it and re-read it when things are rough and you are feeling down. • Please don’t expect too much from me as a new born baby, or too much from yourselves as parents. Give us both six weeks as a birthday present, six weeks for me to grow, develop, mature, and become more stable and predictable – six weeks for you to rest and relax and allow your body to get back to normal. • Please feed me when I am hungry, I never knew hunger in your womb and clocks and time mean little to me. • Please hold, cuddle, kiss, touch, stroke, and croon to me. I was always held closely in your womb and have never been alone before. • Please forgive me if I cry a lot. I am not a tyrant who was sent to make your life miserable, the only way I can tell you I am not happy is with my cry, bear with me and in a short time, as I mature, I will spend less time crying and more time socializing. • Please take the time to find out who I am, how I differ from you and how much I can bring to you. Watch me carefully and I’ll tell you things which sooth, console and please me. • Please remember that I am resilient and can withstand the many natural mistakes you’ll make with me. As long as you make them with love, I cannot be harmed. • Please don’t be disappointed when I am not the perfect baby you expected nor be disappointed with yourselves when you are not the perfect parents. • Please take care of yourself; eat a balanced diet, rest, and exercise so that when we are together, you have the patience and energy to take care of me. The cure for a fussy baby is more rest for Mum. • . Please take care of your relationship with each other. What good is family bonding if there is no family left for me to bond with. • . Keep the “big picture” in mind. I’ll be like this for a very short time, though it seems like forever to you now. Although I may have turned your life upside down, please remind yourselves that things will be back to normal before long. Enjoy me – I’ll never be this little again!"

Hi girls for those of you interested in joining Mummys Tummy Forum here is the link Its a discussion and advice group for all parents for great tips on anything from pregnancy, birth, new babies and kids growing up! Please check it out!

Huge congrats to Anja and David on the birth of their baby girl Lena, here is their story.. "Hi Caroline - our little bundle of joy is just about a week old so it's high time I sent you our birth story: On Tuesday evening, after Braxton-Hicks contractions had become a bit more serious during the day, proper contractions started around 5 pm with only a mild pain and not too far apart. They intensified pretty gradually which made it easy enough to adjust. I tried the TENS machine and felt like it helped at first but anything beyond the lowest setting felt uncomfortable so I abandoned it pretty quickly. We got to the hospital around midnight and had to wait for at least half an hour to be admitted. Somehow that was bearable despite contractions being only 3-4 minutes apart. The midwife later told me, she never would've thought I was in active labour cos I was so calm (confident and in control 😊). I got to almost full dilation with only deep slow breathing from Pregnancy Yoga and Bell X1 playing in the background! Then the midwife broke my waters, which kickstarted the second stage with astonishing intensity. Etonox got me through this okay but the crowning was tough. At least it was fast. After just three hours since the first assessment Lena Saoirse was born at 03.59 with 3.33 kg about a week earlier than her due date. And she's already looking forward to a nice baby massage. 😉 All the best to the other mummies to be: I think a positive and confident attitude is what helped me the most so just believe in yourselves and your babies! You can do it! "

Just doing my job in Mum and Baby Yoga today, love these little babas! I hold the babies whenever the mums need some time to themselves to stretch and strenghten at the barre...and i get a cuddle! On every wed 10am Greystones.

Mummys Tummy Yoga client of the month for August is the gorgeous Cara, who has been coming to Pregnancy Yoga and Barre for a few months now. Here is what the classes do for her.. "I loved every minute of pregnancy yoga classes. From pregnancy yoga to pregnancy barre, the classes gave me the time and space to connect with myself and our little baby. I learnt so much from Caroline, who is a wealth of knowledge, and from other Mums. The classes are relaxed, great fun, energetic and a great way to keep fit and strong to prepare for birth and Motherhood. Caroline gives amazing tips for birth and also for new Mums. I teach yoga myself and can honestly say Caroline's classes are the best for pregnancy and she has been such a special part of both my baby's journeys and for me personally both pre and postnatally. I would HIGHLY recommend her classes!" Cara

Huge congrats to Lorna Fusciardi you have won the €50 voucher off any of Mummys Tummy classes in 2017!! Anyone else that is interested in classes just get in touch to book a spot as places booking up fast thanks a mill Caroline

Competition time at Mummys Tummy Yoga!!! *All my pre and post natal classes are back next week!! To be in with a chance to win a €50 voucher off any off the classes below (valid for 2017 classes only) please 1. like and share this post 2. like my page mummys tummy yoga 3 and tag a friend you know would love it. Winner announced on Thursday!! * Wed 30th Aug 10am Mum & Baby Yoga 1130am Baby Massage Thurs 31st Aug 1135am Mum & Baby Barre 630pm Pregnancy Yoga Sat 2nd Sep 1135am Pregnancy Barre Please see both my sites for info on all and

Huge congrats to Gemma from Pregnancy Yoga and Cormac on the birth of their beautiful baby boy Seb, here is their story... Hi Caroline our baby has arrived!! My waters broke the day after the last pregnancy yoga class (July 21st) I spent the weekend in hospital and then labour kicked off on Monday morning July 24th with our beautiful little boy arriving Monday night at 8.45pm all 5lb 5oz of him! The shower was great for the early labour pains, lots of walking and rocking, as the pains got stronger I spent alot of time leaning forward against the bed and on all fours on the floor using the birthing ball. Deep belly breathing from yoga really helped. I used the tens machine to get me through those few hours till I got to the labour ward, where those lovely midwives made it all better and I got an epidural. (Amazing ! Definitely recommend it!) 2 hours later I was ready to push and ittle Seb Nolan arrived into the world to say hi. We weren't exactly ready for his arrival 5 weeks early but right now I wouldn't change a thing. We stayed in the hospital for 4 days because he was premature and needed antibiotics and also jaundiced but they let us go home last Friday and the three of us have been loving getting to know each other. The pregnancy yoga and pregnancy barre was fantastic, really helped keep me fit and strong in the pregnancy and helped prepare mentally for the labour. Thanks again Caroline and best of luck to all the girls xxxx Gemma and baby Seb


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