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Great Galway Bike Ride

Galway City, Galway, Ireland
Recreation & Fitness



The Great Galway Bike Ride is taking place on the 19th June in Galway Ireland. Be sure to like us to keep up with the latest announcements for the routes e


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Apparently the wind was so strong yesterday out on the course it took one of Mickey Mc Donnaghs ears off Nice new look Mickey

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Photos from Great Galway Bike Ride's post

Happy to be Finished!! A few photos of the finish back in Castlegar Sean Kelly who rode the event seen here in the photos chatting to participants We are very greafull his support and to all who braved the weather and earned a finishers medal Thank you.

Photos from Great Galway Bike Ride's post

Photos from Great Galway Bike Ride's post

Congratulations to Aiofa Sharkey . We think she was the only lady to complete the 120 km Flagmount course on a a really challenging day for cycling with strong winds and lots of heavy rain showers Hats off to you Aiofa

Photos from Great Galway Bike Ride's post

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Great sign up rush today We closed registration at lunch time today Lots of people signed up over the last week so we will have a great turnout Don't Panic if you missed the cut off Email And the crew can sort it by tomorrow evening for you Everyone will get one of these fancy little bracelets after they sign on in Castelgar Before they head out Come early!!

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Great Galway Bike Ride

Great Galway Bike Ride

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Here are the facts for the morning of the Event 120 km Route is off at 8am 100 km Route is off 8.30 am 50 km Route is off off at 9am Venue: Castlegar Gaa Grounds Roscam Galway You have to register online before midday tomorrow On line registration will close tomorrow at 1 pm Friday You must sign on on the morning before you set off so be early Sign on opens at 6.30 am Non C.I members will have to pay 5 euro for Insurance The routes are well marked out so if you want to head out early .... feel free!

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Photos from Great Galway Bike Ride's post

Count down to Sunday Hows that check list going? Here's what we suggest 1. Puncture kit+ 2 spare tubes 2 .Food (some not too much) 3 Cash... 5 euro for non Cycling Ireland members +emergency euros 4.A bike of Some type 5.Helmet -Mandatory ! Riding nude is fine but no helmet is not. 6.A positive attitude :) 7 Sun screen on line Registration closes Friday

Photos from Great Galway Bike Ride's post

Photos from Great Galway Bike Ride's post

Busy day today out on the routes putting up the way markers for next Sundays event Fabulous quiet roads.! Sample of the signs here and also A photo of Nigel in the grounds of Castletalyor near Ardrahan where we will have our first water/food stop With all these great signs's idiot proof right?

Photos from Great Galway Bike Ride's post

Photos from Great Galway Bike Ride's post

Its official folks .....the Legend has signed up for the Bike Ride John" The Darby"Mongan will be on the start line on the morning He will be travelling up for the event from Tuam with his entourage of faithful followers . A little know fact about John is that he holds the record for the longest time transition of any Ironman ever held in the British Isles Legend! Register on

Photos from Great Galway Bike Ride's post

Photos from Great Galway Bike Ride's post

All routes for the Great Galway Bike Ride will be clearly marked withe these signs . All routes will be clearly marked at all junctions troughout the course every few kilometers . You can check out the routes and register for Free on the website

Photos from Great Galway Bike Ride's post

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Dont be left out and crying on the day .... You have to register to participate Oh yeah....its FREE too

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