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facebook.comGROW2CEO Week 2 Challenge: Who’s Your Inspiration? This week, Gort CS students have met up with local business owners, getting tips about the food industry in Gorgeous Gort and the Burren area by meeting up with local food producers, restauranteurs, and food shops. If "Nationwide" or "Rare Breeds" ever needs film makers, some of our Junior students would definitely make the cut! Well done the many hands who helped out this week! Any first years, who have rocket growing at home, please upload a short creative video/slideshow/flipbook to Twitter, Facebook or Instagram using our class Hashtag i.e., #GROW443 and #GROW2CEO. Dont forget to tag @GIYIreland and @CullyandSully too. You can find all this informaton and much more here: Favourite pictures will be reposted every day on @CullyandSully's Instagram stories
Gort Community School 1st, 2nd and 3rd years make a point in this video about Food Sustainability, Food Security and wasted global opportunities with 1.67 Trillion spent on Weapons and War in 2017. All first years have the chance to grow Rocket in the Cully and Sully 2018 "Grow It Yourself" challenge. Please support Gort CS by sharing and liking this video on FB, Twitter or Instagram. Always use the #GROW443 for the team in Gort. Also #cullyandsully, #Grow2CEO Challenge 1: Write a song. Challenge 2: Interview local people about gardening and growing their own food.
Well done to our 1st year camogie team today. They beat St. Brigid s 1-4 to 1-2 in the Connacht A championship
Great weather for planting spuds! Big thank you to Burkes Hardware, Gort for their advice and support.
Junior Cert Home Ec: 50% of a students overall mark in Higher Level Home Ec is decided before the exam in June! The cookery (Food and Cullinary Skills) exam accounts for 35% of HL students grade with 15% being allocated to the Design & Craftwork Options Project. See the images below for some of the work completed including: *Latch-hook Framed Pictures *Cross-stitch Pictures *Knitting and Crochet *Doll making *Embroidery *Applique Wall Hangings. Thanks again to all parents for the support throughout the year. This amazing work was completed towards the end of second year. Finally a word of thanks to those talented folk in Gort Framing Studio! We appreciate your skill and the fair price you give GCS students.
Thank you to Adam Harris - we had a wonderful day welcoming you to Gort Community School yesterday.
Final day of Junior Cert Home Economics Culinary Skills exams. Another day of excellent work by our students. Well done to all. We are very proud of you!
Best of luck to our 2nd year public speaking team who are representing the school this morning in the Connacht Final of the ‘Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force’ public speaking competition.
Day 3 of Home Economics Cookery Exams. What an amazing bunch of budding chefs we have. Thanks again to parents for providing the wonderful wholesome ingredients. Many of these wonderful JC students are also presently writing up their CSPE projects focused on the Sustainable Development Goals. Some facts on Global Hunger to know: 1. 11.3% of the world’s population is hungry. That’s roughly 805 million people who go undernourished on a daily basis, consuming less than the recommended 2,100 calories a day. 2. The world produces enough food to feed all 7 billion people, but those who go hungry either do not have land to grow food or money to purchase it. 3. Poverty is the principal cause of hunger. The causes of poverty include poor people's lack of resources, an extremely unequal income distribution in the world and within specific countries, conflict, and hunger itself. 4. Almost 1 in every 15 children in countries of the Global South dies before the age of 5, most of them from hunger-related causes.
Day 2 of our Junior Cert Home Ec Exams. What a wonderful selection of good food & skills on display! Well done to all involved, thanks to all the parents who made sure ingredients were provided, it is very much appreciated!
Well done to our Junior Cert Home Economics students who produced some fabulous sweet & savoury dishes today as part of their practical exams. We can't wait for more culinary delights as they continue their exams over the coming days!
April is Autism Awareness month and GCS will hold its annual Blue themed bake sale tomorrow, Friday. Any student who wishes to bake something can drop it into the ASD Classroom before 11 am. It is also a non uniform day and students are asked to wear something Blue and contribute €2.