Gourmet Tart CO
091 861667 dinner reservationsBakery and restaurant with 4 outlets in Galway city - restaurant is in Salthill. All open 7 days from 8am..
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facebook.comWelcome to our new patissiers....coffee macaroons are back. Enjoy xx
Salthill pumpkins
For sale....autumn pumpkins and gourds....enjoy
Lovely photo of Gourmet tart, Claddagh .
Croissants deal....buy 5 get 1 FREE
Check out our new biscuits today.....
Blackcurrant and Rosewater meringues.
- I don't shine, if you don't shine -
It's pretty easy to find some dairy free milk in Ireland, that's so cool 👍🏻💖 #vegan #dairyfree #soymilk #coffee #soylatte #ireland #notyourmomnotyourmilk #veganaf #vegansofig #whatvegansdo #plantbased #crueltyfree #latte #galway #whatveganseat #veganism #vegangirl #veganforlife
Greta the great goat #asparagus
Me while ordering and pointing to the pain au chocolat: "uh, sorry. Can't pronounce. Plz give me that thanks." How many times can you eye roll yourself?
Another image of Salthill, this time of Jameson's hotel, opposite The Galleon restaurant. I worked here the summer it opened, I think it was 1992? Today the hotel has been replaced by apartments, AIB Bank and the Gourmet Tart Company.
Delicious dessert spot in Galway! #sweettooth #gourmettartco . . . . . #galwaycity #beyondheratlas #womantraveler #womenwhoexplore #internationalgetaway #theweekendgateway #ireland2015 #ireland🍀 #irishcoast #irelandroadtrip #solotravel #desserttime #pastryfood #chocoholic #chocolatewasted
Ha ha ha ...... I just couldn't resist... #tart #foodlover
Crazy good pasta!!! #lunch #puttingonweight #desperatelyneedtodiet
Fab salad from Gourmet Tart from earlier 😍 It had chicken, goats cheese, edamame beans, beetroot & quinoa ❤️ Followed by a mars ice-cream cuz #balance 💁
Quick, affordable and delicious. Perfect for lunch. Bought in Gourmet Tart.
Delicious rhubarb crumble this morning, recommended by our hostess #gourmettart #yum
Celtic vanilla chai soy latté Tiocfaidh ár lá-tté
Sweet life 🍰
I'm no foodie but damn Gourmet Tart... #gourmettart #galway #salthill #workpride #galwaycity #foodie #food #foodporn #food🍴 #delicious #healthyeating #galway2020 #supportlocal #restaurant #galwayrestaurant #eatlocal #lunchspecial
It seriously is freshly squeezed 👏🥇👌🏻 @gourmettart #justwhatthedoctorordered #kickstartmyday #goodcall #brikkie #salthillgalway #galwayireland #thegalwayhairdresser